Hey hey girls~!
Normally I wouldn't do this, but I really need your help. I know there are lots of Tektek lovers on here and I really would love to see more entries on my thread (click the banner below). Since Thanksgiving week, I've opened up and been hosting a Christmas-ey charity contest thread so that in my own way, I could give back and help others on their quests, even though I'm also on my own quests. I put a lot of time, thought, and effort into this, because I wanted to have a place where I and other users could have fun woth Tekteking, mini-games, and meeting new people. I was also hoping to add more games and a secret santa type thing. Problem is that my thread is pretty much dead and this week's theme only had two entries so I decided to extend the deadline to this coming saturday. I had a plan for each week already, but I had to drop this week's theme to extend last week's theme.

Also, I was hoping more people would enter so that others would have a chance to win because it's pointless if the same people win every week.

Anyway, long story short, I had high hopes for this thread, so any help (aka a <3 click or a bump or two, or even joining the contests and games) you could send my way would be very much appreciated. Chatting with me there would be really nice too! I hope to see you there! heart