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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[HHPVP] It Had to Be You~ (Shaheen/Fini)

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Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:26 pm
Another day, another stint perching in one of the barren and scraggly trees surrounding the Haunted House. Shaheen's breath was visible in the chilly air, a white fog to join that which surrounded her from all sides as she gazed down at the doorway to the house, waiting for something to happen. It seemed like, more and more lately, she was encountering hunters. Much more then a month or so prior, when the activity had seemed to dry up completely.

Today, unlike other days, she was alone, having set out to this task without Shikoba. They didn't always hunt together, both at times preferring to go solo, to have that moment only to themselves, to not have to share in it.

There would be plenty of sharing on other occasions.

But for now, she sat, and she waited.

And when the door opened, and a woman appeared, she swooped down to greet her, with a sword in hand.

Kyrieko rolled 1 20-sided dice: 13 Total: 13 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:54 pm
It had been a while since she'd been sent in on a mission to investigate the haunted house again. To see what critters she could find. And fuuuck but it was cold too! Fini tugged her coat closed more firmly, glad to have at least thought to wear her boots this time.

Things seemed like they usually were. More hunters then anything else. And when something did appear, someone else was on it. But the more she explored and ventured closer to the outdoors, the less she saw other hunters.

:: Just be careful, precious. :: Vashi growled, the feeling of 'pacing' making a shiver go down her spine.

When she reached the back door, not having found anything inside, she took her search outside. The door had just barely shut behind her when there was something with a sword.

"The hell?!" She hissed, jumping back to hit the door as Vashi was summoned immediately to her hands. And then she felt her stomach lurch. That was no Halloween creature.

And something about her was familiar...



Hilarious Werewolf

Seussi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 7 Total: 7 (1-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:03 pm
She landed at the bottom of the steps, sword held in hand and at the ready, but not quite in a threatening matter just yet (though the sword being present at all was likely threatening enough in and of itself). The woman received a silent appraisal at first, golden eyes set in black flicking over her, taking in her appearance.

And then she realized something all at once.

She knew her.

She knew her.

"You." Her words came out more like a snarl then a sound of surprise, her wings folding in behind her as she took a step forward, up the steps, eyes locked on the hunter in front of her. "You were there, in that alternate world. You were there. You were with---" She stopped, and let out a disgusted sound from the back of her throat.

"That world wasn't real. She didn't know what you really were." Eyes narrowed. "But we know now, little human hunter, don't we? And you know too." Lips curled up into a cruel smile.

"Well come on then, child. Let's just see how the real you matches up on the battlefield compared to the false impostor that had hoped to be one of the gold emperor's chosen."

aka all my rolls suck today
Kyrieko rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4, 5 Total: 9 (2-16)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:20 pm
Of course it would be just her luck to run into a goddamn Horseman! And one that she had this inkling was way way more powerful then the average Halloween denizen she was used to fighting. Fini had seen what the Horsemen could do. Had seen what their pets could do.

And she was stepping closer, making it impossible to escape-

Then it all clicked with her words. Images flashing through her mind that shouldn't be real. That felt too real. From a different world.

Fini felt sick.

And infuriated.

:: Don't get distracted, Infinity! ::

"Damn ******** right it wasn't real!" She growled, gripping her weapon so tightly her knuckles were white. "If I saw her now, I'd drive a knife right through her throat."

Fini took the bait, anger fueling her attack. She would do whatever to try and wipe that cruel, knowing smile off her face! Do whatever to erase that memory. She slashed upwards with one sais sword while twisting her body to the side and trying to jam the other into this creatures stomach.

Fini: 40/40
Damage: 3 bahahaha
Charge: 1/3



Hilarious Werewolf

Seussi rolled 9 4-sided dice: 3, 2, 1, 4, 4, 2, 1, 1, 2 Total: 20 (9-36)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:48 pm
It seemed that this one was quick to anger, and Shaheen's smile only grew, her sword coming up to attempt to block the blow from the hunters weapon, though instead the blade slid down and bit into the shield at her arm.

Shaheen grinned.

"No. You won't."

