Name: Tyson Gregory Alguarian
Nicknames: Greg, Ty
Gender: Male
Age: Mentally he is about as mature as a 25 year old, however he's been around for a while. The first part of his life was spent with the mental limitations of a very smart dog and it took him a long time to overcome that obstacle.

Factions: Demon
Race: Inugami

Natural Ability: Head Flight

Personality: His personality follows fairly closely that of the dog which he was created to mimic, the Newfoundland. Since he was originally created to be a protector and companion of a young girl he is usually pretty easy going and always looking for fun. He's willing to be friends with just about anyone, but has little respect for personal boundaries that most creatures take for granted.

When something he consider's "his" ("his" food "his" crush "his" chair "his" desk) gets disturbed, used, or altered without his permission he gets vengeful. When he was much younger and just recently freed from his obligations that he has been created for the vengeance took the form of uncontrollable rages, but as he's matured he's found there is much more pleasure in the long hunt of payback. Now he'll still lose it if someone injures his friend, but finding his room rearranged as a joke would probably just lead to a million little things going wrong for the perpetrator instead of a room full of broken furniture.

He truly enjoys the idea of the Grim and playing up a human's fear of death. However something that is even more appealing to him is to go after people who are hurting or planning to hurt someone, especially a child. Their fear, he imagines, will taste the sweetest.

He decided to come to Amityville to learn about the world around him and most importantly how the demon heirarchy works. He knows that many people consider demons to be upper class citizens, but he doesn't understand where he fits in. He was created as a servant and was kept fairly isolated from the mechanisms of his master's world existing in a place of happiness, playfulness, and occasionally ripping assassins throats out. It did not prepare him very well for the world at large. Also the idea of having opposable thumbs was very intriguing.

FEAR Ability: Vengeance: After being damaged at least twice by an opponent Tyson pulls his anger and FEAR inside. It boils under his skin causing a bit of a glow, his tail becomes almost entirely shadow and his saliva turns green and acidic sharpening his teeth.This falls into the tainted fang category of fear abilities as the acid can do a bit of damage each turn unless removed (which could be difficult if the bite is deep).

Physical Description: Student

Eye Colour: Light Brown
Hair Colour/Style: Shoulder length black hair with some light layering that gets shorter as it approaches his face.
Skin Colour: Caucasian
Clothing Style/Colours: White T-shirt, Black shoulder length cloak made of long black fur, black silver studded dog collar with a florescent green charm, black jeans material with silver studs on each side of the pockets. Black boots that the jeans tuck into that have the same fur as the cloak along the top.
Extra: None
References: None

Physical Description: True Form A 150 pound Newfoundland dog. He has long thick black fur that is impervious to the cold and wet, but can be sweltering in the summer heat. His face structure is mezosophalic or proportional so that his nose is the same length as the rest of the skull. His hair is short around his face and he has large brown eyes typical of the breed. When standing on all fours his eyes are about 2 ft off the ground, but when he stands on his back legs he can reach just about anything that a 5"5' human could with his paws or mouth. He has a tail half the length of his body that is bushy and usually held up or level.