Hello. As some of you may know, I've been very passionate about the subject of bullying, self-harm, and suicide, and preventing these things from happening. With the help of one of my online friends, we've created an online support forum, so that everyone can have a place to come, and not be judged based on what they look like, or what their religion is, or what their sexual orientation is.

This is my way of reaching out to help people.

Here is the link.

There is a link to the forum. None of you have to join, but it would be great if you could get out the word about this forum as much as you can. I'm posting a link to it, personally, on my deviantart account, and the person who's running the site with me is sharing it on her tumblr.

Please, get the word out about this, check out the site, do whatever you can to help.

I really want this to get off the ground, and to help people. smile

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

- Skylar heart