Name: Eztli Xipil Etalpalli Teuic
Nicknames: Ezzy or just Eztli
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Faction: Monster
Race: Xiuhcoatl

Natural Ability: Tlachinolli Ichtaca- (lit: Fire Secret) Eztli, like most others of her people, can communicate through fires. She need only shed a few drops of blood (not necesarrily hers mind you) into the flame and she can store a spoken message, which can then later be replayed with another few drops of blood. The stored message will be viable for later listening so long as the original flame continues to burn, in this way a flame containing a message can be split through various means, and distributed or kept safe. A very handy ability when you want to pass along covert messages. Not so handy in that anyone can listen to them if they know how to start the playback.

A Blue Blood Brat
At first glance Eztli is a vain, bratty barbarian. On second glance Eztli is a vain, bratty, high born young lady. Second born to her family nearly twenty after her elder sister, Xuipilli, Eztli was raised as one would expect a wealthy family to raise an unexpected but very welcome child. She’s spoilt in the way that she was given everything she could have asked for even before she knew she wanted it, so she’s VERY used to getting her way, and isn’t above threats, blood letting, and manipulation to get it. With that said, she knows when to use sugared words and a gentle hand in place of a sharp knife. Eztli likes highbrow things like High Tea and Calligraphy, both very ritualistic endeavors, and learned the art of politics and society at her father’s knee.

A Blooded Neophyte
Being born a Xiuhcoatl, a creature irrevocably tied with bloodletting, sacrifice, and thought of as being birthed from fire, Eztli was raised to be a warrior. She may not be highly combat trained like Knights or Samurai, since Xiuhcoatl are trained simply to live and win in the most sincere way possible, they toss two teams of their youngsters into a pit and team with the most standing at the end gets the honor of sacrificing the weakest of the losing team’s heart. She understands the nature of war, and has a firm grip on tactics, but don’t ask her to perform any fancy moves. Eztli goes nowhere without her two daggers, one obsidian for sacrifice, the other cold steel, and is highly competitive, which only feeds into her aggressive nature.

Overly Eager to Spill Blood
What’s that? Someone has a papercut??? Oh Let me!
And before you know it someone’s bleeding out and Eztli’s using their blood to paint the walls. No. Really. She likes blood only second to fire, and fire is substantially harder to carry around and toss around. Though doing either will get her in trouble, and doing both would probably be especially bad, Eztli adores the sight of people bleeding. She doesn’t particularly like when they’re in pain, but oh the sight of fresh blood makes her feel giddy and ever so happy.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? As the second child, even as a spoilt one, Eztli always knew she would be forced to leave home to seek her fortunes, and victims, elsewhere less turmoil arise in her family. But rather than be kicked out of house and home before she was ready (what would have happened on her 24th birthday) Eztli begged her sister Xuipilli, her role model and second mother figure, to use the family’s influence and wealth to enroll her in the Academy so that she might learn how to survive in the world without the support system of her family backing her, that she had grown up with.

FEAR Ability:

Blood Sacrifice: Eztli cuts into the palm of her hand with a special obsidian knife and offer some of her blood for strength and clarity of mind. She’s not very proficient at on the go rituals yet so it’s very crude.

Type: The Eye

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Luridly Green Like really bright

Hair Colour/Style: Eztli has verdant green to turquoise feathers that splay out about her head and hang down her back like a resplendent headdress. The Xiuhcoatl as a species do not have hair. Instead, where hair would be there is a layer of feathers, with their thickness and coverage completely dependent on where they are located. (Yes, this means her eyebrows and eye lashes are feathers)

Skin Colour: Rich tan color upon which she paints bright red lines and dots. You get one hint as to what kind of ‘dye’ she’s using.

Clothing Style/Colours: Because they were worshipped as gods in the days of yore, Eztli’s people grew a taste for the extravagant costumes of the Aztec with a morbid twist. Eztli breeds true in her taste of clothing. Usually she’s never seen without her heavy and ornate cloak of obsidian, turquoise, and gold beads woven together with leather dyed red with the blood of sacrifices she has made (called a ‘tilmatli’) over a black tunic (huipil) a red leather and gold beaded knee-long segmented skirt. On her head is the gold covered, feather bedecked skull of a male Xiuhcoatl from a rival clan, captured and sacrificed on the day of her birth so that she may fight with the ferocity and ruthlesness of a male. Also bracelets and chokers and anklets and armlets sometimes all of them together. Eztli is a brat.

Extra: Eztli has the smile of a shark, in that all of her front teeth are pointed, but her incisors are long and hollow like needles, though she has no venom the fangs are designed to draw blood out of the wound rather than delivering something into it. At her back there is a four (and some odd inches) foot long white iridescent serpentine tail that she drapes over her shoulder, under her tilmatli. It is just as prehensile as a typical snake’s tail should be, but characterized by a sharp, knife-like segmented piece of bone that grows from the tip. She keeps the sharp segment ‘sheathed’ in a hollow piece of gold crafted to look like a snake’s head. Her tail is never to be used in combat unless she is going to kill her opponent, sacrifice their heart to her ancestors and ritualistically drink the blood that gave them strength.

References: I’ll put her character designs that I came up with on as soon as I can finish hashing them out~