Name: Shea
Nicknames: Blondie. Cow ( only tolerated by one creature and even then it gets a falcon punch.)
Gender: Female.
Age: 17

Faction: Monster
Race: Minotaur ( WOW version // Tauren )

Natural Ability: Enhanced Strength and Endurance: Due to how big and by that I mean muscular she is there aren't many things she can't literally rip open. As tough as her muscles is her skin, a naturally thick hide she posses like many Minotaur's. Hand in hand with this, Rhea can run or walk even for long distances and rarely tire out.

Speaks her mind: ( What was that ? )
Sorry what was that, no wait, she has an opinion on that and you will hear it, conversation is not over thank you. If something bothers Shea, whoever or whatever did it will be the first to know. Shea has no use for beating around the bush or gossiping, talking behind others back. She's a full frontal assault when angry or opinionated. Even when not angry or geared up about something, Shea will speak her mind and tell you exactly what she thinks, now does that mean if a friend ask her if their hooves look fat in those shoes she will say yes? No. Shea has a guard and knows on who to use it, if you are a friend she's not going to purposely upset you by telling you the truth, though she might suggest something else...

Slob: ( Can't we just...leave it to the earth?... )
Or at least to a point. Shea has her moments, which are all too often, when she just can't be assed to pick up, like when she has the maull to hit up or...other things that are more interesting going on. After all, the dorm can be cleaned anytime right? Besides half of whats in there her minis will totally eat. This often times has her scrambling around since being a slob doesn't help her organizational skills much and if things tend to pile up, important things tend to get lost...easily. While she is a tad of a slob and a bit disorganized, it’s nothing that is over the top. Yes, parts of her floor are still visible and she has never been hour late for something important due to this trait. Her sloppiness might turn some people off, however if it gets to the point of offensive, and she's told, she will try clean up a bit. This isn't to say she goes out with stains on her or something, considering her reliable trait tends to keep her wanting to have at least a somewhat professional look to help maintain this. But that's not to say she won't leave trash from the creepatera laying around because, it will totally dissolve back into the ground ...right? Clearly she's use to the more, natural settings and her actions tend to reflect this.

Good-natured: ( Promise I don't bite )
Generally Shea is a sweet enough and nice enough ghoul. She likes to spoil those she cares for and likes to meet new people. A sort of a friendly social butterfly even despite her appearance. The only time Shea really gets unfriendly is if someone crosses her, considering she was raised to take nothing from nobody no matter who the person.

Dependable: ( Come rain, sleet or Hunter.)
Not to say she doesn't have fun, but priority clearly comes first. If she is thrown from her responsibilities she might get a little cranky, though as long as she can still fulfill her responsibilities, she will forgive and forget the interruption. However, you can bet that if you ruin whatever it is and there is no chance of her being able to adapt the situation into a positive, you will pay and pay dearly. There is something about someone or something depending on her that makes her feel useful, which satisfies her in her own way. This being said, you can rely on Shea to help you with whatever to the very end as long as you appreciate her. Like a mailmonster she will be there for you come rain, sleet or hunter, and if she ends up letting you down, you can bet that you will not be the only one affected by the failure..

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? To escape? Basically that is the just of it, Shea was forced into an engagement she wants no part of. The to-be husband is a one of a kind jackhole in her opinion and after he publicly humiliated her brother, by cutting his horns off? Yeah no thank you. Determined to find a more suitable 'husband' she begged her father to let her leave the clan in the name of study and her one last freedom, of course secretly she was going to try and find someone to take Tavion if she failed to.

FEAR Ability: War Stomp: Headlights: - Using her massive size she legit stomps the ground and can send people toppling over, its a stunning attack.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Gold.
Hair Colour/Style: Blonde - See image for style
Skin Colour: See image.
Clothing Style/Colours: See image. ( Earthy tones, less is best, hunter inspired, light weight, leathers (ex goggles & boots). )
Extra: Bull like ears
She is actually furry! - its just reaaaallly fine hair that doesn't stand out unless you are close enough to tell.
Clan tattoos (brown markings on her skin)
Four set of horns, ( the two on the top are actually hers, the two on the bottom are a trophy , hair accessory.. )
Long yet well kept nails.
Forked tail, (stripped of fur)

References: Image to the side !