Sorry things have been a little bit dead recently. But I'm hoping that will change with the summer time.

Who's in?

How are you? How have things been? What are the top 5 highlights of your year so far!

Let me know! smile <3

How has Mai been?

I've been mostly good! Thanks for asking! heart Things have been very busy and time seems to fly by very fast... I am starting work next Monday part time at a day camp, working as a camp counselor.

I'm looking for an internship maybe to fill up some more time as well because I will only be working at camp in the mornings.

I'm looking forward to my second year of college, I will be in charge of the culture show for the Vietnamese Students Association so I'm very excited for that and working on it already!

It seems like a busy summer for me but I'm really trying to take it easy razz

Hopefully we'll be able to get some contests going on in here as well!