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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:58 pm
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Blah Blah Blah

One can easily remember the bedtime story. Of naïve Little Red who was only going to visit her grandmother with the hopes of giving the old women something lovely to eat. Of course we cant forget the Big Bag Wolf now can we. The wild canine that prowls the shadows of the forest waiting for Little Red to come along so he may have a feast. Even going as far as to capture the defenseless old women and wear her clothing to trick the girl. Its lucky that a near by male was able to burst in and rescue the girl before it was to late. Happy ending right?

Well, not in this interesting spin off.
Little Red in this story takes the role of the Village chief's son. The elected leader who has so far been the only man to stand up to the beast that lerks just outside of the village streets. Times are however getting hard and the men are being forced to go further out to hunt for game. Leaving the protected areas in hopes of finding food to feed their women and children back at home. It is on Little Red's 13th birthday that he is taken out of the safety of his home and into the very place he fears most. The grey clouded forests..
Every since he was little he has had an immense fear of this place. Avoiding anything that involves him going near it in fear that he will be snatched up by the Wolf creature that lives there so to speak. This dislike of the surrounding area has caused the boy to retreat, taking up women's instead of working the fields or hunting to keep himself safe. Feeding the live stock and cooking in the kitchen to feed the town. These actions of course displease his father, the lead hunter of the village because what sort of man wishes for their son to prefer peeling potatoes instead of chopping down lumber? None that is..
The disagreement about Little Reds lifestyle often leads them to drift away from eachother. Something that outside friends and neighbors shake their heads at. Because shouldn't a Father and Son enjoy their company? Take extra care of each other in the absence of the mother? Well that's how it should be...

And this bond would be tested as well. For one evening the screams of horrified villagers awakens the human. The boy jolting out of his bed and not even bothering to throw on shoes as he rushed to inspect. The Wolf was raiding. Dragging a wounded sheep into the clutches of the withered trees no doubt in hopes of having something warm and filling to eat. It was unfortunate for the monster that the hunter was ready for this. Having set a clever trap of hidden nets out amongst the tall grass to trip and entangle the creature within his intercut knots. To every ones surprise it works! The desperate Wolf getting tangle in his haste to take his meal away and devour it becomes the prisoner to the very man whose mate he had killed off years back. A fact that Little Red is naïve to, having been told his mother died in child birth. Instead of taking a knife to the beasts neck the hunter holds back. Deciding to let the Wolf suffer under the torment of the victimized towns people by encaging it and leaving the creature to their mercy right in the center of town. So pleased were the people that they celebrated. Throwing a victorious party that lasted for not only an entire day but going late into the night. Little Red wasn't quite understanding of the joy that his fellow humans felt. Being a lover of all animals he felt that despite the fear of the forest being reduced to a caged pup, he was not happy. The monster being ridiculed by day and starved by night for what he thought was weeks on end. Finally working up the courage Little Red approached the dog eared boy one night. Offering nothing but a few bits of his left over dinner to the other before running away. However these meetings continued, Little Red growing comfortable around the smooth talking Wolf. To naïve to the ways of his true intentions until it was to late.

Finally falling prey to the wolf boy's plea he lied to his village. Lied to his father, his neighbors, his "siblings", even the very women who had stepped in as his second mother in hopes of releasing the Wolf who had promised to flea the land for good. A mistake that would change his life forever for not minutes after picking open the heavy iron lock on the beasts cage did the Clawed Boy jump upon Little Red and ensnare him in those sharp fingernails. Dragging the boy off into the night while the panicked human attempt to cry for help. The worst part was when they had fallen into the camouflage of the shadows, being unseen as mere feet away his objects of salvation oblivious. From here he has no idea what the wolf boy's plan is, only that he has to stay alive long enough to attempt an escape or hopefully have his father find him.
But as the days go one...will he really want to option of being saved?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:55 pm
Little Red

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Name:Elliot Red
Nicknames:Red or Little Red
Where we Stand?: Uke

