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Reply "RPC" *Roleplay Central*
A Harvest Moon Roleplay Idea.

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Perfect Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:43 am
So basically I'm sure a lot of us have played a Harvest Moon Game here and there on something. If not, well it's basically a farming game where you go to a new village of some sort. You raise animals and grow vegetables/fruit, along with helping the Harvest Goddess with some problem that she is having or her sprites. There's a lot more to the game, I'd recommend trying it.

Anyway, most Harvest Moon roleplays I've played usually lack the initial issues because we don't really want to roleplay around harvesting stuff, talking non-chalant with every character and trying to figure out what to buy at the market. A good roleplay usually needs some heavy drama or action, but I would never consider putting anything rated R in Harvest Moon anything (I don't want to ruin anyone's child hood).

So here comes the idea.

A small village, Sun Flow Valley, is slowly growing poor thanks to the cities that are growing around then not too far in the distance. Some kids are moving out to go to the exciting cities, others are moving in with their relatives who are struggling to keep their businesses alive and going. What keeps the tourism in this valley is the architecture, great wine, and the hot springs during the winter near the waterfall. People love it, but obviously do not want to stay for long as they go back to their lives in the city.

The people of the village, their culture, grow a little less friendly and familiar with each other as the years go. As time passes, the environment of the land slowly grows more ill. Now a days it's often raining with terrible thunder storms, rarely is there sun. Who's to save this wonderful valley from dying? First we'll have to get down to the root of the problem, all starting to the beginning with the Harvest Goddess.

The Harvest Goddess has loved this land since the beginning of time. She has created sprites for each factor of nature about this area so this land can prosper. As the people of their wills began to move and plant their roots, new sprites were born. A sprite within each person who connected their heart to this land. The sprite represented their love for the land and their passion that they wanted to give to it, of course many rarely saw these sprites ( save for young children). Those that left the land took their sprite with them, but as time passed and the land was only with in their memories the sprite would slowly fall into a deep sleep.

People were starting to leave, and an evil that was set long ago was starting to rise. Long ago the sister of the Goddess rose and cast an evil upon the sprites, in attempts to weaken them. That day a storm rose over the valley and wiped away many resources. The people that lived with in that valley didn't abandon it after that long storm, they rose and labored to pick up their land once again. The Goddess presumed as long as the people were there for her, she could be there for them too.

Of course, now it's all coming to play to the Goddess's sister as the land weakens this day. Is there a hero? Yes. The young niece/nephew of the mayor that heard of this place was called to live with the mayor. They have lived in a small town of their own, not too far from the city, so a place like Sunflow did seem exciting. On their travels, the young mayor (yes they will become the new mayor upon their uncle's death) will come to see the Harvest Goddess in her request of aid. How are they to aid? With the help of their sprite that has been newly born. The this person connects with the people of the valley (bonds) the stronger they're sprite and the land will grow stronger. (also those that make the bond will be able to help in the cause, ect. ect.)

I can write out the intro I have for those to get a better idea. It's sort of like Harvest Moon mixed with ... that anime that has the eggs inside the people, one true self sort of thing. Or persona if I have to compare it to something else. No magic or transformations with the people, only the sprites can do magic and you don't have a sprite awakened if you haven't bonded with new mayor (or unless your a child). With every new bond becomes a fight scene to help awaken the sprite within them.

Any questions, ideas, changes , or interests are appreciated
PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:38 pm
I think I might actually make the intro, just to create a clearer picture and if it works then it'll already be pretty much written down.  


Perfect Waffles


Perfect Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:09 pm
Silent Hero

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It was about spring time, and I had to walk towards my uncle's home on foot for half a mile as cars weren't welcome at his village. Before I started I stayed at a hotel where there were buses that often went back and fourth between to take others to the edge of the village. I sort of walked because he told me a lot of people usually do and there was nice scenery on the way. I didn't even get half way before the rain started to pour, really pour. I had an umbrella like he suggested, but maybe he was underestimating this weather that I walked in. I knew my uncle was old, but maybe he's slowly becoming senile.

I almost lost my umbrella a couple times and had to fight my way out of two mud puddles, needless to say the bus would make more sense , but I made it. In Sun Flow it seemed to be raining even harder, obviously there was no one outside. Having a look around the landscape though I can recall some of the places when I came here as a young child, the memories vague. I could of sworn this place was more like a garden, maybe age and time away just shows me otherwise. It's still a little hard to grasp from the memories though.

