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Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[1v1] Of Monsters and Demons. [Spinar vs Agsil]

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Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:53 pm
It was a perfect day....to go to the gym. Nothing much was going on in his schedule and the campus was too quiet for his taste so what better to do than to get in some workout time? Changing into some workout clothing, which basically consisted of shorts and a tank-top to keep cool he headed into the gym. A quick glance around the gym to examine the area told him it would likely be a peaceful hour of strength building.

While peaceful chances to workout were a blessing, right now he felt a little disappointed. Starting on stretches it doesn't take the frost demon long to limber out then move on, a soft sheen of sweat over his pale blue skin. Spinar had eyeballed a few things but ended up at the weight benches. Sitting down his water bottle, after a quick sip he wiped off the bench. Adjusting the weights to a decent but likely a bit to confident for his current build, considering it was kind of difficulty to even get them on the bar. Taking a seat he got started doing a few reps.


Mental counting was only tiring him out faster, pausing he lifted the weighs and placed the bar in the holders. Wiping his forehead free and pushing a hand through his hair, which with sweat he unintentionally spiked up, Spinar leaned over the bench for a drink and to turn on his pandora's box ap on his eyephone. Settling on the today's hits playlist the frost demon popped his earbuds in and started up again. A good song blasted into the boils eardrums causing him to really get lost in the motion of his workout, shutting his eyes Spinar pushed on, muscles flexing with each push and lower.

Kailey Koreco

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:02 pm

Only a whim brought her to the gym that day. The desire to finally settle down and really work to see what this other shape could do. A few trips were already spent experimenting outside in private, going through simple exercises to figure out where she 'stood' with herself. So different in strength, dexterity... flexibility, from what she was used to. Of course she got the basics. How to walk, move, pick things up, run, fly. But eventually she would have to learn to push limits, an oddly apprehensive concept in this state, yet one she met without hesitation before coming to this school. Or really, any time she was within her natural form.

Stepping into the gym with a water bottle suspended from a lanyard strung across her shoulders so the bottle bounced at her back between her wings, the dragon scanned the room. Machines she had little concept of poked up here and there, though she at least grasped the basic concept of weights. Just... how to use them when they were attached to such strange machines.... Well. At least she could see some free standing ones. That would be a fine enough place to start after stretches.

The clinks of metal and huffs of breath made her pause, realizing only then she had not walked into a completely vacant gym. Indeed, she spotted the pale boil, tensing slightly in the process as she recognized him. Spinar. Great. Just what she needed. More unnecessarily puffed egos. Snorting softly, she focused on her plan for the day. The dragon found a mat and pulled it out, silently as she could manage as she set her water bottle down on the ground by the wall. It wasn't her intention to disturb the demon...

Least not until she completed her stretches.

Limber. That was a term she could use freely with this body. Flexible. Not dissimilar to her other form, just... in different ways. Sort of. It was a difficult concept for her to put into words, only sense how the muscles moved so similarly yet tendons and joints allowed varying movements. Her muscles flexed and stretched. Skyward and to the ground with her arms long strides and bends to stretch her legs. It was oddly comfortable--felt great actually--to bend herself backwards, pulling her wings in towards her body to allow herself to lean back far enough for her hands to hit the mat below.

Her arms were strong enough to lift her own weight, at least. Strong enough to lift herself up briefly to a hand stand before pulling her legs back down to stand up straight on the mat once more. Wings were always required to pull in else her balance would be far off. But it was... fun. A smile flickered and sparked across her features, spinning on bare heel to look back to where the demon was.

Lifting weights. Humph. Her lips pursed only slightly as she approached, keeping her tail off the ground to avoid extra sounds. Black shorts clung to her upper thighs, barely making it half-way down the section of her limbs before being cut off. A sports bra was all she wore for a top, though her hair had been bound and tamed into a long, thick braid that spiraled down her back. Per usual, no shoes smacked against the floor as she walked, though she was uncharacteristically void of jewelry. She was at least aware of proper time and place for such things.

