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[PRP] Misadventures In Tea Making (Fala/Sayuri)

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Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:51 am
This must have been her third trip to the shop this week. Apparently her mentor's thirst for booze had switched gears to tea. It was a good shift but Falair was pretty sure his bladder might explode if he kept drinking so much tea all the time.

She had planted some plants in the garden behind the tent to help with supplies but they weren't ready yet. So she would continue to run from one end of the reserve to the other as much as she needed to. As long as it kept him sober she had no real need to complain.

You couldn't get tea poisoning could you? It was an interesting thought. Perhaps she would put it to the test. Fai would be a good subject, of course she would never tell him that she was doing it. The young mare knew better, plus ya know, he was spry enough. If it could happen it probably wouldn't kill him.

Falair put the idea away for the moment as she exited the shop, carrying a couple large sacks of dried tea leaves in her arms.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:01 pm
She'd found herself, after a sudden burst of energy, in a cleaning spree. Not that she was an unclean individual. Oh no. Well, okay so maybe she had a hording problem when it came to those strange objects she found in the human world. But that was all confined to her special chest! No, she was mostly cleaning - or rearranging - her room around. Again. Because what else was she supposed to do?! The horseman had way too much energy. And nothing else to waste it on.

But when her room was all switched around and there was nothing left to 'clean', Saiyuri realized... she was lonely.

Welp! It was time to go find someone to pester! Giggling to herself, the famine mare trotted out of her room to lurk about the reserved. Again.

"Oooooh~" The mare peered around a corner, noticing another carrying strange sacks of leaves? Never having been a shy creature, Saiyuri bounded right over to the other horseman, eyes glowing with curiosity. "Why would one have such bags of leaves?" She asked, tilting her head up at the other mare.



Hilarious Werewolf


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:22 pm
Falair had been lost in her thoughts when the other Horsewoman bounded up to her. It took a second for her to catch that she was being spoken to. She wasn't in the least bit startled though. The mare had no problems with others in her personal space.

Brown eyes smiled down at Sayuri, instantly picking up that they were fellow clansmen. Her greens were a nice change to the warm colors that everyone else generally wore. Well, save for Faiyum but he was a special case all the same.

Reaching into one of her bags, she pulled out a tea leaf. Holding it out for Sayuri to inspect. "They are tea leaves. For making tea, see?" The curiosity in Sayuri's question and eyes was endearing. "My mentor has been drinking a lot of tea lately so I need to buy lots of bags of these leaves to replace what we've used until my plants are ready."

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:48 pm
A glance might have been spared to take in what clan this mare was from, but not more than that. Saiyuri knew one of her Clan almost instantly. They had a much more understandable style of clothing! Not to mention a warm scent she associated with all their time spent outdoors. Or something of that nature!

Saiyuri inched closer until the folds of her skirt were brushing against the other horsewoman's leg. "Tea leaves?" She parroted, reaching out a hand to delicately pluck the leaf for closer inspection. "I've heard of this, yes. Never tried it. The herbal type of liquid, yes?" She asked, handing the leaf back. "But so many?! Your mentor must drink gallons!" The mare giggled at this.

She considered the other, and the bags of tea leaves. "How does one make tea? Have you tasted it before? Is it good?!" Maybe she could try tea! Or... had she had tea before? Now she was confused and couldn't remember. "Can I assist?" She asked a half second later.



Hilarious Werewolf


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 6:40 am
She nodded. "Yes you are correct, I'm surprised you've never had tea before.." Wherever she went or whoever she was with there always seemed to be tea. Not that she minded, tea was nice if prepared right. And sometimes tasty cakes or cookies were served to. Falair had to admit the cakes and teas were a guilty pleasure of hers and if none were presented with the tea she was always disappointed.

Giggling at her observation, she tucked the leaf back into the pouch. "Well, he is trying out sobriety so tea is a good substitute. Though he still grumps over the fact on occasion. Or stares longingly at his grape orchard." Even still with his griping she preferred Faiyum sober.

"You grind up the leaves and put them in a little piece of cloth, then tie the little cloth up into a pouch and steep the pouch in hot water. After a while the hot water takes on the essence of the leaves and then you have tea. I've drank quite a bit of tea in my life and if prepared correctly it is very good. You can add sweeteners to it, milk, sugar, honey, what ever you fancy. Plain tea can be a bit bitter to some." Hm, well that was an interesting request. She'd never had someone assist her in making tea but what harm could that do? Plus it would be nice to have some company too.

