It was far from over for Mathias, who for him at least would not stop until he was either laid out on the floor unconscious, dissipated, or assuming victory over the tall and vicious ghoul who he was now locked in combat with. For now, until it ended, however, he had something to be proud of. A moment where she had obviously taken him more seriously, where she no longer treated him like some play thing, like some pet to do her bidding.

It would be so sweet if he could only just beat her. Knock her down a few pegs. She was a formidable opponent, but he was sure he could take her down, their entire fight so far seeming so evenly matched.

He took his hit from her, and returned one back, a quick dart in, a quick slice with his claws, and a quick jump back again. He was still a bit winded from before, but recovering, and not willing to give up until it was truly over.

HP: 9
Damage: 1