Hello friends. Today... I have tried something that probably did not work to bring Tinierme Japan to America and other english speaking lands... Anyway I went onto the Gcrest Japan site and found out that Google can translate most of it into English. I also discovered that my Kindle has a nifty little tool that lets me to type anything I type from english to Japanese. Here's a demonstration. へっldらごn64 Well.. most of it was translated... thats my username if anyone wants to try to translate that to see if it worked... Anyhow, I sent (or at least hope I sent I don't know how to work the Japanese keyboard) a message to Gcrest Japan asking them to translate the Japanese version of Tinierme to english so english speaking people can enjoy it, though I doubt that it worked who knows?? Anyhow, that's all, keep your fingers crossed cuz I may or may not be able to bring Tinierme back to english speakers...