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Like oka so if anyone even bothers to looked at this sub forum's chatterbox page, you would clearly see most of my topics are on the front page because I like to post a lot and rant alot about whatever. I mean it says we can spam all we want.

I would post in my little guild journal in the journal subforum but I wouldn't get any comments so apparently I realized that i have run into a little delima here.

Because seeing as when I post here ranting and bitching and such people wanna take it seriously and act like i magically put OMG I NEED ADVICE ASAP!!! When all I am doing is bitching.

Now a normal person would just be like "oh that happens to me too, my parents are like too blah blah" You know comment not with advice but rather just simply sharing their experience if they have any or just be like oh well that never happened to me blah blah blah whatever.

But apparently if I don't want people to comment a certain way or get a certain idea then i should rant else where because apparently it is my fault if someone takes my rants as a plea for help when it's clearly not.

I don't expect my parents to pick up on me not being interested in religion so I guess I shouldn't expect people to know when a rant is simply just that. So i guess maybe at the end of my rants or before them i should state is in big reg letters that the topic is simply a rant and not to comment with advice because apparently i have to spoon feed people.

If I don't want people to comment or even look at what I am saying then that is what my sub forum journal is for since I apparently never get comments on it but if I post here I apparently run the risk of some tight, stiff people taking it seriously and jumping on the advice bandwagon and then jumping on the oh well it's your faulty because you posted it and it comes off as this way blah blah.

You know what yeah there is other places I could rant- if I don't want no one to see it. But what you know what else? If I actually do need advice on something, I can go to the LIFE ISSUES subforum!

Shoot! Wanna sit there and say and act like I am bitching over something so small when you just jumped on the advice bandwagon acting like it was such a big deal!

I don't know if this is gonna get deleted or not, but i don't care. I am ******** pissed! And I am posting this here because it is spam and because I do want people to see it and so because for future reference WHEN I chose to do my ranting here again, people will know that I am not looking for some dumb advice on whatever little thing I rant about.

and I will rant about anything big or small and if you don't like it you can ******** pass the topic like you did with the Gaia Wise, and high demand topic.

You know what I am just gonna assume that people just like reading and commenting on rants rather than light heated topics. I mean it makes sense seeing as those two topics that weren't ranting got no replied but the one topic where I did rant got a hell of a lot of replies. People apparently are looking to help people in the wrong ******** sub forum! I'm sorry the Life Issues sub forum is too slow for your liking but that doesn't mean you can just come to my rant topics in the CB and act like I am asking for help!

If you knew how to read you would see it is just a simple rant that YOU made a big deal out of!