All at once Shaheen's sword began to glow, starting out yellow but brightening until it was so white it was blinding to the eyes. With a loud cry she swung it forward and down, driving the blade home into the hunter's shield.

The cry ended, and Shaheen spoke through gritted teeth, her smile gone. "Because I am going to kill you first, you wretched pile of filth."

HP: 47/50
Damage: 17 well better then nothing
Fear: T3 BC- using

Kyrieko rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4, 5 Total: 9 (2-16)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:03 pm
Maybe she should have kept her anger more in check. Controlled herself better. But this was, perhaps, the one thing she could not let go. Aside from Hunter politics and certain division leads. Her greatest shame.

Like hell she was going to make it easy for this creature!

A small flicker of a smile briefly appeared as her weapon got closer then the horseman had probably wanted it.

That was quickly erased as the sword her own weapon had been pressing against began to glow. Nothing horrible at first, but then it was a blinding sight and Fini had to use one arm to shield her eyes. The cry was her warning and she tried to avoid the attack. Her leg caught on the railing to the steps as she lunged over them, the burn of the horseman's weapon catching her back. Even with her Fear shield up, the skin sizzled and burned.

"Not if I pluck your feathers first, you useless pony!" Fini gritted her teeth, getting her feet under her and swiping at her again.

Fini: 23/40
Damage: ... 3
Charge: 2/3



Hilarious Werewolf

Seussi rolled 7 4-sided dice: 4, 3, 4, 1, 4, 4, 3 Total: 23 (7-28)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:12 pm
The feel of her sword plunging down against the hunters shield was satisfying, but all of Shaheen's smiles were gone as she scoffed down at the hunter, taking the counter strike against her second arm by lifting it to block, the pain barely noted.

"Good luck with that. When I'm finished, you'll be lucky if you even have any fingers left to pluck with." At that moment, she wanted to change into her mount form. She wanted to be able to rip into the hunter with sharp, lioness teeth and tear into her with long, dark claws. She wanted to taste blood, human blood, hunter blood. She wanted this girls Fear, and she wanted it right now.

Except her mount was...experiencing difficulties at the present moment, and turning into an alpaca would likely not be nearly as impressive.

Her blade had dulled in color, back to silver edged metal, but it's glow gradually began to return. She was feeding into it, giving it her stores of Fear, her anger, her incredible amount of rage that she had for this particular human for no reason other then that she had been there, in the gold kingdom, and what respect she had gotten there was false and undeserved.

And Shaheen had liked her. As a friend she had actually liked her.

That made her want to tear her apart all the more.

When the blade was shining again, this time a shimmering amber rather then hot white, she attacked, another scream punctuating the downward thrust of her blade.

"You will die, human. You all will. By my hands, by my brothers, by my sisters, by all of us who's home was ripped away by you. For all of the loved ones you destroyed, for all of the families you tore apart, for every last horseman who has not returned to us, I will destroy a thousand of you." Her gaze burned with intensity and passion, her emotions raging, unchecked, and a fog beginning to rise from her insanity streaked wings.

"We are not impressed, and we will murder you." It was clear by the way she said it, that something had changed. Something had shifted in her tone, her words hissed, the 'we' she used being of the royal sense, and not plural.

HP: 44/50
Damage: 19
Fear: T3 BC- using
T2 BC- using

Kyrieko rolled 2 8-sided dice: 8, 4 Total: 12 (2-16)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:56 pm
Fini had no doubt the horseman spoke truth with those words, and frankly, she was not about to lose any fingers, thank you very much! But surviving this fight was a different matter. And ********, but it was clearly one sided. Maybe the fact there was personal hate here. Something... more fueling each attack.

She hated this horseman. Hated what she was. What she represented. And who they had been in some ******** alternate world.

"Go pull a carriage or some menial task that horses are meant to do!" Fini hissed, finding it much harder to focus. Her back burned and she felt weak. That blow had been powerful.

:: Precious! ::

Too late, the varcolac's snarl rang in her mind as the crazed pony came at her. Something was different. Shifted in her. Fini had no idea what it was but she wasn't able to avoid the attack. The sun trainee took the hit full force, crashing to her knees in pain as darkness hovered at the edges of her vision.