Drawing up closer to Spinar, she eyed the weights he used. Big. Her gaze moved to take in the movements of his arms and chest, watching as muscles bulged and moved under blue flesh. Had she seen so much bare skin on him before? She wasn't sure, but Agsil had to admit it was... interesting to see such a sight now. Her experience with anatomy of two-leggers was non-existent, after all.

"Impressive," she finally chimed up, hip cocking to the side as she came to a stop not far from the bench. A laugh and smile broke out--challenging? ....or playful..?--and she angled her head to arch her neck and look definitively down on him. "But I doubt you would be capable of lifting me, if that's all you can do." Of course, few people could lift a dragon in natural form....



Unsealed Gatekeeper


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 8:20 pm
Of course the frost demon was unaware of how loud the clinks of metal and huffs of breath were in the silent gym, much less that he had actual company now. Nope, the demon was oblivious to just about everything but the music in his ears and the feel of his muscles contracting and aching for pushing himself. Pumping the weights at the rhythm of the music he pushed on, unaware and uncaring of the Ghoul that had noticed him and began to stretch..

The obvious danger of this was almost laughable but for once Spinar wasn't on guard.

"Impressive." The voice broke through to him right as the music was getting ready to switch over. Snapping his eyes open the frost demon gave a startled grunt and heaved the weight back up on the protection bar. What in Jack was Aggy doing here? More over why the Jack did she feel the need to sneak up on him or even talk to him for that matter, it wasn't like they really got along but then again he didn't mind the challenge. Smirking he left the earbuds in for a moment longer as if going to ignore her but in the end took them out after a moment.

Pale blues traveled over the black shorts that clung to the Ghouls upper thighs, then down to where they cut as he rested on the bench. It wasn't uncommon to see a Ghoul in a sports bra though it was never the less enticing as the boil gave a glance up her body to her face. Spinar was amused to see the ink dragon looking so uncharacteristically plain, normally he was use to her dressed up even if she still wore little clothing there seemed to always be some kind of trinket on her. Even if it was strange to see her like this the frost demon smirked, once more surprised by her awareness of more things than he previously gave her credit for.

Though just as soon as he was starting to form a decent opinion of her, she had to go and open her mouth.

A counter and just as hard to pinpoint laugh broke out, a smug grin to boot. Feeling the not so downplayed down look on him the frost demon rose, licking over his lips to taste the sweat that had trickled over them. Grabbing his water-bottle a large swing was taken as he eyed the Ghoul, she didn't look so heavy. There was no way in Jack that she weighed more than the weights. No way.

"Well I'd hate to prove you wrong of course..." And before she had time to c**k an attitude right back Spinar shifted swiftly off the bench and grabbed the Ghoul around the waist. Using all his upper body strength the boil grinned cheekily and hoisted her right off the ground. Proof positive his tail snapped against the ground in a somewhat aggressive manner, eyes narrowing in obvious confidence.

Kailey Koreco
Hehe feel free to break lose and challenge him to a duel ! xD Just roll the uh uh dice that decides who goes first I can't remember those soooo look them up u wu b
Kaefaux rolled 1 20-sided dice: 13 Total: 13 (1-20)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:33 pm

She probably should have specified what form she'd meant. It was still natural for her to refer to her real self first and foremost, not this... tiny version. But in vague retrospect, she should have realized that wouldn't be how others perceived her words.

She sure as Jack hadn't expected Spinar to move like that and pick her up.

The dragon let out a shout--a dragon's roar, to be exact--her ink-stained, clawed hands slammed against his bare shoulders, ink dripping against his skin in her startled state. For a moment, she just stared down at him, hoisted up as she was. Her black lips remained parted from her shout, violet eyes widening as ink seeped into her already darker sclera. The sensation of his bare skin against hers--cold as it was--was.... not something she was used to. It was entirely different from scales brushing up against scales when she would be close to another of her clan. Of course, those had mostly just been simple shows of affection or teasing.

