I don't necessarily remember a happiest memory. I may remember HAPPY memories, but not my happiest. I suppose I could jot down a few happy ones if that counts. I remember one of my very close friends online telling me her story how she had cancer in her throat. She lived in the hospital for about a few good months due to operations and recovery. She would log onto Skype and tell me the status of her recovery and how her last surgery went. I remember crying after each one due to being so happy that it either went well or merely stayed neutral. It broke my heart later on that she told me it was all a lie and that I was ultimately fooled, but she isn't the type of person to go out of her way to do such a thing like this and she explained why she did indeed keep going with such a joke. She also fooled her boyfriend and any close friend online that she had. Possibly it was because of blackmail, but nonetheless it broke my heart. We still talk now yeah, but I'm just saying about the situation.