Trick and Snatch

Through out Sinnoh children are going out at night and Trick or Treating, as is tradition. It is known however that on Halloween that Drifloon kidnappings become much more common and as such children are closely watched by trainers to protect them. However, this year seems to be the worse yet. Drifloon are coming out in far greater numbers than before, aggressively targeting children, however only those dressed up in costume for some strange reason. Furthermore not only are Drifloon out but so are the evolved form, Drifblim, which seem to not be kidnapping children but rather protecting the Drifloon against interlopers that which to stop them. The Drifblim go so far as snatching trainers up and carrying them away, allowing the Drifloon to move in on the children. Stranger still they are even appearing in daylight!

Your job is to head to any city in Sinnoh and protect the children. While there perhaps you should figure out why the Drifloon are only targeting trick or treaters and what is causing them to work in such a coordinated and aggressive manner. Maybe you could let a child get taken and follow them, or let yourself get taken (if you're small enough). Whatever you do, protect the children and find out why this is happening.

Also, one last warning. Word has come in that a "mother" Driblim has been spotted, an enormous Drifblim the size of an actual hot air balloon. Rumor has it that this Drifblim is able to open a gateway between our two worlds to allow Drifloon to come in, and to to send children away which are carried into it. Beware this Mother Drifblim for it is powerful and might even send you to the otherworld.

---Protect the trick or treaters.
---Find out why this is happening on such a large scale.

---Many wild Drifloon and Drifblim.
---The Mother Drifblim.

---You may capture a Drifloon or Drifblim. The Mother Drifblim can't be caught.

---3 Pieces of Candy
---5 Snag Coins
---Varies from there based on story.

As I rode my bicycle to Veilstone, I couldn't help but think something was going to go wrong on this mission. I was always bad with protecting things or people in video games, what would make me any better at doing that in real life? "What if one of these kids gets taken or worse under my supervision! The boss will have my head!" I said. I arrived at Veilstone and nothing seemed to be wrong. The crildren were dressed up as Mismagius,Sableye and so forth. It was a beautiful full moon also.I then made a grave mistake, I made the mistake of uttering a sentence that should be universally defined as bad luck." It's so nice out, I don't think anything could go wrong tonight!" At that moment, the sky darkened as an army of drifblim and drifloon flew over head like a swarm of ninjask in a desert. They descend with speed and begin to snatch children right from their parents. One mother makes the mistake of trying to fight the drifloon. A drifblim sets her to fire with a will-o-wisp. A drifloon begins to take her son who is dressed as a gengar. "Go Torchic and Muk! Stop that drifloon!" Torchic uses ember and shoots the drifloon down and muk catches the boy before he hits the ground.I almost throw up for the kid because he is is covered in a stench comparable to a stunky. " MOMMY! MOMMY!" cries the boy as he lay covered in muk's sludge.His mother doesn't answer him so I can only presume she's unconscious or worse. The drifloon hit by torchic's ember tries to get back up. " Torchic, use peck on that drifloon!" The drifloon falls down once again and I catch it with a pokeball. Muk and Torchic return to their balls as I grab the disgusting kid and rush to a pokemon center to try and avoid the poopstorm that is outside. Luckily it's a requirement for Nurses to speak to pokemon so I had Joy ask my recently caught drifloon what their problem is." It says that the drifloon and drifblim are just doing their job to return the spirit pokemon back to the otherside,but every year they just return to this side. They are trying more agressive tactics this time!" said Joy. As Joy explains to drifloon that these are human children and not actual pokemon, it freaks out and we all rush outside to try to stop everything. By that time, a giant balloon moves over the moon and starts to descend eerily." I have never been so screwed in my life." I said as I knew, an enraged Mother Drifblim had arrived. It open a large portal behind it with a ginormous ominous wind. This wind knocks us back and causes me to fall and break my ankle." CRAAAAAAAAP!" was along the lines of what I yelled ,but is not a direct quote.Joy covers the boy's ears and stares at me. I turn red and call upon the aid of my pokemon to handle The Mother Drifblim."Go Muk, Go Torchic!" I say. Drifloon picks up torchic and throws it at Mother and torchic hits her with a peck. Muk uses toxic on the surrounding drifblim and drifloon. It then uses venoshock on them and makes them faint one my one. Mother fires a gigantic shadow ball at muk and makes it faint. The black also destroys part of a few homes." Drifblim, please stop this! These are not spirits of pokemon that belong in that world, they are human children who belong in this one!" I yell as Mother prepares another shadow ball which is now aimed at me. My drifloon floats infront of me and pleas my case. Mother now releases her rage and cancels her attack. She calls upon the drifloon and driblim inside the portal to bring back all the recently taken "spirits". Mother and the rest of the drifloon and driflbim except for mine, leave into the protal and disappear. The children seemed to be struck by amnesia and don't remember anything on the other side of the portal. Gengar boy's mother suffered from 3rd degree burns and is probably still in a hospital at this moment. She is alive though so she should be happy.All i got out of this one was a drifloon and an ankle cast.