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[PRP] Let the Interview Begin... [Rinial & Andie]

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Snarky Rogue

Snarky Rogue

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PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 10:22 pm
The pale furred Vampire scraped his set of abnormally long claws through his brown, blonde-streaked hair while his piercing blue eyes remained trained on the door.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

The clock ticked by, second after second. Those seconds counted up into minutes, and those minutes counted up into hours. How long had he been perched stone-still in the high-back leather chair at the dark cherry oak desk-- and were those faint dried blood stains or just the way the wood looked in the dim lighting?--how long had he been waiting again?

Tick, tock.

Ah! That's right-- one hour and fifteen minutes. The little female he waited for was not yet late though. Even if she were to be late.. he would sit and wait behind his large desk. His paws now sat folded neatly on the top of his desk. He didn't need to look at the desk, he could feel the blood that had been there long ago.

Tick, tock.

How long had it last been since he had allowed himself the pleasures of experiments? Sigh. He would get back to it soon enough. He would soon have someone to teach, allowing him to do these things once again.

The clock ticked by.

Desidario remained motionless, those eyes trained on the door.
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:21 pm
Sweet Pea had been quite happy when she'd received the invitation to show her work. An actual interview, for her specialty. She'd thought her little interlude at a local party hadn't really done much other than bore the hell out of those around her. It's not like those kinds of parties were things she'd been to before. As it turned out however, she'd met Desidario, and well he'd made an offer for a job for her. Finally, a job to design the kind of undergarments she enjoyed, rather than the constant lacy affectations.

She'd arrived and was busily trying to keep her nerves under control, her portfolio in hand, a briefcase with some of her more almost fetish based designs. She was prepared, at least for her interview, she hoped.

Entering through the large door, that she was directed to by some interested on lookers. Her pupil-less green eyes lit on the form of the pale furred Fae she'd spoken to at the party, a smile as she entered and closed the door behind her.

"Hello, I'm Sweet Pea, you told me to be here, and bring my portfolio along, and some samples as well, since you took a great interest in it." She wasn't sure what to say in particular as she stepped into the room, and hoped that she didn't sound too confident, nor too much like she'd walked into the lions den.

Rinial Sisterdragon

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Snarky Rogue

Snarky Rogue

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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:23 pm
Rinial Sisterdragon


Ah, the door was opening. Desi's abnormally long claws on his paw retracted further back into the flesh to appear at a normal length like his other paw. He wouldn't want to alarm her so soon, would he?

The moment the green-eyed. cream-furred Majerae stepped into the room, he feigned a perfectly friendly smile and stood from the desk, extending a paw across the length of it towards her.

"Of course, please come in and make yourself comfortable." he spoke in a pleasant, smooth voice and gestured to the two large seats that looked just as comfortable as his own chair. "May I see your portfolio and samples that you have brought?"

Desidario sat himself back down in the large leather-back chair and eyed the female carefully. He had to admit, this "interview" was more for his own personal amusement. He had overheard the little Majerae talking of her tailoring and he had brought her here for his personal amusement. As of this moment, he had no intention of Embracing the pantie creator.

A dark colored claw tapped on the desk as the pale furred male offered her another feigned but perfectly pleasant smile, gesturing for her to hand over the portfolio and the samples. Perhaps it was cruel to call this one in with the promise of an interview, then get a few chuckles and have her leave.. but at least she would leave unharmed, right? The others wouldn't be so lucky.

Of course, these thoughts and plans occurred before he got a peek at her world.
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 1:44 pm
Pandie Andie

There was a nervous glance around the room, it was dark, the scents that emanated from it were hard to track, however she continued to smile none the less, Always put your best foot forward.

Before taking her seat, she very neatly set down her briefcase and handed over the portfolio, "I do apologize for not having a proper model for some of the actual photographs, they're a bit testy about some of the fittings for certain parts of the garments." It was a complaint as well as apology, the creations were placed on mannequins for several of the items she spotlighted, few other than the extravagant frills were worn by any Fae.

She held her breath almost hoping that her notations on alterations that would have to be done to the model who wore each outfit were not too outlandish. Her ideas made suggestions on what species of Fae would work best for the alterations, every word was not of augmenting her design, but of reworking the models that wore them, specifically for what she liked to deem her fetish creations. The designs were mostly in leather, some were in metal, and even fewer were in materials hard to discern.

Sweet Pea, in all reality wanted to make her undergarments the last thing these models ever wore. Locks, bolts, chains, hooks, rearranging ribs magically, nothing was missed on exact changes to be made in order to get the perfect frame for her artwork.

All of it the foolish work of an artist, one who's obsession for perfection had gone quite far, and though she had perfected her designs, her babies, her life work, no one would under go the body modifications to be able to wear them.

