Name: Adayet
Nicknames: Ada, Addy, Ad
Gender: Female
Age: 15

Faction: Monster
Race: Gargoyle

Natural Ability: Shapeshifting - Gargoyles are known for being large stone statues during the day, but with this ability they can change from stone whenever they like.


Protective: Gargoyles have long been known to protect the places they inhabit, be it a building or a crypt, and BLANK is no exception. She's fiercely protective of people she calls friends, to the point of butting in where she's probably not wanted. She won't hesitate to start a fight if she feels one of her friends is being picked on or hurt.

Stubborn: Her body may be rock, but you have to wonder if maybe her mind is too! She's incredibly stubborn when she thinks she's right and it's very hard to get her to back down from something once she's emotionally invested in it. She loves a good debate, even when especially when no one ends up the winner.

Enthusiastic: She's not afraid to make new friends, and more often than not she'll just run right up to someone and introduce herself. She's loud and cheerful and doesn't really understand the subtle gestures of "oh god leave me alone please go away".

Friendly: She assumes that everyone is a good person unless they give her a good reason to believe otherwise. She's always willing to help someone, from picking up a dropped pencil or carrying their bookbag if it's too heavy for them.

Boisterous: Ana is commonly quite loud and excited when she speaks and it seems like she can never sit still. From tapping her feet, to fluttering her wings, there's always some sort of movement she has to do. Even in class she's probably that kid tapping their pencil, chewing on their pens or even building small paperclip sculptures at their desk. Her grades, as you can imagine, aren't the best...

Colorful: Being a gargoyle, Ana's life was usually dismal shades of grey with an occasional earth tone thrown in. Now that she's at Amityville she's discovered a deep love of all things colorful and even a cheap plastic bracelet from one of those coin machines can get her as excited as something you might have spent hundreds on. It's all a matter of color! She tends to wear as many colorful things as she can manage at a time without someone telling her that maybe she should take a few things off.

Artistic: Because of her love of color, Ana has started to learn how to paint. She's absolutely terrible at it, but that doesn't seem to deter her at all. Any day where she can leave wearing more color than she arrived with is a good day for her!

Messy: Thanks to the above, Ana doesn't often clean herself up but once a day unless there's food on her. She'll gladly wander around all day with paint splattered on her face and in her hair. Her dorm room will likely be a mess as well with colorful fabrics pinned every which way and little paintings on various bare spots on the walls.

Bear a Grudge: Ana doesn't forget easily if you upset her, and can sometimes hold onto things for just a wee bit too long. The good news is that if you apologize to her, perhaps offer her a bit of candy or something pretty, she'll gladly forget it ever happened. Bribery works wonders!

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? She's not very good at being scary yet, so where better to go than amityville?

FEAR Ability: Gimmie Yer Best Shot!: (Barrier FEAR) Ana's skin turns a darker grey and turns hard like stone as she braces herself for impact.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Deep grey/Black
Hair Colour/Style: Dark grey or Mossy Green color; Big fluffy ponytail OR long braid
Skin Colour: Light Grey and speckled
Clothing Style/Colours: Feel free to subtract or add to the picture below, this was kind of to give an idea of how she'd dress. Please to keep scrunchy leg warmers, though!

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Extra: Bat like wings without the extra finger at the end, little bat wings on her head, small nubby tail.