Personality: On first sight one will find that Elliot is quite the doe eyed boy. Naïve in nature and delicate in form. Unlike some of the men in his village Red is far more tedious when it comes to his task. Throwing himself fully into whatever it was he has volunteered to do. His plate never seems to be empty. And while some of his neighbors find that his willingness to help out in the pasture or run a few errands helpful his father frowns over the fact that this is merely a number of excuses. Ways to avoid what it is he is really meant to do, and that is hunting. Working to keep his town protected, fed, and clothed. Instead of lightening the load and helping people grow dependent and lazy.
While Red is courteous and always ready to help he is also closed off.
He doesn't talk to much about himself. Nervous that he will offend or appear to have a big head being the son of the town's unofficially elected leader. He is modest and wishes to appear as such.
But just like any boy he enjoys having a bit of attention. Being spoken about or sought after by others even if it is just to offer some advice. The thought of being useful to some gives him a warm heart. Not only this but it helps to hide his rebellious nature and fondness over things he wishes to hide. His small white lies, insecurities, and absolutely girlish fear of a bunch of trees! Worry over what hides behind the dark.
Love for animals also brings him a hard time. Considering this fondness is what got him in this mess in the first place!
Determined, curious, loud, and playful sometimes describes this boy as well.

Bit of History: Just as previously stated this blonde is amongst the many victims of fear. One of the few faces amongst the crowd that inhabits this town.
Yet he still manages to stick out. Not only with his awkward love for stories and well, his brightly colored namesakes of a cloak but his willingness to help. Some say it is merely to be close to company. Finding that his house is void of companionship seeing as how his father is always out hunting for meat or the monster of fairy tales while his mother, deceased. Supposedly died at child birth which the blonde believes because to put it frankly he cant remember much when it comes to anything before his sixth birthday.
It isn't often that Red will be found still in bed before the sun is up. Throwing himself into work to avoid having time to think or be chased down and handed a weapon meant to kill. Yet this is the very thing he is given. When one evening the sounds of screaming and yells of direction broke him from his sleep with a jolt. Worried and to put it frankly, curious. Red amongst the many number of others ran out into the streets to see what was the fuss. Apparently it was another attack from the Wolf. The creature this time dragging off a helpless lamb to feast upon. Only to the utter shock of the town finds that the beast is stopped in his tracks quite literally. As Red jump the fence to the pasture to try and calm the crying heard he very first layed eyes upon the Wolf. The boy struggling in the entanglement of bonds that were so cleverly hidden amongst the tall grasses. Warnings went on deaf ears as some of the hunting party trudged past him with whoops of excitement. Weapons already prodding the air as they circled the snarling wolf boy with the glint of triumph in their eyes. Red found that his feet carried him along with the crowd while the men forced the creature into submission. Leaving him to face the crowd of vengeful towns folk as punishment. For weeks the blonde watched from afar. Trying to work up the courage to try and help the dog eared boy at least. Which when he finally did it came back to but him in the rump for here he was, laying in the mud with a wet wolf growling at unseen foes. Scrambling to decide whether he was going to escape or try and defend himself with the short bladed knife hidden within his boot.

Extras? Just like our favorite little fairy tale Elliot is never seen without his bright red jacket. An item that he was told belonged to his mother when she was his age. Sure it is a bit big on him because he is very much not a girl but he wears it none the less.
He also despite never planning to use it carries around a sheathed knife in his boot.




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PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 11:20 am
Sorry if he's a bit depressing. I figured every killer came from some kind of harsh background.

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Name: Derek
Nickname: Big Bad Wolf, demon, etc. Whatever villagers prefer.
Age: Pretty old. His race is immortal
Gender: Male
Where we stand?: Seke

Personality: Derek obviously gets called a demon for a reason. Normally, he is running around, breaking things, killing people and animals. Why? Derek has lot's of built up anger inside him from his passed. Which is something he never likes talking about. He is shut off when it comes to others and life. He'd much rather prefer to be alone in what he calls, his woods. Anyone that dare enters becomes nothing but prey to him. Derek along with everyone doesn't believe that this wolf even has a heart anymore. He can kill anyone with no hesitation, and no thoughts of regret. It could be a very young child, a female or male. Whoever it may be he'd kill them. This way of thinking has so far kept him on his own. Until recently..... If you met real Derek, you may say he's a complete jack a**, stubborn, silent but hot headed and the biggest fun killer.

