Name: Kaida
Nicknames: (if any)
Gender: female
Age: 15-17

Faction: Monster
Race: Aqua ice Dragon

Natural Ability: Control water and Ice element

Personality: Kaida is a quite girl that like to read a lot, She prefers to listen to other people talk than to say anything. She has a hard time not to freeze things she touches, she was told by her parents that she has to wear gloves to prevent from freezing things, the only thing she has touch without freezing is water, which she had to learn because of her love for swimming and Oceans.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? To make friends and have better control of her fear Ability with out using the special gloves.

FEAR Ability: Ice Breath - Shoot out cool ice breath. (don't know)

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Blue Green
Hair Colour/Style: Deep blue green, Straight just below the shoulder
Skin Colour: Icy Blue
Clothing Style/Colours: Different shades of blue, greys/silvers
Extra: (Your character's special features: wings, tail, pointy ears, horns
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them