Boxer Anarchy and Andrew Kelly sat in a meeting room discussing how to handle their sudden lack of teammates. The leader of Chaos Unleashed reminded Andrew of the groups two newest additions who had yet to show up. Noticing the cameramen in the room the already stressed leader of Chaos Unleashed blew a gasket and flipped over the table he and Andrew were sitting at. "Get that ******** camera out of here! Who told you that you could film us!"

Boxer put on his brass knuckles as the cameramen tried to retreat. Andrew pinned the frightened man to the wall, causing him to drop his camera on the floor. As the cracked lens flickered Andrew could be seen holding the camera man while Boxer dealt hard shots to the mans ribcage and stomach.

"I think we are done here. Drop him." Boxer gave Andrew the go ahead to toss the semi conscious man onto the mess of papers on the floor with the flipped table. "Well well, a free video camera. Come on Andrew you won't want to miss this."