The Story Behind His Eyes...: Once a very long time ago, Derek was an innocent child that had no name, no home, no strength and no parents. Already had been born differently into this world, nobody wanted him. You see, no one found it normal that this little boy was born with natural black hair, and bright powder blue eyes. So what happened? At age four, Derek was ditched by his parents and left alone in the woods he lives in to this day. Even though the young child was away from ridicule by all the villagers back home, he was now all alone in a very large scary place. There was no direction as of where to go, no mommy to hide behind. Just the sound of nature. While stumbling around in the woods alone, a lady in a black cloak stopped him and took him into his new home. This 'lady' however tricked him into becoming a beast... He still can't remember what she called his race but, he could shift into a very large powerful wolf when he so pleased and could even shift others if he wanted to. Didn't sound too bad at the time, until he figured out he'd be living until something or someone killed him and that he'd have more animal instinct than human... Well, many years passed and Derek got used it. He seemed to be just happy with his witch of a mother and little house inside the woods. Life seemed great. He was loved and would be forever. Or so he thought.... On one tragic night, Derek came home to see that his home was a disaster and seemed to have been broken into. He could have dealt with that but, something was missing. No, someone was missing. Derek ran from the house on a rescue mission to save his mother. He was too late to get to her though.. All that was left, was a corpse engulfed in flames.. That night, was the night many came to know The Big Bad Wolf.

Extras: Derek often times takes trips deep into the woods to revisit the only true home he had. He'd lay in front of the fire place and pretend that his mother was off in the kitchen making agitated noises when putting new spells together. Derek even ran about in the woods collecting things his mother would tell him to get for certain potions. It was very hard for him to let go of the passed, and all the anger built up inside of him. Maybe he wasn't that heartless and maybe he was just a broken should needing repair. Phhh, nah. Derek's evil down to his core.
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:03 pm

Little Red

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Oh my! What big eyes you have..
Oh dear, what big ears you have..
Oh, why have you such large teeth?

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I'm so stupid.. was what he had been thinking when the last of his village disappeared and the screams stopped coming. How had he ever thought that the Wolf was something other then just that, a wolf?
It had been a foolish mistake and one that he feared was going to be his last. Or so he thought..though as the minutes dragged on and he grew to tired to actually struggle anymore the blonde couldn't figure out why he hadn't been turned into a late night snack yet. His imaginative mind could of course fill in the missing links for him. Supplying images of dark caves and sticky mud. Perhaps other hungry wild monsters waiting back at some den for their dinner to arrive. Or more pain perhaps..
The petite boy winced. The sharp pain from his minor wound tearing at his nerves to remind him that yes he was most definitely still alive. I shouldn't of even gotten out of bed.. Red scolded no one but himself. He vaguely wondered what his father was thinking of him right now. Whether the man was stomping around the village raging mad because his childish son didn't listen. Or was he running through the woods right now searching for his son who didn't listen. He liked to think that it was the latter one, the idea of having a party of hunting humans out looking for him offered some sort of comfort.

In some way he fell back on childish habits. Thinking of something else to blame besides just himself in this situation. If it weren't for the villagers constantly poking at the beast none of this would of happened in the first place. Red wouldn't of felt compelled to save the creature if he didn't have to watch him suffer everyday now would he. His love for all living things for one of the few times in his life actually becoming a curse. Like that one time he had tried to coax a skittish horse into allowing him to attach its harness to one of the carts. Once the buckles clicked the horse jumped. Rearing up on its back legs and striking out wildly with its shoed hooves. Elliot had been to shocked at the time to properly react and it left him unconscious for a few days so he was told. Waking up with a nasty headache and the inability to see out of his right eye from the impact. Apparently he had only been clipped by the ankle joint believe it or not. His next door neighbor, the gossip girl of town, having informed him that Elliot had stumbled to the ground just in time to avoid getting his skull cracked open like a walnut. The horse had lost its footing and more or less slipped. Swinging its leg out and catching the blonde in the side of the face instead of clocking him in the nose with his sharp hoof. Red was thankful that he was still alive that day.

He sort of wish that this was some sort of fluke as well...that perhaps the Wolf was merely taking him away from his fellow peoples to offer some sort of thanks before leaving for good. Or that someone would happen upon them and save the shorter just as he was about to get eaten. Like the heroic characters in his "girlish" books..That would be nice! he commented to himself.