Falair nodded. "Sure that's fine. I'm sure Faiyum wouldn't mind me bringing someone home. And if he does well too bad." She laughed, a wide smile behind her mask that reached her eyes. "Come on, my home is not too far from here. We'll make some tea and I believe I have some cakes or cookies too." The mare motioned her head to the right before she began walking towards home.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:47 pm
Saiyuri tilted her head thoughtfully. "I can't remember if I've had it." She admitted with a shrug. "I've heard the term, but actually drinking the substance?" A new experience for her then! Or a reminder of a time she'd sat down for tea. Hmm... the leaves smelled good though. Perhaps one was able to eat the leaves too?

And now she was distracted all over again until the other horseman spoke. "Ah, this makes more sense. I've heard some of the others speak of attempting to break from such habits. So this tea is a suitable substitute then?" If it was, this was good to know! For any of her friends and clanmates that were heavy drinkers.

Ooooh wait! "A grape orchard?!" That sounded so cool! She'd never had any sort of garden and an orchard was so much bigger! "I've always wished to learn the art of growing things. But I'm much more skilled at destroying them." The mare hung her head in shame at this. But scavenging was so much more fun! And you got to see and find many interesting things!

Perhaps a little more clingy then was needed, the horseman was just about gripping the others arm as she listened to the process in which you made tea. It sounded like a lot of fun, actually! "I would very much like to learn how to do this!" And then she said yes and Saiyuri's eyes brightened with excitement! "Oh thank you! I will not be too much a bother! And I'll behave, I promise. You can call me Saiyuri too." Mmm those cakes and cookies sounded good too. "Thank you for allowing me to accompany you!" See? She totally knew some manners!



Hilarious Werewolf


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:34 am
Adjusting the bags in her arms Falair nodded. "Yes, Faiyum would lead you to believe that it wasn't a suitable substitute for him. But he is a lot better now than when I had first found him upon my return." Dirty, drunk and smelling pretty bad. Falair preferred not to relive that experience. They had made a contract of sorts between them. So far Fai had kept up his end but he certainly did nothing to hide it when he was moping about the situation.

Falair chuckled when Sayuri spoke of what seemed to be a black thumb. "Its a tricky thing for sure. I'm not the greatest at it either, but I am learning. Most of my success seems to be dumb luck though." She sighed heavily. Being an Alchemist was not easy, especially when you hadn't really found your calling. And everything serious that she put her heart into tended to blow up in her face.


She couldn't help but smile as the other mare's excitement to learn how to make tea. Falair saw a bit of herself in Sayuri whenever she was learning new things. "Well then Sayuri here is hoping that your tea making experience goes off with a bang." The saying felt awkward and alien to Falair's tongue. She was trying to integrate a bit of Scarling talk into her every day vocabulary to better understand their culture.

As she lead Sayuri around a corner, a large tent soon came into view. It had flower beds of flowers leading to the entrance, their buds closed as they were night time flowers. Falair moved towards the door flap, coaxing Sayuri to follow. "Here we are, home sweet home."

The tent was large with several sectioned off 'rooms'. But the living area was well furnished. A large chaise on one site of a fire pit and what was a recliner adjacent to it. Tables, shelves, all covered with random artifacts, books and items. It was very cozy, homey. "Feel free to make yourself at home." Falair motioned towards the chaise. "It will take me a minute to put these leaves away and get everything ready." She moved towards a table that had several large clay pots sitting upon it.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:54 pm
Saiyuri just giggled. She didn't know this Faiyum or what his other drink tasted like. The mare had never drank anything with any amount of 'alcohol' in it in her life. Too busy trying to keep the essential liquids around. And she really had a fondness for fruity drinks or those derived from the nectar or flowers. "Well at least he is better!" She said cheerfully, sticking rather close to the other mare now as they walked along. Sorry, Falair! You now had a Saiyuri attached to you for the day.

The mare wrinkled her nose and raised both her thumbs up for inspection. "I've tried learning this thing. But all my plants die." Probably because she had such a short attention span with them. Or forgot about them. No no, she liked to be doing something! Not waiting for a plant to grow!

"The gardening life is just not for me~" She sing-songed with a shake of her head. However the prospect of learning a new thing was always so exciting! And maybe the word choice had something to do with it.

Saiyuri's eyes grew huge, making those magenta irises easier to notice. "Really?! Will it consist of an explosion?!" Ooooh she hoped so! Making things explode was fun! Okay, so that was definitely not what Falair had probably meant. But that was how the childish mare took it. Either way, she was going to learn how to make some tea!