Not... er.

"Put me down," she snarled after a moment of staring at him like an idiot. Ink darkened her face, the closet one like her could come to blushing. The heels of her palms shoved sharply into his shoulders, tail flicking this way and that as her body began to twist in her attempts to wriggle away.

Which was the odd moment in which Agsil got to see what it felt like to move like that against another body. She really had no idea what to think of on that.

"Fine, you can pick me up. But I will claw that smile from your face if you do not release me. Unless you think you could best me in a match?" Her later words came out in a pride-infected, scathing spat.

Apparently Agsilved had issues with close quarters.

Aaaand now you roll a 20, whomever gets higher goes first oAob


Unsealed Gatekeeper

Cheekiebirdiee rolled 1 20-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-20)


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:35 pm
A wince for the smack against his shoulders was given but aside from that the gesture and its remains went seemingly unnoticed. What hadn't however was...the shout. What an obnoxious sound, Spinar wrinkled his nose sharp teeth bared in the tightening of his smirk. That roar was annoying, and she had been so close to him was it really necessary? Ghouls. "You know trying to make me deaf won't help you any I still won." He comments slyly, eyes now holding with the violet set of the ghoul in his arms.

Her silence was strange and yet his own felt fine, normal even to just be gazing upon a victory. So there they stood, her above him in his arms and staring for a few moments. Or at least until she once more opened that trap of hers. The darken of her face however tempted him into a tease, "why, you seem content staring at my pretty face." It was only the shatter of something against the floor that pulled Spinar's gaze from the darken orbs. Glancing down towards the floor the boils brow wrinkled, catching on a black crystal? Neither of them were wearing any jewels though.

Frozen...what was - and then he felt a trickle running down his arm.

Ink. It was ink!

She was dripping on him, how disgusting, a snarl passed his lips at the thought of stains.

Realizing the body in his grasp was twisting Spinar released her promptly and backed up. A look of distaste clear as he started to inspect his shoulder, spit coming out to rub against the ink on it. "Look at this..." Muttering to himself he gave a good scrub before focusing and freezing the rest of the mess away. Finally finished being finicky the frost demon took a step towards the ghoul and inclined his head back at the challenge. Chin lifted he smirked, arms folding across his chest to flex the muscles of his forearms. "Really? You want to fight me? " A laugh escaped, though it was clear he wasn't holding it back, "what a sore loser, " He mocked though pride shining through as he added, "I accept, it will be most amusing to best you twice in one day after all."

Moving away from Agsil he picked his water bottle up, sprayed the rest over his body and then on a blast of chilly air passed her to head towards the center of the gym that was designated for spars.
Kaefaux rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3, 5 Total: 8 (2-12)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:46 pm

Agsilved couldn't help but sneer in silent triumph to see how the ice demon fretted over the few drops of ink on his skin. It hadn't been that much, and really, seeing he was able to freeze it like that...

Her wicked smile hid a chill that ran down her spine. Kept her from thinking about what that ice of his could have done to her.

"I never said you weren't attractive for a demon," she added on pass as she strolled towards where spars were held. Her hips swayed as her wings flexed and tail slashed the air. Coming to a stop in the designated area, her clawed hands rested briefly on her hips, ink flowing over the exposed swell of skin above her shorts' top hem. Ink that flowed up, swirling over her skin in a loose imitation of the thick coat she wore in her natural state. Not as effective in this state... but it was more of a comfort than a necessity. A fang filled smirk lit her face as she eyed him. "I just know better than to admit something that might pamper someone's pride, right before I aim to put a few new bruises on a pretty face."

Her wings flexed, and in a moment she was airborne, leaping easily from the ground. It felt good to be in the air again. It was far more natural to her than hopping around foot to foot. Of course, she couldn't count on aerial attacks to last her forever...

