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Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:29 pm
"Cira, prepare for emergency Starburst!" Pilot announced, fearing for his captain. Trav was tough, but hard vacuum was invariably cruel. "Try to create some distance between us and that strikecraft. I do not wish to carry them with us. However, I am logging the transport pod's last location so we can return for the Captain."

The bounty hunters returned with renewed fervor, and an additional bomber wing of three craft.
"Why are we doing this? Nobody told us the Leviathan would be armed!" hissed one pilot.
"For one, there's a hefty bounty on any non-PK Leviathans, dead or alive. This one is of particular interest, however. The price has increased tenfold if we can disarm it before the privateer ship arrives."
"Roger." ((or whatever aliens say. XD)) Shots sliced through the dust in the orbit of the trade world, and blasted one of Rraznik's three teleforce weapons off of his surface. The ship and his Pilot screeched together in pain as his skin was ripped open and cauterized instantly.

"We've arrived!" called Lovac. "Colonel! Prepare the first Prowler strike team. I want you to lead them. I will follow you with the second team in a moment."

Trav reached out and linked arms with the girl as tightly and securely as he could without hurting her. He then opened the cargo hatch after evacuating what was left of the pod's atmosphere, and leaped out into the void. He tossed the rifle away, and pointed to it, slapping the girl's facemask to get her attention. The rifle became unstable in the hot exhaust he had tossed it into, and erupted in a fiery plume.
That'll get that Firefly's attention. I hope.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:54 pm
"Alright." Cira said then clasped her ears as the leviathan screeched then she said out loud, "Those bounty hunters are starting to tick me off." With renewed vigor she stared firing calibrating how to fire with the ship moving all around and managed to hit two fighters critically.

"Yes sir!" X'lor said with a salute then walk out of the bridge motioning the strike team to follow him saying, "We are attacking first now our objective is to subdue that leviathan. Shoot out the cockpit if you get a shot before it starbursts out of here." Then all the pilots said, "Yes sir!" X'lor then got in his attack ship and blasted off with the rest behind him in the lower class ships then he zipped past the Firefly ship and thought, 'What is a Firefly doing here.' But he shrugged it off for now since he saw the leviathan right there and he was not going to lose his prize.

Cira then spotted the peacekeeper ship come out of warp and a squad of attack ship headed for the cockpit. Knowing tht they were going to blast it she then turned the gun and fired off a few blasts still wishing she could lock on but could not with the ship still in panic mode.

X'lor was about to fire at the cockpit when a laser blast hit his right wing and sent his ship spiraling. He tried to get it under control while he ordered the other ships to blast the cockpit away. The other pilots followed the order but two pilots already shot down from the few blasts from Cira then one of the pilots got a clear shot at the cockpit and was about to fire.  


Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:43 pm
((Frigate's don't have "cockpits," the same way small craft do. They have big command bridges. mrgreen ))
Rraznik was beyond comfort as the transport pod went down and burned up in the atmosphere of the traders' world. He gave a subsonic cry of loss and anger, and turned his main gun on the privateer frigate as it began to reposition itself. He left the smaller guns to Cira.

In minutes' time Lovac had joined the other pilots in the firefight. His Prowler carried no solid weaponry, but he was skilled in training pulse cannons on moving targets. The Leviathan's size only helped him.
"Strike at the tail! The tail! Check the energy readings, it's about to Starburst. Leave the bridge; the Peacekeepers want this damned thing alive and still operational, Pilot and all," he warned the other pilots. "Don't keep to formation! Keep that gunner guessing."  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:03 pm
Cira saw more ships come out and now breaking formation heading for the tail. She then fired at many of the other ships bringing them down but one was fast and she could not get a hit on it.

X'lor managed to get his craft under control then zoomed towards the tail avoiding the gunners shots then fire the big plasma cannons at it.

James was already out of the planet's orbit about to warp out of their when he spotted the battle occurring. The R2 bot told him that peacekeepers were fighting against renegades along with some bounty hunters and a Firefly transport ship in the fray. James grinned as this seemed like a opportunity to b a torn in the peacekeepers again so he told R2 to plug up to the guns and be ready to join the fight. He then maneuvered The Outrider into battle and the R2 bot started firing lasers and missiles at various peacekeeper craft then one missile was headed for the Prowler. James then got on the public comm systems saying, "Hey am I too late to join the party?" He then saw that the renegade was a leviathan and thought, 'Hummm, bet the peacekeepers want to take this in.'  


