Outside the barrier, the humidity was almost unbearable; there were several branches on the ground, broken off the big a** trees by the wind during the storm. The ground was muddy, and as the students ventured towards where the cry for help came from, some of them might find themselves barefooted, their footwear stuck in the mud.

"Help.... Please...."

The voice was faint, but it was definitely coming from ahead... Now, to make sure not to get lost in the woods.


The following is a mini CYOA, and your character's survival would depend on two things - how well you pick, and your dice luck. So be sure to pray to the dice gods before starting! Pick the option your character is most likely to take, and click on the respective spoiler tag.

  1. If you are NOT ALONE, go to the Classroom subforum, and create a thread for your Team with [FT CYOA] NAMES OF ALL MEMBERS as the title; this will reduce clutter in this thread & make it easier for your Team to organize yourselves.
  2. If you are ALONE, there's no need for a thread. Just do the CYOA in this thread; however, remember that you are not able to see/hear the other students!
  3. Follow the instructions as per the CYOA route taken; most of the options actually do not require everyone to do the same thing since it depends on your rolls.
  4. Thus, other than when the CYOA requires you to reach a decision as a Team, if someone is not able to be online at the same time, the rest of the Team can go ahead first with their rolls; ICly, the Team is still moving together though!

  5. You have 60 hours!

If you have questions, do not hesitate to IM me at XDragain, PM me on Gaia, or *summon me to your room by yelling "DURIANS!" out your window at 3am in the morning.

*I will not be held responsible for any legal action taken against you.]


You find yourself immobilized, and upon closer inspection, realized that you had walked into what looked like a web...

emotion_bigvein Action: Is your student alone, or with at least one team member?

If your student is alone

As you struggled to get free, a dull brown creature that looked like a cross between a spider and a scorpion - a scorpider? - approached from the side of the web. Probably panicked, you struggle, and struggle, probably regretting being alone since there was nobody to help you break free. However, there was no way you're going down without a fight!

emotion_bigvein Action: Roll 1d10 to struggle more

Rolled Even

Against all odds, you managed to break free of the web. However, as you escaped, the scorpider hissed, and sprayed webbing in your direction. It corroded away clothing and even skin, leaving you with painful looking wounds.

emotion_bigvein Action: Roll 1d4

Rolled 1 or 2
You find yourself tripping over one of the fallen tree branches, and falling into the barrier, back to base camp.

emotion_bigvein Action: Go back to this thread
  • You can choose to rejoin your team or join another team
  • Rejoining your team: +5 HP to Tent HP
  • Joining up with a new team: Nothing happens

Rolled 3 or 4
After running for a minute, you run into one of the students who had also decided to leave the safety of the barrier.

emotion_bigvein Action: Continue your adventure by following these steps
  1. Check the subforum for threads of Teams whose adventure hadn't ended yet.
  2. As long as the Team in question is not at the final stop (aka at Leroy/Malcolm's tent), you can have your student join them, and continue at the same point; you cannot join the thread of someone who is alone.
  3. You must get OOC permission from that student's RPer; for example, if I want to have my student join Cricket at her stop in the CYOA, I must first ask Pach if she's okay with it. If the student you want to join is in a group, I do not expect you to ask everyone in the group as that would be confusing; just get the permission of one of the people in the group, since they would most likely help you ask the rest!
  4. Once you get the OOC permission, go ahead and have your student join their group (ICly, it is up to you to decide how it happens; does your student just stalk/silently follow, or do they approach, or maybe they walked right into them), in order to look for the source of the voice.

Rolled Odd
The odds were not in your favor, and you could only watch helplessly as the scorpider wrapped you up in one of its webs. Cocooned in the web, you felt unusually... Warm and smug. Like a baby bundled up in soft blankets. Slowly, you drifted off to sleep...

emotion_bigvein Action: Randomize a number between 1 and 3

Randomized a 1
The dream felt so real... Then again, it was once real - you were, after all, dreaming of an event that had happened to you in the past. Perhaps a memory from childhood, or a memory of your first week in school. Perhaps it was an event that had happened just hours before you boarded the bus headed to this camp.

Maybe you should have stayed home.

emotion_bigvein Action: Do a dream solo (any length) about a past event
  • When you wake up, you were back at base camp. How mysterious...