"Ah, and these, are three of my personal best designs, I feel." She opened the case, revealing two distinct outfits, one of the frilly ones, though it's need for a severely altered frame was obvious given the shape it held even loose. and the second, was of a plastic material, one she'd mention before in her designs, "This material itself has a wonderful elasticity, and makes it hard to remove, becoming a second skin. Or more aptly replacing the skin of the wearer." She frowned a little, "Granted no one ever wanted to try it, so I don't know for sure." A sheepish sort of smile on her face as she spoke again. The third was something strange, it looked quite innocent on the outside, but the inner lining was barbed. No strings to tie it in place, the only way to keep this garment on was literally to impale it into their skin. A truly torturous looking piece, but one she would have preferred to have worn, rather than lain in a box.

She wanted to fill the silence, wanted to get the room to stop seeming so big, as she sat there, "Is there anything you'd like to know more about? Or questions you have, Mr. Desidario, sir?"

Rinial Sisterdragon

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Snarky Rogue

Snarky Rogue

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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:39 pm
Rinial Sisterdragon

Desidario brushed aside the apology and complaint with a polite wave of his paw, as if to say that everything was already forgiven, then set the portfolio down onto the top of the desk and flipped it open. He idly flipped from photo to photo, pausing to read the notations Sweet Pea had made on the alterations that would be done for the fittings of the model.

The first few photos seemed to fall on him without leaving much of an impression, as he sat stone faced looking at the undergarments that would make most blush and call risque. To him these were nothing more than frilly little things, nothing to get excited about. Then again, he was-- unknowingly to the Majerae mortal-- a Tzimisce Vampire, and frilly things were more for the Toreador.

As he read on he came to see that it wasn't so much the garments that would be altered as the models themselves would be. This mortal had already tried to dip her paws into a shallow form of bone crafting without even realizing it? How peculiar. Perhaps he had not given her enough credit.

Upon reaching the photos that would be considered fetish pieces, one of his perfectly shaped brown brows lifted up high on his forehead. No blush settled across his cheeks-- he lacked the blood necessary to flush his cheeks anyway-- and he remained otherwise stone faced.. but she had clearly peaked his interest with these.

The entire duration of the interview from the moment her portfolio had been handed over, the pale furred male sat in quiet contemplation, not seeming to realize that his silence was unsettling to her. Then again, perhaps he simply didn't care-- in truth he didn't, he did so love seeing them squirm in their uncomfortable moments. The brow settled back down from his forehead and his expression returned to an unreadable one as he turned his attention towards her when she spoke, flipping the portfolio shut and resting his paws on top of it.

Desidario remained silent to allow her time to speak of each piece as she showed it, should she have any comments or verbal notes to make to him. Now these he seemed genuinely interested in, far more interested than even the fetish pieces. The first piece caught his eye and he studied it for a few long moments, even after she had introduced the second piece. This little female had no idea what she had stumbled upon, the things she could achieve if she could truly bone craft, shaping a Fae to her exact design to fit her creations. The experiments she could achieve, the success she could reach...

Ah! The second piece! This Majerae that sat before him, that he had brought in with no intention of turning into his Childe, to bring into his unlife, had such raw, unharnessed potential! The Vampire was now convinced that he would be doing her a favor by bringing her into the unlife, giving her the gifts necessary for her creations to be more than just the wild unreachable obsessions of an artist... but he still had doubts.

Then came the third piece. What a beautiful, torturous piece! The mutilation that it would bring to the wearer, how wonderful! With all doubt now cleared from his mind, he didn't bother to hide the abnormal way his eyes lit up upon seeing this one. Perhaps once she was Embraced, he would alter her form to fit this exact piece. She could wear her own creation, an introduction to the mutilating life he was about to bring her into.

"These are.. quite impressive, and unusual. I like the unusual," he spoke calmly as he stood from the desk and moved around it, resting a paw on her shoulder and standing behind her, he leaned down as if to simply get a closer look at these pieces-- which was partly true at least. "I do have but one question for you.. It may seem an unusual question to ask, but I hope you understand that with this line of work you are showing me, I have to make sure you are not insane. So - if madness surrounded you and clouded your mind... Would you control the madness, or let it control you?"

Now perhaps the atmosphere of the room shifted, became dark and uneasy, as those dark claws tapped idly against the soft, warm flesh beneath the fur on her shoulder.
PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 12:06 am
Pandie Andie

She hadn't known exactly how he might react to much of her creations, and the stone face had made her a little nervous, however when his eyebrow had raised, she seemed pleased with the result, he was taking her more seriously now. That was good.

