Kumiko Fujiwa
Kitalpha Hart
Kumiko Fujiwa
Kitalpha Hart
Kumiko Fujiwa
Serah of Silence
Just be glad that you do not know her outside Gaia. When she gets like this, it is worse, and very strange. She actually managed to convince someone that they were carrying an apple pie when they were holding a Pop-Tart while while in such a mood.

This........... This just......... It made my day xD
it was a ton of fun, too owo

Omg xD I love you heres a pie yum_strawberrypie
ew pie :/
Serah, have some pie!~ *pies*
did that with a pie she screwed up yesterday X'D
expectations about being eighteen from society be damned emotion_donotwant

Thats called, "LIFE BE TROLLIN!"