Subliminal Aftermath
Dreams Collide
Subliminal Aftermath
Dreams Collide
Subliminal Aftermath
W E L C O M E to my lovely little quest thread. <3

I'm always questing random dressy dream avatars, it keeps me busy and I L O V E talking to new people.

I hope loads of new people will come in here and talk to me. =]

A B O U T me. <3
Gaiaversary is July 25th.
I have been on Gaia since fall of 04' with a different account.
I am active in many guilds, not so much in forums.
I can be a bit on the shy side of things.
My birthday is October 7th.
I work at Walmart.

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^ Link to my quest in Gaia forums.

may i see your art? if i donate to you you will give art as in title correct?

Working on your art now, I will hopefully have it sent to you tonight or sometime tomorrow, I have been having some computer issues.

i cant wait to see it. how are you?

Pretty good, I had to redo art on MS Pain, my scanner is totally dead now. D: But here is your art. Sorry about the wait. D:
User Image

its fine. im sorry to hear about ur scaner.
and awww. its cute. thsnkies