His reactions to seeing her designs in the flesh as it were gave her a small sense of pride in her work, she had not personally worn very many of her creations, though she often wished to, but found her ability to alter her own body shape was lacking greatly, "This last piece was a little more recent, and most assuredly many found it disturbing, but if one is to indulge in my more distinct designs, they are meant to be permanent." Her eyes showed a spark as she smiled a little darkly, "Granted I've not found anyone willing to endure it as of yet."

His hand on her shoulder caused a small twitch in her ear and her green orbs to turn on him as he asked his question. Something hung in the air, making her fur want to stand on end, however a job opportunity for her was rare at best, given her wants.

She spoke carefully, "I do not feel that this is all there is to that particular question. But given what little information I have, I am not dysfunctionally insane. Madness is a muse to be harnessed and used to one's greater benefit, more so a vision of how one would like to see things and a way to strive for more than what we seem to be. I find that yes I have a touch of madness, but so does each Fae, given their particular talents, and while many lose themselves in it, I have been designing these items for years, extrapolating, crafting, learning anatomy so that I know how, if given the chance to reshape a body to fit these designs." Her head tilted to one side, away from his hand, her ear twitching.

"To the point, my madness does not control me and if found within even more madness than that which I have, I would to the best of my capabilities focus it as the muse it is, and not allow it to reduce me to a babbling fool." Madness was after all a tool to be used, not a master to be followed.

Taking a small breath she braved her next question, "So, Mr. Desidario, do I get the job?" Never in all her life could she imagine what might happen next, and though her skin may have started to crawl at his touch, she wanted badly to work with models who wouldn't argue with altering their bodies, and this Fae seemed to have that kind of business power.

Rinial Sisterdragon

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Snarky Rogue

Snarky Rogue

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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 4:57 pm
Rinial Sisterdragon

"Disturbing? Tsk, they only find it to be disturbing because they are weak minded. Our models here will not object against your designs - in fact, they may want them to be even more over the top. They will never find such a design disturbing. To be honest, while I favorite this design out of all you have shown me, I find it to be... lacking."

Those dark claws squeezed against her shoulder just barely poking at the warm flesh beneath her cream-colored fur. There was a chuckle from him, a pleased sound but far darker than expected. Most pleased laughs or chuckles one made were light and had a certain airy quality to them, a sound that flowed with little effort.

The sound that he made certainly was a pleased one, but it was a thick, heavy sound. It was dark, and it sounded rough coming from his throat, as if forced. It didn't exactly sound.. friendly, it sounded like it may have been a warning of some kind. But perhaps this fellow was just creepy and socially awkward? Well, one could hope that was the case. Unfortunately for Sweet Pea... it wasn't even a warning. It was a sign that she had sealed her fate and whether she tried to flee or fight, she would lose.

"I think with a little effort and alterations of my own, this would fit quite nicely on you..." the male murmured softly as he removed his paw from her shoulder to touch fondly at the torturous piece.

He moved around in front of her after falling silent to listen to her explain how madness was a tool to be harnessed. She was absolutely right-- that was something that most Vampires lacked, particularly the Malkavian. They allowed madness to control them and in turn they were a Clan full of the dysfunctionally insane, as she had put it.

Desidario bent forward in front of her, tilting his head slightly to he side and letting a snarling smile play out on his lips, his fangs now visible. It was time to Embrace this one. He had not given her enough credit and she had unknowingly proven him foolish for it. She would be perfect for his Clan.

"You have the job, though the initiation process is a little more painful than a simple stack of paperwork..."

(I wanted to leave room for her reaction~ My next post (depending on her reaction to this) will probably be the Embracing, and then I will send her cert off so she can be redone. <3)  
PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:32 pm
Pandie Andie

Lacking? How could he find it lacking, she had checked, double checked and triple checked that her design was perfected for wear-ability, durability and spacing, to provide long lasting wear with the least amount of damage to the model who wore it. She wanted them to be able to endure the pain of wearing it and not die on her. Sweet Pea had taken into account that she was working with the living, and thusly their tolerance of pain was so variable that she had to make sure it could be worn by anyone willing to endure it. Perhaps he was speaking of the design on the outside, it was after all...a little childish. She frowned deeply thinking perhaps she'd not spent enough time designing the whole thing.

She had ignored the claws on her shoulder, drawn into thought on how to improve her design, she had to admit, that if it was the outer shell it was lacking. Her mind whirled with patterns, fabrics, decorative pieces anything that would fix this error.

Her ears twitched at his chuckle..it was..disconcerting, but still something she could ignore, as her piece was incomplete, and she had thought so readily to bring it out.

Sweet Pea's head jerked around to stare at him. Sure it was one of her favorite pieces, and she would have loved to wear something similar, but he wanted to alter her design? How could he...?

Green eyes widened large and round as she stared at his grin, a snarl erupting and making her jolt. Were those fangs? Long, nasty, flesh rending fangs? His next words sent her scrambling over the arm of the chair onto the floor and skittering to a wall. Her back to it she watched him, eyes taking in everything. There was something wrong with this, so very wrong. Even for her.