I came up to a moderately large home, the decorations of the rose bushes only seemed to remain in my memory and the rusted door knocker barely moved. A young man answered the door, he was probably only five years older than me, but I couldn't keep the baffled expression from my face "Uh...Uncle Grey?" I asked. The man gazed back, furrowing his brow before realizing who I was, and opened the door further "Come, he's inside." giving a half hearted smile. I figured maybe the weather was getting to him also. After removing my shoes and wet socks, I went to greet an the old memory.

Uncle Grey was sitting in a rocking chair near the fire place, simply rocking. Coughs and sips of coffee could be heard as he'd turn his gaze from the fire to me, the kindness and eager in his eyes couldn't be misunderstood. A smile on his wrinkled face , I hoped I wasn't blushing "So ya' finally made it eh? You look a little soaked from here. I can get ya' a bath started and some fresh clothes, too bad the delivery of your stuff won't arrive till' tomorrow, but you can borrow my friend's pajama's until then. I know you've met him, but the boy doesn't know how to say his name too often, this is Mr. Pelter." holding his hand out , speaking of the man that answered the door. He was handing Uncle Grey a glass of water and some pills it seemed, then turned to look at me with more of a glum expression, I think I saw a hint of embarrassment even. Uncle Grey had an odd way with people, Pelter spoke "I'm his butler, and I'll call for you when your bath is ready. You should sit by the fire until then." I wouldn't say no to that, so I took a seat not far from Uncle Grey and chatted with him. Diner followed after the bath, maybe it was weird that I was feeling at ease already despite the travels, even so I still thought of my mother and father. There was a payphone not far from here in the valley and I'd have to call them tomorrow when this weather passed.

That night when I slept in the guest bed, the sound of thunder shook my thoughts. I kept the curtains closed to block out the lightning. For some reason the weather here made me uneasy compared to back at home, even from time to time we'd have our heavy storms. I managed to fall asleep late at night, and that was when she came. It was a dream so vivid, I wondered if I slipped away in my sleep. A woman was before me, and she was nothing short of angelic. Her hair was long, green, flowing as if it was alive. Her eyes, gazing towards me with misery, were blue like the sea. The robes she wore, it seemed she plucked each flower, leaf, and vine from her surroundings to create such a luxurious though primitive wear.

"Pure of heart, with open eyes.." she whispered, one of her hands reached out towards me and I couldn't help my self, but reach for hers. I wasn't sure if I was intoxicated, or her pleading eyes convinced me all too quickly. Her hand faded through me though, I couldn't touch her though she still reached for me as her hand was placed over my chest. Then and there, I could feel warmth and the darkness that surrounded us grew brighter with an array of color. "What is this?" I asked, though I didn't hear myself. "I am the Harvest Goddess...I've watched over this valley for many generations of your family. The land that you came to once as a child, and the one you've returned to now. You see what it has become, and I have been waiting so long for one of heart and mind like yours to return. I need you." we seemed to stare for the longest time, I felt in a daze then the question came to me

"What can I do? I'm no force of nature..."

"With in you is the ability to reach out to others. Each with in this valley hold a passion like you do, but with doubt the passion becomes buried...the valley slowly becomes a memory and like it may fade so will I. What's awoken with in holds the ability to awaken those around you."

"Awaken...wake up what?"

"If they sleep forever, the land will die and those rooted will also.." the woman seemed to be fading, was I gaining conscious? It seemed her voice was also getting louder. Even so I could hear her whisper as she was getting farther away "Awaken."

I jerked awake, the whisper I heard feeling real. Blinking a moment and rubbing my eyes, it was a pretty good heavy sleep , I was even feeling groggy. I peered through the curtains to figure out what time it might be, but there were a lot of thick clouds in the sky. There was some sun that was peering through small areas and it seemed to be near noon "Oh...I slept." then I quickly thought back to that dream "What the heck was that?..." just talking to myself at this point, it seemed befitting to the weird dreams as I thrust my head back against the pillow as my mind still felt a little tender from the night. I was struggling with the imagery in my head, shaken really, and then a knock at the door caused me to sit up straight once more. Mr. Pelter's voice spoke up "If you aren't awake by now you'll miss the day. You live here now this isn't a vacation, you have chores." "Alright." I called back to him, and got dressed.