:: I can't... maintain the shield for another hit like that. ::


"Go... preach.. to some choir... that actually gives a ********!" She gasped out, burning blue eyes meeting the horseman's. "For everyone one of you that dies... that's a whole city we save!" The shift in her tone... though. It sent shivers down Fini's spine. It was dark and felt much more dangerous then a pissed off horseman. With force of will, Fini pushed herself back to her feet, gripping Vashi like a life line. She tried to attack. Tried to get in one last hit before her strength would leave her.

Fini: 4/40
Damage: 6
Charge: 3/3



Hilarious Werewolf


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:52 pm
Shaheen pulled away a second time with a snarl on her lips, her blade dulling back to plain steel a second time. Any the insults the hunter threw her way were shrugged off, the very idea of pulling a carriage ridiculous considering her mount form wasn't even a horse, but this hunter didn't need to know that.

With two heavy, Fear infused hits biting into the hunters shield back to back, the war chieftain knew she was winning. The human was nothing more then an insect to her, something to stomp on, to crush beneath her heel. They needed time to prepare before they could unleash powerful blows, and she had learned this, and now she knew to use that knowledge to her advantage, to give it everything she had in those first few, crucial moments. To take them out as quickly as possible.

Her blade desummoned, her hands laid bare. Her breathing was heavy, a rising and falling motion of her chest as she attempted to regain control of her mind. The bracelet that Medea had given her certainly helped, the whispers that might have become a roar by now muffled and in the background.

She took a step back, then stopped when blue eyes met her own, her lips curling up into a cruel smirk. "Oh but we will. And you will be made into the example of what will happen to all that follow in your path." She was still speaking a bit oddly, but she seemed to have calmed down, to have gained some amount of control.

"You think that killing any of us will save your precious cities, your dwellings, your homes?" She barked a laugh at that, and instead of dodging the attack, she walked into it, letting the sai's blades stab into her, reaching behind her to pull a sword from it's sheath as she did so, and using her other hand, in combination with her wings, to shove the hunter back.

"The apocalypse consumes all." A whispered hiss, and then she thrust the sword, one that's handle was set with polished gem like stones of multiple colors, one that's blade was wrapped in fog, a smokey grey that whisped away in tendrils to join that which surrounded them.

She thrust it straight at her stomach, and when she felt that Fear shield give beneath it's power, she twisted the blade, then pulled it back out again, more then ready to see some blood spilled out onto the snow.

HP: 38
Damage: 6 (using insanity sword for autodamage)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:51 pm
It was, perhaps, their one greatest weakness, having to rely on collecting Fear from their opponents before their weapons could be fully charged. And today, it was be her downfall. Fini knew it. Didn't have to have the mocking or cruel looks from Shaheen (she remembered her name only too well)! She gritted her teeth against the pain she felt and the exhaustion that was threatening to take her under.

Legs beginning to shake from the effort to remain standing, Fini was not going down easily. Not against this horseman! Her threats were no longer listened to, her focus on survival.

:: Words. That is all they are. Don't let her defeat you with them. :: Vashi snarled, but his dark tone was strained.

Surprise entered her eyes for a second as Shaheen let the sais stab into her. "No, but at least killing your kind means less of you." She hissed back. And then she was stumbling back forcefully, almost going completely down. A knee hit the ground and slid, but she managed (barely) to get back up.


The roar came too late. She didn't have time to avoid the sword, feeling (and hearing) the 'pop' of her shields. The blade thrust straight into her stomach, strangely painless for a few brief seconds. And then it was like white fire erupted. Fini couldn't help the cry that escaped her lips, sais having fallen and shifted back into the earrings that were Vashi's desummoned form. Her hands pressed tightly against her stomach, world spinning dangerously. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she could hear Vashi trying to tell her what to do.

Even as her body began to collapse, Fini gave Shaheen a cold stare, riddled with pain, as one hand groped desperately for the pendant hidden under her shirt. "We'll... obliterate... you." She said weakly, finding the pendant and pushing it with all her strength before she lost consciousness.

Fini: -2 whoops |D
Damage: hur hur

round 1 over!


Hilarious Werewolf

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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