Her eyes darted about, looking for anything as a means of escape, or at least something to defend herself with. Fight? Lot of good that will do me. No fighting wouldn't work and likely with the distance between herself and the door, she wouldn't be able to escape.

Taking a deep breath, she stood up and held herself in an almost defiant pose as she looked at him, she would not give into more of his pleasure of her fear, oh no, she would take it head on, "Painful, like forcing me to wear my own designs? Or something more...like snapping my leg bone in half?" Oh hell how she wanted to just teleport the hell away from him, but she didn't have that capability, none of it, and now, she'd likely end up as a statistic, but she would be damned if she screamed for him.

Rinial Sisterdragon

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Snarky Rogue

Snarky Rogue

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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:12 pm
Rinial Sisterdragon

Desidario put a paw on his chest and stood upright, appearing hurt and offended that she would think him cruel enough to snap her leg bone in half. Though at this point, it was clear that he was cruel enough, and just as clear that he was not truly hurt nor offended. It wouldn't be so out of character for him to snap a few bones. But here in the privacy of just the two of them, with a glimpse of his darkness out in the open, he was comfortable enough to react any way he pleased. Even if it was fake.

"Snap your leg bone in half? Tsk, tsk... My dear, if I snapped anything in half, it would be your neck... and doing that just makes all of this pointless," he lifted his shoulders upwards with his arms outstretches and his paws turned upwards in an exaggerated shrug and a sad shake of his head. "I would despise for this time to have been pointless for me."

A smile played upon his lips again-- this time it was perhaps genuine, or as close as it would ever be. Defiance? That was so.. cute. Bathing in the terrified screams of a mortal and soaking in their fear was all well and good, but they tasted so much sweeter when they were going to hold on to their life as long as they could. If she decided to fight, there wouldn't be much of one to say the least, but if she saved her strength and energy for struggling to stay alive when it came down to the last few drops in her body? Now that would make her taste sweeter than her name.

The Vampire stepped closer to the Majerae and extended his paw. "There will be no bones snapping, I assure you. You wanted to harness madness as a tool, did you not? Did you not want to alter the body of your models without them objecting? Your visions in your work show you wanted to alter skin and bone, to make the model fit your design. You will not understand now-- you cannot comprehend now-- but there are things you cannot even imagine. Your artistic views that are perceived as crazed, unachievable obsessions of a madwoman, are beautiful in our eyes... and they are not beyond your reach. While you may not take my paw willingly... you will take it nonetheless."

Those piercing blue eyes narrowed at the last words that he spoke, his gaze became something colder than it already had been. There was nothing but malice within them at that very moment, and there was nothing that would change that. There was nothing that would change any of this. The poor female didn't see it now, but she would see it soon enough. He was giving her a gift, and considering her attempted line of work, it was a very generous and kind gift.

Desidario stopped with only a few inches left between their bodies, he could feel the warmth emanating from her. He leaned forward, towards her neck, without fear of being struck by physical or magical means. She could strike him physically or magically if she wished, he was leaving himself open to such an attack-- though he did so intentionally. His cold breath hit her fur first, then the fangs grazing through the fur, pressing against that warm, soft flesh.

( I wasn't sure if you wanted her to throw some actual punches so I wanted to give you the chance. xD If you're satisfied with how it's gone though, we can always continue with her "waking". <3 It's whatever you're happy with, dear~ )  
PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:23 pm
Pandie Andie

Power...that's what he seemed to be dripping with now, and it was frustrating to her. However, he was going to give her that power...pone crafting. Was that what she had wanted? Perhaps.

She almost snarled back at him despite the fact that she was likely to lose her life here, as he came closer she still stood there, and no matter how much she really truly wanted to run, she would not give him the pleasure of it again. If only she'd taken some kind of fighting skill, perhaps she would have stood a chance, but she treasured her hands too much to hurt them. A downfall of an artist.

The more he spoke so assuredly the more she wrapped her essence her being, her mind in a magic, something to save her from this madness. Sweet Pea knew she was a trapped bird, and he was the cat about to eat her alive. As his teeth came to her neck, her hand wrapped around his throat, the jolt of her small spell pulsed. It wasn't something to prevent him, nor dissuade him from his intentions, but it would make it just that much harder to pull her across, will power and a little magic.

She growled at him, "This had better be worth it." Her hand still on her neck, her defiance still reverberated through her skin, despite all her fears and the knowledge she was about to die, she would hold onto her life as much as she could, or rather as much of herself as she could.

(I am totally satisfied with how this went, if you'd like to post one more with Desidario to finish it up, or leave it here, I'm good either way. ^w^ this has been quite fun.)  

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

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