Randomized a 2
It's not easy, growing up in an era where you're expected to be a Responsible Adult upon your graduation... Maybe you had already graduated, and is now on the hunt for your dream job. Or maybe you would be graduating soon, and had been looking for a mentor. Or maybe you're a relatively new student who hadn't thought much about the future yet. Either way, you're dreaming about it now - the future, that is...

emotion_bigvein Action: Do a dream solo (any length) about your student's future
  • When you wake up, you were back at base camp. How mysterious...

Randomized a 3
In a universe far, far away... There's another you who is not really you at all. A better or worse you. A different you, leading a different life, maybe with a different family and different friends... And in your dream, you find yourself watching them as they go about their life.

emotion_bigvein Action: Do a dream solo (any length) about your student in any AU; if you use someone's character, ask them for permission!
  • Quote Dragain in the solo post if you want a chance to continue later

If your student is not alone

With more than one of you struggling to get free, the web broke before whatever made the web could get to you... But what if it could lead you to a clue as to where the source of the voice is?

emotion_bigvein Action: As a TEAM, do you wait for whatever made the web to appear, or do you leave?

Wait and see
Before long, a dull brown creature that looked like a mix between a scorpion and a spider - a scorpider? - appeared, creeping down a nearby tree. Realizing that its web was broken, it hissed loudly. Soon, your team would find yourselves surrounded by five of the hissing, angry looking creatures... It was time for a hoard battle.

emotion_bigvein Action: Roll 1d10

Everyone in the Team rolled 8 and above
You somehow managed to dodge all the acidic webbing the scorpiders were spewing out, and knocked out all of them with punches and kicks and random arm flailing. After more hissing and web spewing, the scorpiders retreated back to the big a** tree tops.

It was a miracle that the whole Team got out of the ordeal without any injuries. As you kept moving forward, you realized that the sound of running water was getting louder. However, it was still impossible to see through the mist... Which proved to be a hazard as someone in your Team almost stepped right into a fast moving river. There was no way to tell how shallow or deep it was, but there was a path made out of flat top rocks - most likely slippery from the earlier rain - leading from one side of the river to the other...

emotion_bigvein Action: Roll 1d10 to cross the rock path

Rolled 6 and above
Carefully stepping and hopping from one rock to the next, you managed to make it to the other side. Getting away from the sound of rushing water, you soon picked up on the faint 'Help...' from earlier. After some searching, you stumbled upon where Leroy and Malcolm had set up camp earlier.

emotion_bigvein Action: Head to this thread to find out more about what happened
  • Pat yourself on the back for making it this far.
  • Feel proud, you should.

Rolled 5 and below
Although you were careful, a small misstep sent you crashing into the river. At least you figured out whether it was deep or not - your feet couldn't touch the bottom, and you had no time to react as you were washed away from your Team...

When you awoke, coughing and expelling water from your lungs, you realized that you were back where you started - at base camp.

emotion_bigvein Action: Go back to this thread; Fire-starting kit is now wet and unusable
  • If there are no other members of your Team at base camp, you can choose to go solo until your Team's (hopefully) safe return or join another Team.
  • If there are members of your Team at base camp (they did not leave/they left but somehow got back the way you did), you may rejoin your Team.
  • Rejoining your team/Going solo: +10 HP to Tent HP
  • Joining up with a new team: Nothing happens

At least 1 person in the Team rolled 8 and above
(Persons who rolled 8 and above: Uninjured) You somehow managed to dodge all the acidic webbing the scorpiders were spewing out, and knocked out half of them with punches and kicks and random arm flailing. After more hissing and web spewing, the scorpiders retreated back to the big a** tree tops.

(Persons who rolled 7 and below: Injured) You were initially doing well, but was hit in several places by the acidic web; it ate through your clothing, and corroded your skin, leaving painful patches of exposed skin.