The day was filled with chores around the house, the light rain was starting up about mid-afternoon, and I spent that time helping Mr. Pelter with his work, the previous dream didn't even occur to my thoughts .Uncle Grey was in his home office doing some paper work. He didn't wear glasses at all so I was surprised he could read, most elderly I remember required some sort of glass prescription. Most of my items came through the mail and I took the time before dinner to unpack. They mentioned eventually I'd have to go around and meet the other villagers as new people were a little uplifting to some.

The smell of food made it to my room and faded pretty quickly, I was hungry, so I decided to leave for the kitchen to see what's cooking. When I opened the door though, I wondered if I was dreaming once again. The open hall before me was filled with what seemed like black, rotting vines growing along the floors and walls. I reached down to, hesitant, but to poke the plant. My finger went right through, as if the plant was transparent or a mirage almost "Am I dreaming?" I asked, the sounds of sniffles and muffled crying coming from down the hall. I walked in the direction of the sounds, a black, misty fog seeming to cover more of the ceiling. When I got the living room, I saw Mr. Pelter sitting on the chair across from the rocking chair. "Mr. Pelter?" I called.

He stood quickly, wiping his eyes and spoke "O-oh...I uh, didn't hear you leave your room. Dinner will be ready soon, after that I need to discuss some business with you."
"Was he not seeing this?" thinking to myself as I looked around, weary of my surroundings. "This feels real...but so did the last one...that one." the memory of that dream returning. I looked back towards Pelter "Is Uncle Grey still in his room?" I asked, figuring he may know something, but I was praying for these visions to leave. It seemed Pelter could see I was nervous, as if I already knew what he was going to say next, not the fact that my eyes were going crazy.

"T..that is something I want to speak with you about, but I wanted to wait till' after dinner. It doesn't matter really." frantic in his voice, I could hear it as his usual dull, or glum expression was filled with hurt. "Mr.Grey has passed away this afternoon..."

"What?" a more silent shock in my voice, at what was happening, and the fact that the vines were growing thicker.

"After tonight, I will be leaving this valley in search of work as there isn't much here. With no Mayor, and Sun Flow already running into the ground, it's best that neither of us really stay here. I'm truly sorry, I knew your parents were excited for you and I hoped you were too, but this is my advice." Mr. Pelter finished, a gaze to the ground as he seemed to be struggling. The death of Uncle Grey seemed to be taking its toll. He was irrational.

"Pelter do you hear yourself? What are you talking about? You've worked for him, why can't you be the new Mayor? Someone else can take up the job." suggesting , surely it wasn't a big deal to run this small valley and keep it in order right?

"You wouldn't understand. Sun Flow has been getting worse every year, almost every month now. This place won't be able to keep itself up. Mr. Grey was unlike any other and possibly the last thing real hope this town had going. I'm not like him..nobody is like him." a hand covering his eyes as the man bit his lip. It seemed whatever effect Uncle Grey's personality had on me wasn't really me alone. "This valley is just no good.."

As those words were spoken it seemed the growth rate in the vines were increasing. In the corner I could see one vine starting to move wildly like an octopus's arm. From behind it though, it wasn't the vine, but the creature that was moving the vine. It was a menacing looking imp like creature, dark cloth covering it's grey skin and red eyes peering back at me. Sharp teeth nibbled at the vines, I could hear tiny laughter from it as it floated towards Pelter. I ran over towards him quickly, the imp like creature hissing at me which stopped my pace for a moment. I saw a few more of them spring about. I could hear the whispers , the words of my dreams reminded me "It'll bury.." My hand reached out for Pelter's shoulder to get his attention, he gazed back at me with redness around his puffy eyes "Pelter, you really can't believe this can you? How long have you been here? I came here when I was young, and I know for a fact this place wasn't no good. Everywhere I went there was something growing, and I mean everywhere." telling him as I kind of didn't really like that he said this place was no good. I haven't exactly seen this valley at first hand like he had, but what I remember was something that was wonderful. I was frantic enough in my words, my true feelings, in fear of what I was seeing around me. "Awaken.." I could hear her again.