OOC: Don't worry dear! It gives him a bit of interesting background, as well as some awesome topics xD I do apologize that it took me so long to reply...confusing as this first horrid post is @-@, if you don't mind we can start them on the night of the incident. With Wolf taking Red from the village...x__x I feel pushy lol i'm sorry! If you have other thoughts of course let me know ^_____^  



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PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:46 pm

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The screams and struggling from the smaller, human boy were becoming an annoyance. The entire time Derek was dragging him along he had been screaming like someone was... Well maybe he had a reason to be screaming. The human was being dragged off after all. Whatever, Derek has his reasons to drag this human off. He was stupid enough to trust Derek. Who in all honestly was in a bit of disbelief that he was able to gain Little Red's trust at all. Just look at Derek.. From first sight the wolf is just shady looking. He wasn't the average sized wolf, he had very unnatural colored eyes. Not to mention his rough, blood stained fur. Then there was yet another fact he shouldn't have been, or ever should be trusted. Derek kills mercilessly! You've got to be the most dim tool in the shed to have trusted Derek for even a second.

Where was Derek dragging Little Red off to anyways? Derek didn't really have anywhere in particular to take him. Only one place came to mind and that was his den. The place he usually carried off his prey so he could eat peacefully. Plus it was far enough away, and hidden that the humans never found it. Well, that wasn't completely true. One human had stumbled upon Derek's den by accident. The man claimed to have only been seeking shelter for him and his wife, but Derek killed them anyways. No humans were allowed to know about his den. Which Derek was now stopped directly in front of. Derek roughly tossed Little Red into the wall of the den, watching as the male hit the wall. From there, Derek drew closer to Little Red. Derek wanted to kill him now, like he never did long ago. As Derek lifted his larg and clawed paw into the air to lay the final hit that would have killed Little Red, thoughts suddenly attacked Derek. Could he really kill the one who just saved his own life? Then the reason Derek hadn't killed him before. Derek wanted someone else to feel his pain. So he had killed Little Red's mother in hopes that it would harm him. Little Red didn't even seem to remember though!

Lashing out with his claws, Derek hit the den's wall, just above Little Red's head. Whatever the reason may have been. Derek wasn't going to kill him. Part of him even felt like he couldn't. For one the human saved him and maybe even part of Derek grew to like this humans companionship. A sudden rage boiled the wolf's blood when he thought that just for a second he actually liked a human. Human's were the real monsters! They killed Derek's mother long ago and for what? She was a witch but, she never harmed anyone. She was just like any other women. Despite the abilities she had. “Dammit!” Derek growled menacingly as he backed away fro Little Red. That was when Derek shifted into his human form allowing his actual self be seen. He didn't intentionally do this though. Sometimes he shifted if he got too angry. Noticing what just happened only upset Derek more, he hated having others know what he looked like under the wolf. Derek sighed irritably, “Okay. This is what's going to happen. You are going to leave, and if anyone finds this place I will make sure every man, women and child are murdered right in front of your eyes, in that village.” Derek managed to get out. However it was obvious he had to restrain from yelling. Not wanting to be near Little Red any longer, for fear he really would kill him. Derek walked away, heading deeper into his den. After all these years of being a cold hearted killer, he couldn't kill just one weak human. No matter what the reason was, it was ridiculous!

OOC: I think it's just fine. ^^  
PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 2:30 pm

Little Red

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Oh my! What big eyes you have..
Oh dear, what big ears you have..
Oh, why have you such large teeth?

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A new spike of fear shot through the blondes system like a jolt of lightening. It took him but a moment to realize that the wolf dragging him along had finally stopped walking. h geez! he breathed, peeking his eyes open to see where it was they were. A cave perhaps? He wasn't to sure because the entire landscape jumped with the motion of being thrown. His frame easily being tossed like a sack of tomatoes until his back came in contact with the side of the cavern's wall. "Hmph!" he choked, a strangled gasp of surprise no doubt. So this was the moment he had just been thinking about. Was he really going to be eaten!

