Not long after the first few matches can play, the lights go out, and the Titantron buzzes to life. On screen, we can see an image of Jimmy Monera, clad in a pair of jeans and a Billy Graham T-shirt, standing alone in the locker room.

"I'm sure at least most of you out there are familiar with the Ten Commandments. Maybe you can't recite them all off of the top of your head, maybe you're only familiar with the concept, maybe you've never seen the Charlton Heston movie... Which is one of my personal favorites, by the way... But you know what they are. And if you don't, I'm not going to bore everyone by describing them.

"A lot of those commandments get broken here in the WWF, the most common one being Number Ten, which I give a free pass to, because this business is ABOUT coveting championship gold. And Number Three, which has been mostly lost with time. But at our last non-pay-per-view show, my former tag team partner Lester Cryden broke a commandment that's much harder to forgive, by bearing false witness against me. He came out to that ring, and told a series of vicious, offensive lies about not only me, but my beloved wife. His words were poisonous, and while I have no idea what could have led such a promising young protege of mine down such a dark path, those words shall not be forgiven.

"Having said that, I really should be thanking him. He may have poisoned your image of me, but by asking for this match, he's given me the opportunity to throw him out of this business, and back into the figurative gutter that I found him in. Because if he were to beat me tonight, what kind of message would that send to your children? That it's okay to be disloyal, and to tell hurtful lies about the people who care about you without any consequences? Hell, what kind of lies would your children tell about you if one of their role models showed them it was okay?

"So tonight, I want you all to stay on the side that's good, pure, and wholesome. Stay on my side, and show your support for me... And for the lord, Jesus Christ... As I disown and condemn this sinner, not only for my sake, but for your sake, for your childrens' sake, and for the sake of this company. Thank you all, and God Bless."

He places his hands together in prayer, smiling, as the screen fades to black, and the lights come back on.