With enough Team Effort, the whole Team got out of the ordeal alive. As you kept moving forward, you realized that the sound of running water was getting louder. However, it was still impossible to see through the mist... Which proved to be a hazard as someone in your Team almost stepped right into a fast moving river. There was no way to tell how shallow or deep it was, but there was a path made out of flat top rocks - most likely slippery from the earlier rain - leading from one side of the river to the other...

emotion_bigvein Action: If uninjured, roll 1d10 / If injured, roll 1d8 to cross the rock path

Rolled 6 and above
Carefully stepping and hopping from one rock to the next, you managed to make it to the other side. Getting away from the sound of rushing water, you soon picked up on the faint 'Help...' from earlier. After some searching, you stumbled upon where Leroy and Malcolm had set up camp earlier.

emotion_bigvein Action: Head to this thread to find out more about what happened
  • Pat yourself on the back for making it this far.
  • Feel proud, you should.

Rolled 5 and below
Although you were careful, a small misstep sent you crashing into the river. At least you figured out whether it was deep or not - your feet couldn't touch the bottom, and you had no time to react as you were washed away from your Team...

When you awoke, coughing and expelling water from your lungs, you realized that you were back where you started - at base camp.

emotion_bigvein Action: Go back to this thread; Fire-starting kit is now wet and unusable
  • If there are no other members of your Team at base camp, you can choose to go solo until your Team's (hopefully) safe return or join another Team.
  • If there are members of your Team at base camp (they did not leave/they left but somehow got back the way you did), you may rejoin your Team.
  • Rejoining your team/Going solo: +10 HP to Tent HP
  • Joining up with a new team: Nothing happens

Nobody in the Team rolled 8 and above
You were initially doing well, but was hit in several places by the acidic web; it ate through your clothing, and corroded your skin, leaving painful patches of exposed skin. There was no choice but for your Team to make a hasty retreat; thankfully, the scorpiders seemed to think that you would not be worth the effort to chase down, and you managed to get away.

As you kept moving forward, you realized that the sound of running water was getting louder. However, it was still impossible to see through the mist... Which proved to be a hazard as someone in your Team almost stepped right into a fast moving river. There was no way to tell how shallow or deep it was, but there was a path made out of flat top rocks - most likely slippery from the earlier rain - leading from one side of the river to the other...

emotion_bigvein Action: Roll 1d8 to cross the rock path

Rolled 6 and above
Carefully stepping and hopping from one rock to the next, you managed to make it to the other side. Getting away from the sound of rushing water, you soon picked up on the faint 'Help...' from earlier. After some searching, you stumbled upon where Leroy and Malcolm had set up camp earlier.

emotion_bigvein Action: Head to this thread to find out more about what happened
  • Pat yourself on the back for making it this far.
  • Feel proud, you should.

Rolled 5 and below
Although you were careful, a sudden dizzy spell and a sharp pain form your injuries sent you crashing into the river. At least you figured out whether it was deep or not - your feet couldn't touch the bottom, and you had no time to react as you were washed away from your Team...

When you awoke, coughing and expelling water from your lungs, you realized that you were back where you started - at base camp.

emotion_bigvein Action: Go back to this thread; Fire-starting kit is now wet and unusable
  • If there are no other members of your Team at base camp, you can choose to go solo until your Team's (hopefully) safe return or join another Team.
  • If there are members of your Team at base camp (they did not leave/they left but somehow got back the way you did), you may rejoin your Team.
  • Rejoining your team/Going solo: +10 HP to Tent HP
  • Joining up with a new team: Nothing happens

Leave because nope
Your Team decided that it was way too risky to stay, and hightailed it out of there. Once a safe distance away from where the webs were, you came across... A shaking boulder? It was difficult to determine what the grey blob was due to the mist, and your Team approached cautiously, trying not to alert whatever it was.

Closing in, it soon became apparent that the boulder was not a boulder at all; instead, it was a shivering old man wrapped in a grey blanket, crouching on the muddy ground. Looking up at you as you approached, he yelped out in surprise before standing up; at this time, you probably wished that the mist was a lot thicker as he was evidently stark naked. Other than the blanket, he was only wearing a white cap that resembled the Park Rangers', "JACK SENT THIS MIST. JACK SENT THIS MIST AND IT HERALDS THE END OF HALLOWEEN AS WE KNOW IT."

His expression turned grave as he wrapped the blanket tighter around his body; thankfully, that meant that the students no longer had to see what they did not want to see, "Sing Jack's praise! Sing his praises and you might be spared... Oh yes... You have a final chance at redeeming yourself..." Twitching, his eyes darted left and right, as if paranoid that something hidden in the mist was going to jump him, before he took off into the mist.


emotion_bigvein Action: Follow the old man, or walk away?