Some panicked side of him found this humorous. Surely the Wolf would starve because of the humans petite size. Red wasn't as built as the other boys in his village were. His lack of courage to join the males when they ran the trees like wild beasts kept him from developing like they did. Sure, hefting bags of flour or herding cattle have given him a mild amount of muscle. But he was really nothing more then a bean pole. A good 5'6 of height but barely over a hundred and seventeen pounds. A light weight his father had told him a few times after scolding the blonde over his volunteered line of work.
"I..uhmm." he hadn't been sure what he was going to say. Finding that the words became constricted within his throat as the musty Wolf drew to close for Red's comfort. His wild colored eyes that the human had always found, interesting, holding a glint of something that only proved to make him more anxious. Not to mention on a side note that the creature had lifted his massive paw up to give what Red only considered to be the final blow. Instinctively the blonde braced himself back against the wall. Pushing in with his legs. Maybe if he just banged his head against the wall hard enough he would miss the ending. Pass out and feel absolutely nothing as the Wolf slammed his heavy claws down onto the to feeble human. Or maybe he as simply lucky...

The Wolf before him did nothing but pound his paw down into the cavern wall with a resounding boom. Sending Elliot falling to the ground on his rump with a huff of shock. He probably looked like a frightened rabbit, hair mushed up against the wall. Fingers digging into the earth while eyes blinking wide up at the canine as he growled in defeat. Taking a few steps back before letting out a frustrated growl of pure frustration. It was about at this time that the Wolf itself blurred. His body twisted until it took the form of a very human looking man. Quite different from the beast that had been snarling a moment before. He only dared a small peek at the other's face before ducking them back to the floor with a glare. What now he wondered?
Well, the answer was pushed out moments before. An option of salvation really, though it still sounded falty to him. The male's voice strained with the effort to restrain his anger. Just...leave. he realized, mouth falling agape out of shock. Was he serious? He didn't exactly have a point to complain seeing as how he was offered a chance to live.

It was as if a heavy amount of gravel had been lifted from his chest. The blonde's shoulders sagged out of relief, "O-ok?" he winced, noting that his confirmation sounded more like a question. Even though he was told to get out he found it was hard to get his legs to work properly. Shuffling his feet out along the floor only to draw them back in to attempt to push himself up. It wasn't until the other stalked off..turning his back on the human that he found he was able to finally gain his footing. Standing up and stumbling his way along the wall until he reached the mouth of what he decided was the Den of this Wolf man. Once his bare feet touched the soft earth the blonde turned and began to numbly walk off. Well more like backing away merely because he may of been stupid enough to trust the Wolf once but would he really fall for it again?
Or Perhaps he might of been smart enough... Because no sooner had he gotten a good four yards out did he turn and make a break for it. More or less planning on running a distance far enough to find some place to hide himself in. Gather his wits before even attempting to try and find his way back home.

Yet as he stumbled about the trees he still couldn't understand..
Why didn't he kill me like..the rest? the thought itself was what stopped his random direction run. Screetched his panic to a screaming halt and begged him to think. Yes, why hadn't the other just sunk his teeth into him and ended the loose end before it frayed..
The boy stared down at the night covered dirt while he pondered this. And the only thing he could state when it came to a conclusion was that, "Maybe..he isn't so bad after all then." he mumbled.

OOC: oh alright..thank you :] and i loved your first post by the way!  



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PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 5:49 pm

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Derek really did try to let go of the situation and carry on normally. Every second he'd think it'd be fine though, he just got more annoyed. This human knew what Derek's true form looked like, he knew where his den was too. Derek didn't trust any of this. If Little Red went back, he'd have to them all where Derek's den was. Then all the humans would come in a hunting party to try and kill Derek. Or Derek would just have to relocate completely. No. Derek wasn't going to let that happen. His mother's house was not too far from here and he didn't want to leave it behind. It's been the only place that Derek feels safe and like he belongs. He couldn't just leave it behind. He had to protect it!

Maybe there was a way though. In which Derek wouldn't have to leave, and the other male would still be alive. Derek cursed angrily under his breath. He knew what had to happen. The only way that he could stay here was if Red didn't tell the rest about where Derek's den is. However, not killing Red would obviously allow him to go back but, it was clear that for one reason or another, Derek didn't want to kill Red. So then what was left for Derek to do exactly? He wasn't going to kill Red. Derek had no choice but, to go find him and keep him captive. Kidnapping wasn't exactly Derek's style because quite frankly, he hated having another mouth to feed, and body to protect. Derek never was good with pets. They'd always... Get eaten. Or, they'd hate Derek. That would shock everyone though, right?