The fact it was only a way of speech and not what was actually occurring, let alone Scarling talk, was lost on her.

When the tent came into view, Saiyuri made a soft sound, her mouth forming an 'O' as she stared. The tent itself was much much bigger than her own. And the beds of flowers were different. Even if they were currently closed to the day. She padded up cautiously to them, crouching down to gently run fingers along the leaves. "A very delightful home!" She crooned to the flowers, eyes darting around as the mare stood - though still sort of hunched in a crouch - to approach the tent.

"Okaaaaay~!" An invitation was all Saiyuri needed before she was exploring the innards of the large tent. She may have stuck her head into each 'room', quietly taking in her surroundings (and any other occupants that might have been there) before padding back towards the living area. Where she found herself a nice spot on the floor and sat down, staring at the large clay pots curiously.



Hilarious Werewolf


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:11 am
Falair wasn't sure 'better' was the correct term to use for Faiyum. She knew why he drank, although the reason to her was a poor one. But loss effected them all differently. Some grieved a short time, others longer. Some cried, others got angry or lost themselves to smoking and drinking. The Alchemist, herself, seemed to be coping a bit better than some. At least on the outside.

"Well, you can't be good at everything. Though some people try. Better to find what you are good at and stick with it. Everyone has a part to play." Typical Famine way of thinking. Of course, Falair had a long time to go before she either finally was successful or she just gave up completely. And she was a stubborn mare.

She laughed and shook her head slightly. The beads in her hair clicking against one another. A bright smile reaching her brown eyes. "Only if you use the wrong ingredients. But...we might be able to whip up something exciting that isn't too explosive."

As Falair began to put the leaves away into the jars, Sayuri would start to hear a slight 'hmmmmm' and 'haawww' sound coming from beneath the chaise. The thbt thbt thbt noise followed by a slow roll accompanying it. Two misshapen eyes peered out from it's hiding place.

>3>a /late reply is super late sorry ;;
PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:25 am
The term was probably not the best, but really, the famine mare had spent too much time in the human world (as her family would have said) and it addled her brains. Which meant some concepts just were beyond her. Or simplified. She just giggled at Falair, peeking around at all the exciting things there were to see in this new tent. Her own wasn't shared (at least she didn't think it was) and much smaller! There were so many places in here one could get lost! Well... mainly she could get lost.

"True, true. So true." She agreed. "I scavenge. I am good at this. Silly humans have such strange things." And were so fun to destroy with their strange things. The mare giggled at this thought.

Black and magenta eyes lit up at this, and the mare grinned. "Oh! That would be wonderful! I want to make explosive things. But I want to make tea too. Tea is nice to serve your guests, yes?" She thought that's what they served guests. Although serving explosive tea to your guest would be much fun too! "You can teach me the right ingredients?" And then she could haggle for her own ingredients and surprise Falair with tea of her own someday!

Tilting her head as she watched (probably uncomfortably close) each of the leaves put into their special jar, the mare frowned as she heard something. Nose wrinkling, Saiyuri looked around, trying to find the source. And found herself face to face with the most strangest creature she'd seen. That day anyway. "Helloooooooo~" She cooed at it, inching closer and sticking a finger out towards it. "You are making tea too?" The fact it was a minipet was beyond her. She had her own pets, but they were her friends and playmates and sleeping buddies.

And then I am slow in responding /sob/ We are ossum <33


Hilarious Werewolf


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:24 pm
She had spent a lot of time in the human world, but Falair cut her interactions with humans to a minimal amount most of the time. Observing mostly if something they did interested her, but other than that she did about the same as what Sayuri was good at. Scavenging plants and materials for experimentation. Some things gave really interesting results and others were just duds. But oh when you found something that was amazing with reactions.....

Falair lost herself in the amazement of it all for a second. The other Horsewoman's question snapping her out of it. "Oh yes! Tea is always served to guests of course. Or, if they do not enjoy tea some other sort of beverage is also acceptable. But tea goes better with cookies and cakes usually." With a nod, she lifted a clean tea kettle off a nearby shelf. "Of course, its as easy as one, two, three."

Reject hummed at the strange mare, inch worming on his belly closer to her finger before latching on with soft gummy lips. Drool running out of it's mouth as it made a noise that sounded somewhat like laughter.

Totally ossum~ /hi5s
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