The camera fades-in to show Cartwright, already dressed to compete, pacing back and forth backstage in the locker room to cheers from the fans. The locker room is empty, until he is joined by an old friend, the cameraman with the pets that drove Cartwright mad when he returned to WWFG. Cartwright jumps back away from him, startled by him.

Cartwright: "Don't do that man! I'm trying to focus! Get the hell away from me! I don't have time to listen about your boring stories about your pets! I don't have time to feed your rampant rabbit carrots! I don't have time to look at photo's of your furry p*** I don't have time to be chased-off by that crazy bear of yours. It's Wrestlemania! It's a big night for everyone and I need to mentally prepare for the biggest match since my return, The King of the Canvas Finals! It's kind of a big deal! By winning it, I too will be a big deal! I want to be a big deal! I deserve to be a big deal! I NEEEEEED to be a big deal! My huge ego demands it so badly!"

The cameraman almost looks upset, but he knows that Cartwright must be feeling some sort of pressure tonight. He puts a hand on Cartwright's shoulder, which he doesn't appreciate. He doesn't know where the guys hand has been. He might have been touching-up all sorts of animals before he found Cartwright.

CM: "I just came here to wish you good luck..."

Cartwright instantly cuts-in as he is clearly annoyed by the guys mere presence. Cartwright removes the man's hand from his shoulder.

Cartwright: "You just did! Now GO! SCRAM! GET LOST! BUGGER-OFF!"

The cameraman walks right in-front of Cartwright, practically begging for his attention.

CM: "Wait a minute there snappy! I'm not finished just yet. Hold your horses. Let's take a moment to reflect on your career since you returned to WWFG..."

Cartwright rolls his eyes. He'd much rather be left alone to focus on his match and not listen to this animal loving freak of a man....rabbit....down his ears.

Cartwright: "You have pet horses now?! Wait, I told you I have... nay time for this....unless you have some lucky horse shoes..."

CM: " do for this. Have you ever thought about how you met Figgy? How Team Insane came together? That was through me! Let's look back at that. You became WWFG Tag Team Champions together. You both entertained the great WWFG fans together. You even went into an Insane Asylum together!"

Cartwright would much rather be in a padded cell, while being beaten to death very slowly by a spoon, than continue to listen to the cameraman.

Cartwright: "So you're taking credit for all my success?! You're barking up the wrong tree with this. Get out of here..."

CM: "Then you were placed into the King of the Canvas tournament and have made it all the way to the Finals! Figgy got fired during the tournament, but you didn't need him any more so it's all good. Let my words power you up and motivate you to go on and win tonight. What's this Draze guy ever done? I haven't heard a darn thing about what tonight's match means to him. I bet I could defeat him just by sneezing on him...."

Cartwright can't....bear....listening to this guy. He wish the cameraman would make like a bird and fly away. Cartwright is howling in pain inside his head.

Cartwright: "I'm booooored of you talking! I don't need a history lesson! I know everything that you are telling me!"

CM: "I'm just so proud of you....making it this far...and it was all thanks to me! You should be THANKING me! I am the guy who has made you so successful! Not you! Not Figgy! Not anyone else! If it wasn't for me, you'd be in a terrible place at the bottom of the card! Imagine this, King Kartwright and King Hiro teaming up to take on Kelly King 2.0, feuding for his mask in a Ladder Match...."

Cartwright's face contorts to show just how angry he is about what was just said. Like a viper perhaps. Or a rattlesnake. Or a cobra. The cameraman is clearly off his head, probably high off of eating dog muck or something very similar.


Cartwright pushes the cameraman back and gives him a swift superkick to the jaw, knocking him out cold instantly and dropping him to the floor. Cartwright fumes as he looks down at the cameraman who remains motionless.

Cartwright: "Man.....I hope he didn't just tell me my way! That would never happen! Tonight, I win the King of the Canvas match and becomes KIIIIIIIING KAAAAAAAARTWRIIIIIIIIIGHT THEEEEEEE SECOOOOOOOOOOND!"

Cartwright wonders if what he said makes sense as the camera begins to fade-out. Of course it does! If he was the king and becomes the King again that MUST make him a two-time King and thus the second! See he's got this all totally figured out.