Derek shook his head and couldn't believe what he was about to go do. “This is so stupid!” Derek muttered. The male then shifted into a wolf once more to go find Red and take him back. Chances of Red getting back to his village on his own where very slim anyways. Did you think Derek chose this area for no reason? It was normally dangerous for anyone but even more so for a human. Derek quickly caught on to Red's scent and took off in the direction it led. What was Derek eve going to say? Probably nothing nice. He for sure wasn't going to ask Red to go back with him. Asking wasn't Derek's style either. He typically just told others to do something, did whatever and took whatever. Yeah, Derek was a terrible person and no one had to tell him.

Eventually, Derek had Red in his sight again and ran forward to black off his path. Once again Red had this large wolf glaring at him. Wouldn't surprise Derek if he was tired of it. Derek was quite honestly fed up with looking at Red's face. He wasn't ugly or anything. Derek just hated humans with a passion. Especially if he couldn't kill them. “Where do you think you're going exactly?” Derek asked. Just after asking, Derek used his snout to push against the middle of Red's body. Hey, Derek may not have been able to kill Red but, a little bruise never ended someone's life did it? “Well, I know I told you to leave but, I'm actually going to hold onto you for awhile now. I am feeling kind enough not to drag you back though. That is if you cooperate.” Derek informed the other male. Honestly though, Derek wouldn't mind having to chase someone. Best part of the hunt was the chase after all.

OOC: Thank you. c: I really like your posts too. <3  
PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 7:39 pm

Little Red

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Oh my! What big eyes you have..
Oh dear, what big ears you have..
Oh, why have you such large teeth?

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He found that he couldn't really decide how he was supposed to think when it involved the Wolf. Was the male really just some misunderstood canine? Or the wild beast that all of his fellow villagers spoke of him to be.
The blonde had eventually stopped walking in favor of merely thinking. Trying to sort out what he should do next once he made it back home. If he ever did that is.. The cloud of gloom this thick forest gave off made it seem as if such a task was but a fathomed joke. That he should just forget about it and find some hidey hole to live in like the rest of the animals here! And you.. he pointed out, turning to peer behind him just to see if those pair of luminous blue eyes were somewhere hiding amongst the brush. What was this wolf's story? Or more or less what was his real character. Red returned his gaze back to the way he had been going. Tucking himself further into the one size to large red jacket against the breeze, and perhaps the imaginary pairs of eyes that his mind was making up. All his life people had told him how horrendous the shadow hiding amongst the forest was. That it should be feared because it was a killer. He had seen the after effects of such wild hunts because Elliot was there when people came running from the fields. Eyes glazed with fear and voices shrieking about the crazed monsters that was coming for them. Heck, he was sad to admit that sometimes he woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare or two. Blinking into the corners of his room just to make sure nothing was there..

But then in these past few weeks the Wolf wasn't really all, monster. He had spoken to him just like Red would to his neighbor. Civilized...
Though that of course had merely been an act he guessed. To entice Red to open the gate and free him. But the fact that He was still alive begged the short male to continued doubting that the dark haired man was only that of a killer. Perhaps he would have the chance to ask here shortly. As Red started to walk again the sound of a second pair of feet pulled at his attention. Causing the blonde to whip his head around to see who it was. He couldn't help but find that he was wishing it was his Wolf. Not some wild pack of canines or even a bear! The thought forced him to edge his way towards the nearest tree for shelter. However even this was futile for the familiar form of the large Wolf came bounding into view like a streak of blotched white. Blocking his path and preventing him from continuing.
"What?" he question, looking to the right as if making sure it was indeed him that the other was speaking to and not someone else. "Uhh...home I think?" he supplied, making sure that this was what creature had wanted. Wasn't it?