But that didn't stop her from swooping in a circle around the demon before cutting in close to slash at him with her tail towards his torso.

HP: 30/30
Damage: 8 - 6 = 2

xD Well that was a lame attack on her part. All other tags will 99% be shorter than this, fyi <3


Unsealed Gatekeeper

Cheekiebirdiee rolled 7 4-sided dice: 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2 Total: 20 (7-28)


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:32 pm
"I never said you weren't attractive for a demon," Knew it, the grin on his face read loud and clear with her confession. How could she not after all he mused inwardly before following behind the swaying monster ghoul. His eyes none to subtly drinking in the view while the creatures back was turned to him, he didn't want to stroke her ego either after all. Nor would he admit that for a monster she wasn't half bad on the eyes.

Just the attitude. That's what he couldn't stand.

A roll of eyes was given to the fang filled smirk, along with a counter of his own. "Hecate, do you ever get tired of hearing yourself, ghouly? Cause I sure do.." Spinar flicked his pierced tongue to the ghoul before rocking back on his heels. Body going into a relaxed yet ready stance as the monster took flight.

When the tail slashed towards his torso he managed to turn to the side, jumping back enough to when the tail connected it didn't wallop him to the ground. Wings. Gritting his teeth Spinar danced back, showing off the fancy foot work of a ranged fighter as he went. Focusing on her advantage he reared back and with a flick of his wrist sent a barrage of sharp stiff icicles towards the ghouls wings, hoping to weigh them down and make it hard to fly if his hits landed.

Kailey Koreco
HP: 28 / 30
FEARs: (Swift Strikes) Ice Bullet - Spinar uses his ice magic and can send out sharp icicles from the tips of his fingers, upon hitting the target the icicles will explode and slowly from the wounded area a bone chilling ice will creep out and start to freeze a small area around the wound.
Dmg Dealt: 11
Kaefaux rolled 6 12-sided dice: 10, 12, 10, 11, 3, 6 Total: 52 (6-72)
PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:21 pm

They both had attitude problems. Big time.

After somewhat landing her hit to his side, Agsil had taken back to the air, all smirks and amusement. She envied how light he moved on his feet. That was not something she'd even remotely obtained yet. Her form still felt too heavy one moment, too light and unwieldy the next. Things were getting better, yes... but not to the degree of comfort the demon clearly had.

The ice that formed in the air kept her from further wistful thoughts, trying to move higher in the air before the sharp icicles could hit. She wasn't so lucky. It hurt to feel the icicles hit her wings. A particular roar went out when she felt some pierce the thin membrane, blood-ink welling up and falling to the gym below her. Right before the ice sealed them over, along with a large chunk of her wings. The weight, the inability to flex them under the encasement, was way too much. Agsil dropped. Painfully, she somewhat caught herself on her arms and knees, though her limbs didn't appreciate the impact that shocked through them. Jacking... jacking demon...

Ink pooled in her sclera. Violet framed in black peered up at him from where she crouched, fangs exposed and snarling. She tried to flex her wings, and snarled all the more to hear the sounds of ice cracking over the surface. Feel the sensation of the ice pulling at sensitive flesh--and newly broken flesh. Without words, without pause, the ink dragon pulled at the ink that dripped from her new wounds. And the ink that leaked from under her claws at her hands. Lifting one, she pooled the ink into a shape. A long, dripping, whip of ink. Extra ink dripped down her fingers, making her let out another hiss. The bits that hit the floor from her whip? Hissed all on their own. This ink was acidic.

And she had no qualms lashing out towards the demon with it.

