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So I should have known that every great thing comes with a catch! And for me it was a thirty dollar catch. So anyways um I had told my mom what I made and she was trying to see how much she made but she never fully finished the setup. So she had to call the customer service and found out she was getting back over five hundred bucks! Thank goodness! So I don't owe her s**t! Just my dad.

Well mom suddenly thought and talked about how she did not want them to be feeing the crap out of her with that card and went to move her money over to her regular account. She found out that there was a fee of a certain percentage that they take out so you never fully get our money moved to your regular account.

For me there was a twenty four dollar fee to have mine moved and only twenty for her. PLUS!!! This apparently monthly fee. So I guess it does not matter if we use the card or not, as long as it is open and active they will fee you five bucks until you close the card.

So i went down to the bank and they said they could only put like....well all but thirty bucks since because of the percent charge and the monthly fee. So I was able to get 656 on my card and then I went home and paid for my phone bill so now my phone is back on. Have to wait until tomorrow to get the MCs obviously since they haven't debuted yet.

I still want to do a little bit of Amazon shopping! I mean twenty bucks worth of items won't hurt right? >_<