Ouya, the platform that arguable kickstarted Kickstarter, is scheduled to be released to its supporters in a few weeks time. But we all know that a console without games is at best a technological paperweight. That’s why the company has officially opened its gates for any aspiring game maker to try their hands at fame and fortune on its open-source system.

In a recent post on the systems official blog, the person behind all of the developer relations for the console, Kellee Santiago indicated that any and all games that are uploaded onto the developer portal will be available on all of the consoles when they are shipped out from March 28th onwards. She went on to say that;

This means the games you have in the store after today will be in gamers’ hands when they receive their Ouya units – starting first with our Kickstarter backers, and continuing on through June when we launch to anyone and everyone who wants to get Ouya

However, just because of the open-source format, doesn’t mean developers will be able to run amok as the co-founder of thatgamecompany continued in her post to clearly state that all submissions would be reviewed for any unsavoury content. This includes hate speech of any kind, real world violence, copyright infringement and malware. Checking all of those potential risks is a time-consuming activity however as the Content and Review Guidelines showed. In the previous week, it took the team three days to give the once over to what they called an “average Game”.

After a game is uploaded, any and all subsequent updates or add-ons will be provided for the developer at no extra charge. However, Ouya specifies that any additional content beyond the first release must be announced and released via the developer’s own servers. It’s not all rules and regulations though, as the people at Ouya want to inspire creativity with its open-sourced catalyst console by offering a promotional incentive.

The top three games, as decided by the total amount of playing time a game has had over a duration of six weeks, will be featured in an official Ouya documentary. These documentaries will not only showcase the hard work, time and dedication that goes into creating a game but will also be used as a part of Ouya’s official marketing campaign when the console goes into a full public launch with the advert promoting both the game and the console in equal measure. A masterful idea to be sure.


I used to be excited for this thing, but now the more I think about it the more dull its sounding. Still, I'm Interested to see what happens with this thing.