Oh hi there, i would love to share one of my hobbies. Actually it is favorite of all, it is BAKING yum_puddi

Whenever i feel stressed, sad, or angry or even depressed with one scoop of flour, sugar, beaten eggs, milk and butter all of my worries are gone. it is like a MAGIC FOR ME emotion_bigheart when i baked cookies and cupcakes in different flavors.

Well the point is i love baking cupcakes instead of cakes which i haven't fully used to it since baking in different size and type it is hard to maintain everything. I actually prefer a not so sweet pastries, maybe i want something that can make someone say THIS IS PERFECT! NOT SO SWEET! JUST KIND OF MY TASTE!

For the part of cookies, well i'm not still that good at it, i still bake burnt cookies hahah emotion_yatta And ihad been dying to see our whole house finish before November so i can start my business by selling homemade pastries and i want a kitchen that is big and had a baking area for MEEEE!!

Can anyone share of your favorite cookies, cakes or cupcake recipes? I would love to try it once the whole major house renovation ended!