Name: Rina Faola Tenebre
Nicknames: Rina or Fa
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Faction: Um….. Im not exactly sure what category a gargoyle is in
Race: Gargoyle

Natural Ability: Flight, Hieghtened hearing and sight, manipulation of almost any kind of stone or metal (( example: coal, cobblestone, daimond, gold etc. if available)) to bind to her skin in protection, make a weapon, or summon miniature gargoyles

Personality: Rina is fairly quiet however also very cautious. She is kind hearted and open minded toward other creatures however she LOVES scaring the life out of humans

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? She decided that it was time for a change of scenery from her home in Italy. She was tired of having to be a “fake” stone statue during the day and only able to be free at night. She is looking for others of her kind.

FEAR Ability:Battle Cry kind of move ; Rina’s Fear ability summoning miniature gargoyles using her earth abilities(( created from rocks in the earth))

Physical Description: Day: olive tone skin, unblemished complezion, Heaight about 6’ to 6’1” wings are leathery and match her skin, athletically built with a tail that also matches her skin

Eye Colour:black with ice blue iris
Hair Colour/Style: black with on ice blue streak down the middle of the back of her head, mid-back straight
Skin Colour: light tan
Clothing Style/Colours: dark gray raggedy leather piece around chest (( no straps bottom of mid-ribcage to below belly button revealed)) matching skirt that falls to her ankles ripped open from mid-thigh to ankles))
Extra: tail, demonic wings, fangs, legs are shaped similar to that of a werewolfs, ears are pointed like a goblin, fingernails are as long as her first finger
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