No![/I[ he whined, Stumbling back a step as the dog's snout pressed into his stomach. He took the time to rub as his belly while the other explained his reappearance. One that left him giving the large wolf a confused look. "Huh?" he blurted. Didn't he just demand of the human to leave. Never speak a word of this event to another living soul because to put it bluntly he had been threatened with a front row seat to massacre of his town. Now he wanted to keep Red from going home though.
"What do you mean?" he dared to question, crossing his arms over his chest to prevent any more proddings. Those were a bit painful! "Your to jumpy and its confusing me..I just want to wake up alright. Be back home and you..wherever it is you go ok." he told the glaring wolf. Ducking his head and setting his shoulders with a small wave of determination he shuffled to the left. Taking a few lengthy steps before pacing forwards to pass the Wolf. "I already have a story to so its fine." he threw in even, though this he was ashamed to admit was a lie. Elliot had yet to come up with some excuse to tell his father..no tell his village. What sort of lie was he going to come up with to convince them that it was alright. That there was nothing to worry about and going on a man hunt would be a waste of time.

Maybe he could get away with the fact that he had passed out...no that wouldn't do. He would have no way of convincing them if he told them he was unconscious. Didn't see where the monsters had run off to. Oh cruds.. he frowned, pinching at his jackets sleeve while he neared the Large Wolf's shoulders. Planning on just passing by the lupine beast without much troubles

Though nothing was really that easy right?

OOC: Why thank you and yours are as well ^__^  



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PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:01 pm

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Derek was hoping that sense he almost killed Red earlier that he'd just go along with him. Yeah, he didn't mind a bit of problems but, it was all easier when people just listened. When Red didn't though, and acted as f he wasn't even afraid of Derek, it somehow got underneath Derek's skin. What are you stupid? Derek thought to himself. One way or another, Derek got his way. No matter what the situation. Mainly because Derek usually bullied his way to get what he wanted. You could say this guy was kind of spoiled in a way. Or perhaps it was just his wolf tendencies saying he was alpha and alpha gets what alpha wants. Whatever the case, Red was going back if he like it or not.

The lie would have been believable, but Derek could sense that Red lied. So right off the bat he knew that Red didn't even have a plan about what to tell his village. Which made Derek feel like he really would have said something to the village. Maybe it wouldn't be Red's first intentions but, with no good explanation and having others pressure him for answers could have led him into spilling the information. The true information. Derek jerked his large canine head to the side when Red said he was acting jumpy. He didn't think he was acting jumpy at all. When Derek looked back, it was because Red started walking again. “Okay, for starters kid... Don't lie to a canine. We know when someone's lying.” Derek growled viciously when Red stepped aside to then walk on passed him.

Quickly, Derek had his front canines digging into Reds clothing. It wasn't going to be easy to just leave this wolf. Once Derek had his mind set on something, that's how it was going to be. No if, ands, or buts about it. “And I'm not being jumpy. Besides, do you really think you can make it out of here and get back to the village? You don't even know where you are.” Derek told the male then let go of his clothing. Derek then shifted into his human form again, with his arms crossed. “I am doing this for your own good anyways. It's too dangerous out here for humans. Plus, your village will reject you. I bet that not even mommy and daddy are looking for you. Knowing their son released a highly wanted killer.” Derek then waited for a response from Red. Surely Red must have know that the village would know that he set Derek free. The lock wasn't broken, the cage wasn't damaged. There was more evidence that some outside of the cage let Derek out and guess who was missing from the scene? Red was.

Yes, Derek knew that Red's mother was dead, and knew that Red knew she was dead. Derek was more so looking for answers and wanted a reaction out of the boy. Adding in his mother could get him to tell Derek why she was dead. Even though Derek obviously knew why, because he killed her. He wanted to know how Red knew she was killed. Derek would tell him the truth later on. Just because the cruel depths of his tiny heart told him to. Maybe Derek would even get Red's trust back before telling him? So it makes the harsh reality even worse. Derek had such ideas. Ideas only one would expect from the most tainted of hearts. Too bad though for Red.
PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:13 am

Little Red

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Oh my! What big eyes you have..
Oh dear, what big ears you have..
Oh, why have you such large teeth?

