With Wrestlemania rolling on, following a most stellar Intercontinental Championship match, the Titantron lights up with a feed coming from backstage, featuring none other then an interviewer and the 2013 Royal Rumble winner, Hiro Shin-Mozas. The fans give off a pop for Hiro as he came into frame.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time, the 2013 Royal Rumble winner and the man who will face both Talon and Dion Necurat tonight for the WWF:G Undisputed Championship, Hiro Shin-Mozas. Now, Hiro, tonight is the biggest match in your career. What's running through you head?"

Hiro rubbed his hand across his lips as he tried to conceal a grin that grew across his face while the interviewer was announcing his achievement of winning the Rumble and the fact that he was in the main event of Wrestlemania.

"I tell you what, disbelief is running through my mind. I never would have imagined seeing myself in the main event of the grandest stage of 'em all...Wrestlemania. See, when F:G came back with it's Reboot, I obviously wrestled Dion quite a bit, and than when Survivor of the Cage came around, while Dion was winning the Undisputed Championship, Rosario and the Nameless were making sure I didn't walk out as Intercontinental Champion. Then...Well, then I just kept on losing, and then up and quit on everyone...but in the process, I was named the General Manager of Reboot. What did I do with that position? Why, I entered myself into the Royal Rumble. I abused the power that came with the position to just give myself a 1 in 20 chance to main event Wrestlemania...and it all worked out. A lot of people have abused their powers over the years in our business and put themselves into situations that had better odds than 1 out of 20. I did the work to get to this point. I just needed to get the opportunity that I kept having ripped from me."

Hiro looked very proud while he spoke, almost with a bit of satisfaction, like he knew this was how it was all gonna go. Everything had been going according to plan.

"Hiro, are there any matches that you could say come close to the importance of this match that you've wrestled in your career?"

Hiro nodded in approval of this question, taking a moment to place a finger on his chin as he looked up in deep thought. Finally, something came to him.

"You know, there are three matches that come to mind. When I took on "The Don" Kato Morales in the NBWA in our final encounter match, The one time I was a part of a Mephisto's Final Wish match, and the 2013 Royal Rumble. They were all huge parts of me. One finally got a monkey off of my back, the other was the start of a hate filled chapter in my life, and the last was the match which started the chapter we are currently in. The chapter of hope, the chapter of peace, the chapter of gold."

Once again, a look of pride and swag was all that adorned Hiro's face. The fans gave off a pop for this, especially the fans who knew what the NBWA was.

"A new chapter? Sounds interesting. Is there anything else you'd like to say? Perhaps about tonight's match?"

Hiro smiled a bit, and took the microphone from the interviewer in a non-threatening way. The interviewer was more then happy to hand it over.

"I know both of you very well, Dion and Talon. One of you has been my friend for years, the other, a rival for a while now. Tonight, the three of us collide in that ring. No one thinks this is going to be a good match. No one thinks we can pull off something special. I got news for them: This is Wrestlemania. This is when all the stops are pulled, where all the good s**t happens. Tonight, we go to war, I will make sure of that. One of us will walk out with a huge prize and an even bigger target. I'm ready for that. I know Talon is, and Dion's been living it. Any one of us could win...but I can make you a guarantee....When this match is over, the ref is going to be raising my fist into the air...."

The camera shoots to a view of the arena, a roar of cheers accompanying the sight of well over ten thousand fists in the air.

"...and all of wrestling will be struck by a sight they never thought possible...Hiro Shin-Mozas, WWF:G Undisputed Champion. Good luck tonight boys, you are gonna need it!"

With that, Hiro slaps the interviewer on the shoulder and shakes his hand before handing him back the microphone, and walking off as the camera fades out.