The Hunter
Name: Olivia White (stage name)
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 22

Category: Death - The "intelligence" operation, in charge of gathering information and maintaining the network of Hunters. They gather the information prior to a mission.

The Weapon

Type of Weapon: Exotic Shortsword - basically an exotic-looking blade with a jeweled and/or detailed hilt, maybe some blade decoration or unusual blade shape? Runes wherever looks good. Effectively CC! Example ref/inspiration board!
Former species of weapon: Reaper - Alchemist? Sorcerer?
Gender: ??


Olivia was an actress, or at least, that's what she'll tell you. She's certainly got the acting down, lending herself to the hands-on espionage Death division does best. She's very involved, because what better way to get noticed? She radiates upper-class, well versed in liberal arts and high class culture, though the occasional slip-up seems to indicate a borrowed quality to her knowledge. Still, she is very friendly and inclusive, and always happy to chat.

Unfortunately, Olivia possess a certain degree of pride and vanity. Her involved attitude stops at anything that might take away from her beauty, or the limelight. She has expensive tastes, a desperate need to always look her best and not a tiny bit less. She isn't afraid to point out how others aren't adhering to her high standards - for their own good, of course. Her penchant for dramatics can lead her to become something of a self-martyr, playing the victim in order to draw sympathy, and exaggerating situations in retelling, creating more problems than things started out with. And when all else fails, there's nothing quite like a slow-burning vengeance to mask behind passive-aggression.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?


Weapon Ability


Physical Description:

Please refer to this coat guide and this weapon guide!

Eye Colour: Green, teal, or blue.
Hair Colour/Style: Platinum blonde, shortish framing the face - best example
Skin Colour: Pale. Makeup is used to accentuate this.
Clothing Style/Colours: Very fashionable. She was an aspiring actress, and she dresses like it as much as she acts like it, intending to look ~dramatic~. Peacock & white theme, mostly white/warm off white/ marble textures with a few peacock colored things thrown in to stand out. See board for some outfit ideas - I'm actually thinking that a classy dress might be a cool thing for her to be wearing, just cut to the knees at the lowest for ease of movement. Shoes probably like the board example. Coat over her shoulders like the board example, unless she wears it like a jacket.
References: Style board
Weapon Inspiration Board