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So this morning around ten I went to my class. I had checked the time and I kind of late. But anyways with my phone I just lifted the top and closed it because that is my perfered way to see the time because it will display on the top of the phone without you having to fully open and look at the very top.

Anyways so then after class was over I was trying to text my friend but it never went through, but I could hardly see the screen because I was outside. So when I got in my car, I flipped my phone open and it said that it was looking for service which confused me because it hardly ever has that problem. It only does that when I was at work. It would be digital roaming and so I wouldn't be able to call anyone.

But anyways I dismissed and went home but it was still looking for service and at that point i was kind of freaking out because my service is actually cut off until next week but I normally am able to still text just not call people.

But it was so weird because I couldn't even turn off my phone! I was pressing and holding down the end button and it just would not turn off. I could still go to the menu screen but it just was not go back to the original desktop screen saver or main page or whatever you call it.

The time was off and so was the year, it went back to 2009. So when I had the phone opened, an alarm popped up. I normally use my phone as an alarm clock and I guess from this morning it was still set to nine and since was the time was off and it thought it was nine in the morning, I just went off and then it told me to reset the date and time and when i did that, it said I had a low battery, told me to recharge and then it cut off.

So now it is recharged and totally fine now. I'm able to texts but phone calls will ahve to wiat until next Thursday,

But yeah technology is freaking weird!