Chibi Kitsune Warrior
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:30 pm
When Trav opened the cargo hatch, Esra took a deep breath without thinking and held it, squeezing her eyes shut as they leaped out into space. Oooh, I don't wanna die! she despaired.

Meanwhile on Hayate, Nate started as the fiery explosion flared across the radar. "s**t, what was that!?" Hyl exclaimed, squinting out the window for a better look.
"The cargo hold of the pod just... Exploded... For no reason," Nate responded. "I'm scanning for life signs now. If anyone survived, they may be in trouble."
A few moments later, two faint dots appeared on the screen.
"There they are! Two life signs just beyond the explosion!" he informed. Hyl leaped from her chair and ran full speed to the air lock, stopping just long enough to grab a suit. In a few moments, she was suited up, and pressing buttons on the airlock key pad. "Nate, can you hear me?" she tested the coms.
"Load and clear, Hyl."
"Maneuver as close as possible to those life signs! I'm going out!"
"Already heading that way. And you be careful out there!"
Hyl grabbed a safety rope and clipped it to the harness on her suit before pushing herself up the ladder to the EVA hatch. She threw the door open, clipped herself to the safety rail outside, and hung on until Nate brought the ship closer to the pod. She could see the two figures floating around, and she was shocked to find one of them without a suit of any kind. How...? she started to wonder, but she cut the thought short. There'd be plenty of time later to think about that.
"Nate, you need to bring the port side over just a little bit more... That's it... Slowly, slowly... Okay, that's good, stop!" she directed, signalling to the two refugees in a effort to make them understand what she was trying to do.
Once they drew close enough, she pushed hard off the side of the ship. Letting her rope hang loose behind her, she reached for the two figures before her.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:54 pm
Trav felt painful icy needles creep across every inch of his skin as the warmth was drained from him. His body struggled to maintain pressure and hold itself together against the vacuum tearing at him. He placed the heels of his palms against his eyes and pressed hard, ignoring the searing pain, and hoping that the girl was still clinging to him.
He also hoped that the Firefly transport's pilot had seen his crude signal. His flesh was far too numb to feel gloved hands close about him and drag him into the ship. He slipped into unconsciousness the very moment he was secure in the arms of his rescuer. He awoke abruptly, staring at the ceiling of the Firefly's cargo hold, frost irritating his eyes, nose, and mouth. A Korugarian, a Flevian, and a Luxan stood over him. Three droids could be seen hiding in the elaborate backdrop that was the hold. He could not immediately see the girl.
"Anyone here speak Basic? Or at least use translator microbes?"  

Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

Chibi Kitsune Warrior
Vice Captain

Precious Treasure

12,300 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:11 pm
Hyl knelt beside the man, a large blanket and hot water bottle in hand. She tucked the bottle inside the blanket and was laying the blanket gently across his prostrate form when he started awake. She placed her hands reassuringly on his shoulder, preventing him from rising. Esra sat a few feet away, still in the suit though the helmet was now laying on the floor.
"It's all right! You're safe, you both are," she soothed. "Don't move. You need to let your body warm up before you start moving again."
She began to examine him, searching for frostbite.
"My name is Hyl, captain of this fine ship. What's your name and where do you come from?" she asked, trying to keep him awake and calm.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:11 pm
Lovac growled and outmaneuvered the missile with some difficulty, before whirling on his attacker. A slow, bulky ship which could not outmaneuver a Prowler fighter.

A few bolts of energy slammed into Rraznik's tail, but did not disrupt his Starburst. In a flash of light the Leviathan vanished, leaving the battle, and his captain behind. Pilot gave a warning to the gunner.
"Do not move about the ship, Cira! We will be out of slipspace in a few more microts."

Trav felt pins and needles as the feeling returned to his skin.
"Good, you know Basic. Would you happen to carry any translator microbes for my friend, here? She thinks I'm crazy, probably."
He sat up after a few long moments.
"Forgive me for imposing on you like this. I owe you my life. I'm Captain Trav Nightrise of the former Independent Worlds Union. This is a Firefly class transport, correct?" He indicated the scratched and bent insignia in his torn and frostbitten coat.  

Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

Chibi Kitsune Warrior
Vice Captain

Precious Treasure

12,300 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:02 am
Hyl glanced over her shoulder then shook her head. "We don't usually keep microbes on the ship. Haven't had much need for them until now," she explained, rocking back onto her heels. "And don't worry, you're not imposing at all," she waved her had dismissively as she spoke. "We just happened to see what was going on and thought you might've needed some help. I recognized the ship attacking you as one of the dirty local bounty hunters. They're known for attacking passing ships just for the opportunity to raid them, regardless of whether or not they're just innocent travelers."
Her expression had gradually hardened as she spoke of the hunters, but became soft once more as she pushed herself to her feet.
"Well, Captain Nightrise, make yourself at home. Just don't into any trouble or you'll find yourself back out there," she warned chuckling lightly. She didn't foresee any trouble coming from these two, but she knew it was better to be safe than sorry. "If you'll follow my friend Kenat here, he'll take you to the medical area," she said, gesturing toward the Luxan. She then turned to Kenat. "Treat him for any injuries you can find, and give him some clothes that are less... Icy," she requested.
"I'll take care of your friend here and have Kenat bring you to the bridge to discuss our next move," she addressed Trav with a reassuring smile.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:37 am
Cira stayed in her seat as they were in warp space wishing they did not have to leave the captain behind, but hopefully that friendly Firefly ship or the other ship picked him up.

X'lor let out a grumble of frustration as the leviathan starbursted away so he turned hi angered attention onto the Firefly ship as he fired his normal laser cannons in the back where the engine was, hoping to hit it.

James maneuvered the ship as best as he could but could not avoid getting a few hits from the pursing craft then he said, "R2 he is on our tail get rid of him and I will see if the nav computer got the coordinates where that leviathan went off too. R2 acknowledged as he fired the laser cannons at the Prowler ship.  


Silas Parrish

Dapper Genius

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:57 pm
"I'm sorry to impose like this," Trav said to the taciturn Luxan. "But when Leviathans Starburst so quickly, it corrupts all data that might be used to track its location. It will be some time before Rraznik finds his way back to me."
"Oh, you Captain a Leviathan? Never been aboard one, myself." The old commander was gruffer than usual, and eager to get out of the conversation, as was usually the case. Trav picked up on it, and dismissed himself, as a kindness to Kenat.
((Hun, don't forget to post for your alien pickpocket girl! =3 ))
Lovac dodged the cannon fire. Under normal circumstances, he would destroy such an insolent enemy, but there was no quarry for him to collect bounty on, and his commission depended on that. With a hateful snarl he recalled his Prowler squadron, and instructed X'lor to do the same with the TIE squadron.
"Return to the Visitation! That damned Leviathan's sent us back to square one with that Starburst."  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:29 pm
((Err, Troy, my characters already flew off. xD;
So, no, I don't think your guy did shoot at them, lulz.

And, (@Tyler) I was waiting to write for her. She's not doing anything, but sitting there confused anyway, which I already talked about in Hyl's POV.))

Esra crawled backward a few inches as Hyl approached her. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest. Ooh, what have I gotten myself into? she thought bitterly. I've gotten myself in trouble yet again because of my stupid ideas.
She was still confused about these recent events. Why had that man saved her? He didn't owe her anything. She had even tried to steal from him before. And now this woman seemed to be offering help to them both, though she had no obligation to do such a thing. What have I gotten myself into?

Hyl approached the girl, holding her hands up in an effort to show that she meant no harm, and spoke soothingly as she knelt down beside her. Even if the girl couldn't understand her, Hyl hoped she would recognize the tone. Hyl held her hand out to the girl and waited patiently. The green skinned girl studied her intently, her eyes looking similar to that of a trapped animal. Hyl continued to speak softly to her, and the girl at last took her hand. Hyl led her to the stairs where she helped her out of her suit and checked her for injuries. As soon as she finished, she led her to the bridge, and waited for Kenat and Trav to arrive.  

Chibi Kitsune Warrior
Vice Captain

Precious Treasure

12,300 Points
  • Love Machine 150
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  • Protector of Cuteness 150


PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:23 pm
X'lor recalled his squadron as well heading back to The Visitation grumbling some more that they lost the leviathan and Firefly ship and now letting the Outrider ship go as well.

R2 reported that the Peacekeepers were backing off then James ordered him back to the cockpit to join as co pilot. When the R2 came in and resumed being co pilot James then used the nav computer trying to plot where that leviathan would have starburst to.  

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