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Dawning sunlight dappled the forest floor with speckles of gold through the autumn treetops. The leaves were painted with coppers and crimsons that reminded Thaturca of blood and cheap jewellery. Fog and dew still lingered in the woodland; clinging to the branches of bushes and long grass in defiance of the warmth starting to crack through the shielding trees. It was a pleasant morning, to say the least.

His footsteps had echoed hollowly on the ground as he waded through the trees and undergrowth, finally coming to a pause by a small creek.

'We hate water.' The wind whispers coldly in his ear. 'It reminds us.' Thaturca ponders these words for a moment as he stares at the rippling water.

"It reminds you." He says with empty words before taking a seat and tugging his hood over his face. It had been nearly a month since he left his father- there was no need to dwell on sour memories. They were behind him.

'Niavavanana – it is not wise to misplace your memories my dear.' "I did not-" 'Or did I eat them again? I always forget such things.'

Thaturca raises his paws to the side of his head, clutching at his temples. "Shut up. Go away- stop haunting me today, you brat."

There is a long pause before Thaturca lowers his paws to his lap- caught off-guard by the sudden stillness around him. For a moment all he can hear is the trickle of the stream and the whisper of the leaves above him as they elope with the elusive breeze.

"Sprite?" he whispers softly, "Have you left me?"

When no reply comes he falls back, laying in the soft grass as he lets his eyes idly close.