HP: 19-5 = 14/30
FEAR: {Gambler's Chance} Burning Ink - With the ability to manipulate ink comes an ability to alter its properties for a short period of time. Agsil especially is able to push ink from her body out into the air--from under her nails, out of her wing claws, or out of cuts received in fights--in the shape of a long whip. It is around a half inch in diameter--on average, it shifts around a good bit--and about five feet in length. Anything the ink touches will feel an acid burning sensation from the new properties she's given the ink. A warning to any near her: the whip drips. And tends to splatter as she's whirling it around. Agsil must be careful as well with her whip. She's not immune to the burning, and this does include the sections of her skin from which the ink is coming from....
Damage: Against Spinar, 11 [See breakdown below for this rofl]
Hit? First die 10, yes
Damage 2nd + 3rd dice; 12 + 10 = 22
4th Die 11, 50% of damage taken (11)
Damage to Self? 3+6= 9/2 = 4.5, raise to 5



Unsealed Gatekeeper

Cheekiebirdiee rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2, 3 Total: 5 (2-12)


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:37 pm
When his attack hit a sense of accomplishment washed over him, the pain in his side fleeing under his pride. On a smirk he winked to the growling ghoul, loving the sound of 'her defeat' in his ears. He was going to pummel her into the stained gym floor, or so he thought as she hit the ground.

"What's the matter little dragon, can't fly?"
The cocky hiss, had the boil taking a step forward, admiring the view of her crumpling. It was to good not to enjoy after all. By the time he realized she was up to something, around the time the whip formed, it was too late.

Unable to dodge the lashing, hissing inky mess Spinar snarled, tightening his lip to keep a howl of pain in. It was rare that attacks broke his skin, after all most would freeze and fall off, but this was different, whatever was in her ink seemed to be burning into his frozen flesh. Panicking at the painful sensation, caution for the spar was pushed to the wind in favor of him pulling his shirt off to scream at her, "what have you done to me!" Seething he glared, teeth clenched as the painful hissing on his skin rang loud in his ears.


This couldn't be happening! Not to his perfect skin, how could it! "Jacking son of !" Growling again he threw his shirt at the ghoul and snarled, "you'd better hope this comes the jack off, MONSTER! " Warning delivered the diva of a boil rushed from the gym all together, much to worried about trying anything to get her ink off of him before it became a permanent addition.

Kailey Koreco
YOU should Open Tattoo rp after this * D *

HP: 17 / 30
FEARs: (Swift Strikes) Ice Bullet - Spinar uses his ice magic and can send out sharp icicles from the tips of his fingers, upon hitting the target the icicles will explode and slowly from the wounded area a bone chilling ice will creep out and start to freeze a small area around the wound.
Dmg Dealt: 0
PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:39 pm

One one hand, she was brimming with pride and her ego slightly restored to see him get slashed with her acidic ink. Teach him a thing or two about turning a spar into a match of FEAR with an ink dragon. Oh his cocky remarks had hit home. No, she couldn't fly. Still wasn't sure how to get the jacking ice off of her. But his response. His response to her attack had been worth it. It was almost amusing, the way he'd cursed and yelled and torn his shirt off like that. She hoped it stained. She hoped a burn or a mark remained. Watching the demon rage and storm out, she knew her wings would bare the marks of their fight. It only seemed fitting that he bare an equal mark from her.

"What's wrong~? Don't like an even playing field, demon?" Her words were light. Missed, she assumed, as Spinar snarled and left in quite the hurry. She eyed the shirt he'd thrown her way, the ink stained to its surface. Carefully, she picked it up, intending to use it to try and sop up the ink from her injuries. It was a... painful experience, trying to close her wings back up from their open, frozen state. She'd opened up at least one wound, fully aware of the ink that dripped from the membrane. That she tried to press the shirt to, moving quietly as she could out of the gym. Let someone else deal with the mess... or she would deal with the consequences later. Other matters were more important to her.

Mainly, defrosting. It was a long walk back to her dorm. But she had a happy thought. A warm, warm thought.

She'd beaten Spinar.

It was almost worth the pain.

HP: 14/30

8'D remind me to do this tomorrow, yis.


Unsealed Gatekeeper

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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