You are not good enough.

You will never be good enough.

You are weak, you are pathetic, you are useless.

And she will never want you.

There were days he thought the voices in his head would never stop - and they never did, for that matter, but some days they were merely quieter than the others, and some days it felt as though they were screaming, shouting, deafening him with their murmurings.

And this was one of those days.

Mengyao wandered aimlessly through the Haunted House, almost as though going into it had been part of his plan all along. And perhaps it had; perhaps he wanted to be here, to fight, even to lose, because even losing meant that he felt something.

Made him remember that he was still alive, even if he could not know it himself.

ALL DAMAGE HAS NO MODIFIER (ie: you don't need to subtract -6 ). You feel something brush against you, unsettling as it literally envelops you in a blanket of cold. You feel stronger but more distant, as if the battle around you is happening to someone else...