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So apparently the Wolf was able to see through his guise like one might when looking through a window pane, see through. Lieing was never his forte..working up the proper story was always the worst part in his opinion. But actually going through with it and it working was a tedious task indeed. One that many people of the village knew and used to their advantage. For example, there was once when Red happened upon two lovers when he was coming back from the fields carrying a small lamb. It had been the most embarrassing thing in his life to come walking in when they were all...
The blonde turned his head away from the wolf in favor of looking up. "That bad huh?" he questioned, pointing out his lack of conversational skills when it came to actually telling a fib. That and to try and act casual as the wolf let out a frustrated growl, turning again to dig his teeth into the blonde's clothing and halt his retreat.

"I meant, undecided that's all. First you want me out but now your taking me back? Undecided see." he defended once the other had finished his sentence. "That's true but I..uhh.." he ruffled his hair. What was it he was going to do? Read the stars and find his way out of this uncharted forest that he had never had experience roaming in? Red looked back up at the sky this time in search of said stars. The trees were so tall not to mention flourished with limbs that he could only see a patch or two every once in a while. So, perhaps looking for directions from constellations would be foolish.."I could just keep walking. Eventually something will come up." he told the other though it came out to be more of an encouragement to himself then an actual defense. Once the Wolf let go he grabbed at his jacket to situate it, taking the time to keep himself occupied while the other continued his own explanation. A very human pair of feet came into view which is what finally drew his gaze upwards and away from his clothing to look at the male.
Would his village..reject him if he were found? Every member of any society never hoped for such a thing so Red certainly wasn't looking forwards to this scenario. He merely hoped that he could go home and things would just fall back into routine like it always did in their sleepy little town. That he would just go to sleep and wake up the next morning knowing that nothing had really changed and he would go about his business. "Mommy and Daddy huh?" he asked, lifting a brow at the wolf before stuffing his hands into the folds of his pockets. Was his father looking for him even? The blonde digging the heel of his foot into the dirt while he blinked down at the mans feet. His mother, Red liked to think was still here somewhere. Keeping a silent watch on what her left behind family was doing by the day. "One likes to think that their looking. Its highly doubtful though I guess...to busy." he stated this nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders before turning away. Swinging on his dominant foot before planting his other back into the ground once his back was facing the other. "Or pops is..he is always running around like a wild banshee."..
The other was right he knew but didn't exactly want to believe. There was no sign of a struggle whatsoever..or at least when it came to the cage itself. The bars wouldn't be bent, the lock was still in tact because it hadn't broken out of. Just opened..
Not to mention that the only person missing from the entire village was the hunters girly son. Perhaps he could pen it on some sort of revenge story but that would only put the Wolf back into harms way in the end. Which is the very reason he was here right now in this god forsaken forest under the leering pair of blue eyes that belonged to the town tormentor.

He did however speak again, focusing on the last part of what the man had said instead of dwelling on the more..depressing factors. "Well you did eat a few of their friends and families ya know." he told the wolf. Tilting his head a bit so he could see the now human formed Wolf. "But it was still wrong of them to act so ugly.." he defended, not really sure if he meant to put the villagers of as comfort hungry hooligans or trying to say some sort of words in defense to the Wolf. In the end both of them were at wrong here in one way or another. The Wolf for attacking and killing humans and the towns people for capturing a creature of the earth and plaguing it with mindless rants. For Red it had been far from an entertaining show. Sure he had been there to help pick up the missing pieces when little kids were crying or mothers were screaming over their loss. Help prepare foods or keep their house and animals upkeep for them. But the Wolf was still just an animal or sorts. It was in his nature and they shouldn't of done what they had.

Or maybe it was just his love for animals that prevented him from finding any sort of humor in the past weeks. Watching people stab their spears or bang on the bars to try and taunt the Wolf into snapping only to swing at it when it jumped. It was cruel...maybe that was one of the reasons he had gone through with the stupid idea. So easily trusted the Wolf because all he was able to comprehend was an intelligent being...a wolf being abused. It wasn't in Red nature to cause harm. He disliked it.
"Fine..i'll just hide out for a while then or something." he agreed. Maybe in a few days the wolf would cool down and let him go. Though If this were to occur Red would have to be convincing. Get the Wolf to trust him enough to see that he didn't plan on telling his village anything. No hints on direction nor personal attributes when it came to the surprising face that was hiding behind a canine's mask.



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