Letting Go

"You will never amount to anything."

"You are a disgrace."

"We've raised you better than this."

The voices continued to torment her, reminding her of things she had tried to leave behind. Even when she tried to move forward, she was never free from who she really was. The only thing she regretted was hearing her uncle's pained voice when he tried to call her back, tried to make her reconsider, but by then, she had already made up her mind. A contract was a powerful thing that depended on mutual trust and understanding. Breaking one was considered forbidden, and the act of doing so brought many repercussions. The only time you were allowed to form another contract was if anything had happened either to the contractor or the familiar, and considering the expression on her parents' face, as well as their attitude towards Psy, it wasn't hard to tell what would have happened next.

In the end, running away was the only choice, not only for her familiar, but for herself also. Her parents would probably make her contract with some dumb dragon or something, wanting it to be something strong and powerful, or at least deadly, considering the stupid name they had "blessed" her with.

Miasma. It was another name for noxious fumes, gas, stink, whatever the jack they wanted to call it. It may have sounded pretty on the surface, but she hated the meaning of it. What was the purpose of it? So they weren't blessed with a strong and powerful boil, but to them, it didn't mean she couldn't follow in their footsteps. Even SHE had to admit her mother was strong, powerful, and, well, pretty, but the way she carried herself about, boasting about how strength and confidence meant everything, going so far as embracing her "natural heritage" by wearing those horrendous jackforbidden ceremonial garments that were really nothing more than animal skin, and barely covered any part of her body. She even went so far as to smear mud and other unsightly substances on her face, and even tried to force her to do the same.

But, well... that was all in the past. No longer would they force their ideals on her, no longer would they-


The voice brought her out of her thoughts, and she turned her head to look at her familiar.
"Psy. What is it?"
"Well... you've been staring at the ceiling for so long, I was wondering if maybe something was wrong."
"Everything's fine."
"Are you sure?"

Mia sighed, and rolled onto her side.
"It's nothing. I was just thinking."
"About what?"
"About... our time together."

Her familiar stayed silent, deciding to stop fluttering as she landed on the bed.
"Do you... regret it?"
"Regret what?"
"... Running away."

This time, it was Mia's turn to fall silent, only staring at the ceiling as Psy continued to watch her.

"I-I'm sorry I've caused you all that tension with your parents. Maybe it would have been best if you didn't-"
"They would have killed you."
"... if you didn't contract with me."

Her antennaes drooped, and if one were to study her face closely, they might have noticed a several tears slip from her eyes, dotting the pillow with tiny teardrops.

"Why? Do you regret it?"
"I... no! I've cherished every moment we've had together! To be honest, I didn't think anyone would ever contract with me. I mean... I'm small, powerless, don't have any special powers, and I..."
"You're perfect."

Mia let out another sigh, and sat up.
"I never wanted any of that. Sure, it might have been custom for them to find some big strong beast as a display of their own power, but I never liked that. To me... having a familiar is like... having a friend for life. I know it sounds kinda cheesy and all, but when I was small, I was always... different. Most bonded with eagles, panthers, dogs, or whatever seemed closest to what Shamans would summon since I guess we do branch off from them, but I was tired of it. Even so, no one else thought this way, and just considered me abnormal; an outcast. Oddly, it hadn't bothered my parents at first. They said I was destined for greater things, and that they didn't want me to be like the rest, and in a way... it made me happy. It was only when I contracted with you that I realized how wrong I was, and that they only wanted to use me for their own selfish purposes."

Psy remained silent

"So to answer your question... no. I don't regret it one bit."
She got up, and walked over to her dressing table.
"But I'm tired of living in the past."
She picked up a pair of scissors.



"M-Mia, what are you doing!"


She watched as the last strand of hair fell, and fluffed out the rest of it, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
"I'm taking my life into my own hands now. I'm done dawdling. Now... I start living life for myself. They want to see me fight? Then fine."

"... I'll fight."