Mr. Pelter backed away from me and shook his head "Lets just have our meal, we can discuss more of this later, I really need some time to think about what I'm going to do..." seeming at loss. I furrowed my brow, but then saw something seeming to glow upon his left shoulder. It was almost a blinding white and it lasted for a second before I saw a sleeping little creature on his shoulder. I held my breath as I studied it for a moment, Pelter didn't seem to notice my expressions and if so then he'd take it as some reaction to the fate of my uncle. The creature on his shoulder was asleep it seemed, a tiny looking person with pointed ears and a bright colorful garment. "Awaken.." it whispered once more. The more I heard it, the more stubborn I felt towards Pelter. The dark imp like creatures were hissing, all glaring towards the sleeping creature on Pelter's shoulder.

"Pelter, hear me out please." I said, almost desperately, and he gazed back with a befuddled expression and I think he was starting to really see how crazy I was going. "I won't leave this place. This place may not have technology like my old home, or the excitement of a movie theater even, but it has what many places don't. I'd hate to see it die..." the man looked more at me with pity and spoke "I know...I do too...but there is nothing we really can do. Times just change...I can't force you to leave, but I won't say here." it seemed he was going to go on into an explanation, but my eyes began to focus on what was above. An option glowing with a faint green began to slowly lower itself towards me. Pelter seemed to stop talking as I reached my hand up to grasp it "Please be a dream...but I need you to see Pelter." I could almost feel my heart stop beating. As the object got closer, I could see it looked like a tree seed . I whispered those words, I believe they were more for Pelter than they were for me. "Awaken..."

Crushing the object, my hand began to glow brightly. I could hear Pelter scream, and the hissing of the imps screeching in anger. When I could see again, the bright light dimming a little , I gazed towards Pelter who was fallen back against the chair just staring at me. Before me was a little creature much like the one on Pelter's shoulder though awake and in a different color with longer hair. It was smiling towards me, a determination on his face as it stretched "Heya, how's it going?" I blinked , seeing it "Eh.." but my eyes turned to the quickly approaching imps. I pointed in their direction, as if knowing what I was doing almost, the instinct was in me. The six inch sprite before me nodded, looking in that direction I pointed and pulled out a sword that seemed to be from out of no where ready.

Charging towards the dark imps, it slashed down one and it exploded in many dark particles. Two against one, the sprite dodged the imps attacks before seeing an opening to attack, it's sword strong with fire that much could be seen in the battle. I was focused on the battle, feeling as if I was helping and it wasn't long before it was over. The fog was fading, but the vines were still around, I gazed over towards Pelter who seemed to be having a nightmare of his own in a paralyzed fear. I jogged over towards him, squatting near him "Hey, hey, can you hear me?" he only stared towards me with a frightened expression, slowly inching away. The sprite that fought earlier seemed to of followed me and moved towards the sprite that was still asleep on Pelter's shoulder. It seemed to be struggling , almost waking up. I looked towards the butler and said "I'll be the mayor if you'll help me Pelter." stating those words clearly with determination.

Despite the silence on Pelter, the creature on his shoulder woke up. After a few more screams and a lot of questions, the rotting vines faded and the area around the house returned to normal. Pelter and I ended up sitting down with a colder dinner than we intended to talk over these matters. He could apparently see what I was seeing, including my sprite, in which I was asking more questions from than Pelter was asking from me. It seemed the sprite didn't know a whole lot as it was just born, my dream was the biggest clue and I was pretty lucky to have Pelter on my side. It made me feel just a little less crazy, I needed more questions or a way to contact the Harvest Goddess. What's even bigger is I just promised Pelter I'd be the mayor....I don't really even know how to do that, but he's worked for Uncle Grey for many years so I guess I'll be learning for a little bit before I could get the hang of this. I'm probably a little insane, because I just took up a political job on whim with my only skills being my education.

My sprite went back to sleep before I did, it seemed the battle has it worn, and I didn't complain. Was kind of hoping it would be the last battle, but I had a feeling this was far from over. Pelter's sprite said there were more like him before he went to sleep. Since that day, I became closer to Pelter than I'd ever imagined to be when I arrived. It felt like progress, because he was staying after all.

Note: I did it first person because I'm in some hope that someone else would want to play this main character. Pelter would also be a character. Seems a little out there, but this is just the idea to add to the Harvest Moon Role play as I'd have most of the role play still consist of traditional Harvest Moon with many festivals or events along with various roles that can be played.  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:14 pm
Seems interesting.  

Minnta Aloripma

Dangerous Storyteller


Perfect Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:44 pm
Thank you, I'm still working on kinks or trying to improve this to be perhaps a little more subtle. I'm at a pause for now.  
"RPC" *Roleplay Central*

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