Follow the smell of Crazy
The old man was easy to follow due to the footprints he left behind, but they disappeared abruptly by the edge of a fast flowing river; due to the rain, it had flooded its banks. It was not hard to guess what probably happened... If only he had seen the wooden plank just an inch away, acting as a bridge from one side to the next.

emotion_bigvein Action: Roll 1d10 to cross

Rolled 7 and above
Carefully, you slowly crossed the bridge one student at a time, unsure if the wooden plank was going to give way. Fortunately, you managed to make it to the other side. Getting away from the sound of rushing water, you soon picked up on the faint 'Help...' from earlier. After some searching, you stumbled upon where Leroy and Malcolm had set up camp earlier.

emotion_bigvein Action: Head to this thread to find out more about what happened
  • Pat yourself on the back for making it this far.
  • Feel proud, you should.

Rolled 2 - 6
A sudden gush of water rushing past your feet surprised you, and you lost balance. Although it was a second's mistake, that was all it took for you to fall into the river. You had no time to react before you were washed away from your Team...

When you awoke, coughing and expelling water from your lungs, you realized that you were back where you started - at base camp.

emotion_bigvein Action: Go back to this thread; Fire-starting kit is now wet and unusable
  • If there are no other members of your Team at base camp, you can choose to go solo until your Team's (hopefully) safe return or join another Team.
  • If there are members of your Team at base camp (they did not leave/they left but somehow got back the way you did), you may rejoin your Team.
  • Rejoining your team/Going solo: +10 HP to Tent HP
  • Joining up with a new team: Nothing happens

Rolled a 1
As you crossed the wooden plank, a tentacle-like appendage curled around your anklet, and pulled you into the water before your Team members could react. What felt like several tiny mouths filled with razor sharp teeth were gnawing on your flesh where the tentacle had grabbed you, but as much as you struggled, you could not free yourself from its vice-like grip.

Several times, you broke the surface, gasping for air whether you needed it or not. However, your body was quickly growing numb, and you had already lost the feeling in your fingers... Could this be the end?

emotion_bigvein Action: Quote Dragain if you want a chance to continue later

Walk away because nope again
There was no way you were going to follow a seemingly insane old man! Especially one who was hardly dressed. Since there was no way to tell North from South and East from West, your Team decided on a random direction. After a lot of walking, you realized that the ground was trembling... An earthquake?

Suddenly, something hairy and as thick as the big a** trees in the woods landed beside them. As it lifted back up in the air, mud was splattered on all the students in the Team. They quickly became aware that there was something huge moving above them, and that whatever had almost stepped on them probably had more legs incoming.

emotion_bigvein Action: Roll 1d12 to try and avoid being squashed

Everyone in the Team rolled 9 and above
With a little bit of luck, everyone in the Team managed to avoid being stepped on, and when the ground eventually stopped shaking, everyone knew that they were safe for now. After a short rest, the Team carried on moving until they came across a fast moving river. There was a thick rope tied to the trunk of one of the big a** trees on their side of the river, extending to another tree on the other side.

After accidentally kicking rocks into the water, and realizing that they reached the bottom fairly quickly, it was determined that the river would be shallow enough to cross if they held onto the rope...

emotion_bigvein Action: Roll 1d10 to cross the river by holding onto the rope

Rolled 4 and above
You managed to make it to the other side, although you were soaked and chilled to the bone by the time you stepped out of the river. Getting away from the sound of rushing water, you soon picked up on the faint 'Help...' from earlier. After some searching, you stumbled upon where Leroy and Malcolm had set up camp earlier.

emotion_bigvein Action: Head to this thread to find out more about what happened
  • Pat yourself on the back for making it this far.
  • Feel proud, you should.

Rolled 3 and below
You were almost on the other side when you slipped on the slippery pebbled on the riverbed, and accidentally let go of your hold on the rope. Within seconds, you had been washed away by the fast moving currents.

