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Okay so! I woke up before my alarm and watched the Rugrats and got ready for work. My dad then came in my room and asked for my keys because he wanted to check the oil and then he pointed out about me not having any gas and I told him i was going to get some before going to work. But he ended up driving behind me to the store and put twenty one bucks in my car. all the while he and mom were talking about me finding a new job saying they didn't want to beat the dead horse and yet they still kept bringing it up. Doesn't matter though because I already quit my job! Not that they know obviously.

So anyways I had twenty bucks on me and I originally planned to have just five bucks because I was going to put ten bucks in my car and get Bojangles for breakfast but hey! Dad did the gas part so the full twenty bucks was mine.

So I went to Target because after eating bacon I thought I was no hungry. Browsed around there for a bit until my tummy started to growl so I went to Bojangles and then to Kmart and oh my goodness!!!! They have the nicest clothes! Even though they are kind of high on the price side.

I can't wait until i get my FASA money next week!

So then while I was looking around Kmart, i saw this hollow graphic braking dawn cup, it had Edward on it and I thought there was a Jacob cup too but there wasn't. Either one was never made so team Jacob is more popular than team Edward!

I was kind of upset because if anything I really did want a Jacob cup! I couldn't focus much so I left and went to Hallmark because they looked to be like party cups seeing as there was braking dawn napkins and such and the napkins had the Hallmark sign on it. So I decided to go there and to Party City.

How ironic that Party City did not have anything! Twilight related in their store and neither did Hallmark!

But before I went into Hallmark they had a sign on their door hiring for part time. I didn't catch all of the requirements as far as...... personality goes. The only word that has stuck into my head after reading it was mature. They were looking for a mature person who could work morning, night and weekend shifts!

The only problem for me is that I am not allowed to drive at night plus I am not comfortable doing it anyways but my parents urge me to break the law. Anything for me to get a damn job! stare

so anyways I went in to look around for the cup and did not find it so i finally went up to the desk and asked to apply for the part time job. they lady got an application and then looked back at me asking how old I was because she thought I was in high school and was shocked when I told her I was twenty. I was shocked myself because only my sister gets that kind of compliment.

She told me that the manager was not there on weekends and that it was be hard to get them as they would be in and out next week. They are going to be very busy next week but I plan on turning in the application on Monday morning. I mean managers almost always come in in the mornings! I'm kind of worried they will call before I get my phone turned back on. I plan on also putting down the house phone but my mom and dad don't know yet that my service is off at the moment.

So that is when I decided to actually see who else has signs up. I went to B.J and this lady gave me a site to go to for their applications and wished me luck. I'm gonna try Target again because DAMMIT! I am gonna work for them one day!

And um......oh! I went to the Family Dollar and got some Hot Fries and lemonade mix and then I went to the check out line. There was this cute cashier guy who looked to be my age. The poor thing was the only one working! I gave him exact change and he was short on dollar bills and the manager was in the back and everything just got so confused.

So I'm gonna try to put in an application there. They so look like they need the help so maybe someone called in sick today or something, I don't know but that guy looked like he needed help. They have two registers for a reason ya know!

And so now I am home! With eight bucks to spare.