When you awoke, coughing and expelling water from your lungs, you realized that you were back where you started - at base camp.

emotion_bigvein Action: Go back to this thread; Fire-starting kit is now wet and unusable
  • If there are no other members of your Team at base camp, you can choose to go solo until your Team's (hopefully) safe return or join another Team.
  • If there are members of your Team at base camp (they did not leave/they left but somehow got back the way you did), you may rejoin your Team.
  • Rejoining your team/Going solo: +10 HP to Tent HP
  • Joining up with a new team: Nothing happens

At least 1 person in the Team rolled 9 and above
(Persons who rolled 9 and above: Uninjured) With a little bit of luck, you managed to avoid being stepped on, although there were a few close calls.

(Persons who rolled 8 and below: Injured) Although you tried your best, luck was not on your side as one of the giant creature's legs stomped on you. Thankfully, the soft mud stopped you from being pressed against the otherwise hard ground, or a more gruesome fate would have been in stored for you. The minor setback was, of course, the fact that you were covered in mud from head to toe.

When the ground eventually stopped shaking, the Team moved on after a short rest, coming across a fast moving river a short distance away. There was a thick rope tied to the trunk of one of the big a** trees on their side of the river, extending to another tree on the other side. After accidentally kicking rocks into the water, and realizing that they reached the bottom fairly quickly, it was determined that the river would be shallow enough to cross if they held onto the rope...

User Image Action: If uninjured, roll 1d10 / If injured, roll 1d8 to cross by holding the rope

Rolled 4 and above
You managed to make it to the other side, although you were soaked and chilled to the bone by the time you stepped out of the river. Getting away from the sound of rushing water, you soon picked up on the faint 'Help...' from earlier. After some searching, you stumbled upon where Leroy and Malcolm had set up camp earlier.

User Image Action: Head to this thread to find out more about what happened
  • Pat yourself on the back for making it this far.
  • Feel proud, you should.

Rolled 3 and below
You were almost on the other side when you slipped on the slippery pebbled on the riverbed, and accidentally let go of your hold on the rope. Within seconds, you had been washed away by the fast moving currents.

When you awoke, coughing and expelling water from your lungs, you realized that you were back where you started - at base camp.

User Image Action: Go back to this thread; Fire-starting kit is now wet and unusable
  • If there are no other members of your Team at base camp, you can choose to go solo until your Team's (hopefully) safe return or join another Team.
  • If there are members of your Team at base camp (they did not leave/they left but somehow got back the way you did), you may rejoin your Team.
  • Rejoining your team/Going solo: +10 HP to Tent HP
  • Joining up with a new team: Nothing happens

Nobody in the Team rolled 9 and above
Although you tried your best, luck was not on your side as one of the giant creature's legs stomped on you. Thankfully, the soft mud stopped you from being pressed against the otherwise hard ground, or a more gruesome fate would have been in stored for you. The minor setback was, of course, the fact that you were covered in mud from head to toe.

When the ground eventually stopped shaking, the Team moved on after a short rest, coming across a fast moving river a short distance away. There was a thick rope tied to the trunk of one of the big a** trees on their side of the river, extending to another tree on the other side. After accidentally kicking rocks into the water, and realizing that they reached the bottom fairly quickly, it was determined that the river would be shallow enough to cross if they held onto the rope...

User Image Action: Roll 1d8 to cross the river by holding onto the rope

Rolled 4 and above
You managed to make it to the other side, although you were soaked and chilled to the bone by the time you stepped out of the river. Getting away from the sound of rushing water, you soon picked up on the faint 'Help...' from earlier. After some searching, you stumbled upon where Leroy and Malcolm had set up camp earlier.

User Image Action: Head to this thread to find out more about what happened
  • Pat yourself on the back for making it this far.
  • Feel proud, you should.

Rolled 3 and below
You were almost on the other side when you slipped on the slippery pebbled on the riverbed, and accidentally let go of your hold on the rope. Within seconds, you had been washed away by the fast moving currents.

When you awoke, coughing and expelling water from your lungs, you realized that you were back where you started - at base camp.

User Image Action: Go back to this thread; Fire-starting kit is now wet and unusable
  • If there are no other members of your Team at base camp, you can choose to go solo until your Team's (hopefully) safe return or join another Team.
  • If there are members of your Team at base camp (they did not leave/they left but somehow got back the way you did), you may rejoin your Team.
  • Rejoining your team/Going solo: +10 HP to Tent HP
  • Joining up with a new team: Nothing happens