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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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[PRP] Just pony thangz (Lan and Salbei)

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Trash Husband

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:52 pm
Lan had been trying to gather flowers for arrangements when she noticed that rather than flowers, she was finding more herbs and the like. By the end of midday, her basket was filled not with flowers but with various plants that really, held no place is a vase.

They had use but not for her- so clearly the solution was give them to someone who could find use for them. That and have an excuse to make a social call and see what was going on in other social circles. Smiling as she made her way to the residence of one sage, Lan knocked and waited outside, hoping that the taller horseman was indeed home.

She needed to socialize now. One didn't just go to visit only to go home having talked to no one.

Enoh love
PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:09 pm
Salbei was indeed home, and more importantly he was alone. It was becoming increasingly rare for him to have his residence completely to himself, especially since Na'ima had come to live with him. Not that he minded in the slightest; his apprentice always did have a spot in his heart. His Halloween 'children' had been busy as of late as well, leaving him with some well-needed quiet time.

He had been reading on a pile of pillows when the knock came, and with a small sigh he set the book aside and stood, taking a moment to dust off his robes to make himself presentable before he answered the door. When he saw who it was on the other side, his expression softened into a smile.

"My lady~" He greeted, the various trinkets in his hair chiming softly as he dipped into a small bow. In the same motion he snatched up her free hand, politely miming a kiss to her knuckles. "To what do I owe this tremendous pleasure?"


Enoh Love




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:02 pm
The door opened and Lan immediately felt a bit relieved. She'd not have to go home having done and interacted with nothing. His kiss was met with a tiny giggle and an easy dismissal. "Please Salbei, people will think you are seeking my favor or something. Not that you don't have it already."

She laughed it off before showing the basket of herbs and spices freshly picked.
"My aim was flowers, but I found less of them, more of these. Think you might find a use for them?" She looked around sighing for a moment, "plus I have heard so little from you in these last months. One would almost think you are up to something."

Enoh Love
PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:41 am
"Do I need an ulterior motive to dote on a charming lady?" Salbei chuckled softly, though it trailed off and his gaze lowered to the basket as it was brought to his attention. It only took him a glance to see that they were herbs and spices, but he listened to her explain it anyway, staying politely quiet and still until she accused him of being up to something. Now that earned her an overly innocent look, a thin hand appearing from the mass of robes to point at himself.

"Up to something? Me?" Red eyes lidded and his smile turned briefly into a small grin; it was gone a moment later, replaced by his ever-present and ever-amused smile. "Sweet lady, you wound me!" The hand gripped his heart as if hurt, and then fell away to hold open the door for her. "But it has been a while, and for that I apologize. Please, come in! We can catch up." The tall man stood to the side, gaze pinned on the much shorter woman as she made her way into his humble abode.


Enoh Love




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:26 am
Oh he was smooth as snake oil. "Maybe you don't, but thinking you do keep me on my toes you know. Not every one is as honest as you dear Salbei." She did think fondly of him and his flattery, but then, he'd been nothing but polite and kindly towards her.

Really though, the flattery helped.

As he claimed to be up to nothing Lan puffed up her cheeks in a mock protest. "Oh now, don't you go saying such things. You sages are supposedly the best at what you do, secret keeping even, but it pays to keep an eye on you. Never know when you might try to sneak something into the water or plant something that would look ghastly next to a garden proper." It was said light heartedly and with a puffing pout replaced with a small smile.

Stepping into his home, Lan paused, looking down at her feet, wondering if she should remove her shoes. After a second she simple moved so he might close the door, basket set down out of the way. "Forgive me, but, would you like me to remove my shoes? I do not want to dirty your floors or offend. Matters across clans will always be a bit... of a learning process I think."

A shake of her head at the notion, the bells and charms in her own hair chimed lightly, though unintentional.

Enoh Love
PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:05 am
Salbei just smiled through it all.

"Well, I'm glad to hear you think so highly of me." It was certainly nice to hear that she imagined he was up to no good. Which...well, was not really far from the truth. He was never up to any good, he was just rather adept at hiding it. "...and that you think of me often." He added, greatly amused by this whole thing.

"I would never do such a thing to my own kind!" He insisted, still feigning shock at the accusations. "--That one time, of course, was an accident." That was an important thing to note, but it never really narrowed down what that one accidental time was. The fake shock vanished from his face when she mentioned shoes, and the Sage tilted his head down to look at his own feet, which were simply bone.

"You may do whatever feels more comfortable to you, my dear. I highly doubt you could ever offend me." Especially since she was making an obvious effort. The Sage closed the door when he could and reached out a boney hand to take her basket from her, both to accept the offered gift as well as to alleviate the weight for her.

"I hardly think we're in a position to strictly adhere to the old ways anyway. The separation of clans can return once we have our numbers back." Though it was sometimes hard to deal with the other clans, because they were so terribly different; Conquest and Famine were on two ends of the spectrum...yet here they were.

Enoh Love




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:41 am
She did think highly of him but she didn't want it to go to your head Salbei. It was already big enough already, (just less so than her own, even she knew that). Free of the herbs and spices she removed her shoes and left them by the doorway, bowing slightly to her host before moving further in.

The only downside to being in another home that she normally didn't visit was having to mind her headdress more so than usual, making sure not to accidentally hit anything. The result was a bit more jingling and ringing from the bells and ornaments than usual.

"Just one time? Honesty, with the way some horsemen act even I admit I slip them some of the cheap decaf teas they have here in halloween." Not that they ever knew.

She waited for him to sit before she would sit herself, instead just waiting. "But you are right, strictly adhering to the traditions isn't always needed... But in my position I must at least try in some ways. When the islands are restored, so will my house be and all the responsibilities that come with." A heavy sigh, she motioned to her shoes. Old habits die hard as the saying goes. What of you however? With plans underway to restore the island, have you given much thought to what life will be like when we return?"

Enoh Love
PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:55 pm
While Lan made herself comfortable, Sal brushed his fingers through the herbs, going through them to see if there was anything different at the bottom, and eventually deposited the whole thing on a nearby counter, beside a rather large tome.

"I will admit to the one time only. You will have to get proof of my involvement in any other occurrence." Sal chuckled. When it became obvious to him that she was waiting for him to sit first, he gave a small hum and shifted, stepping behind one of two chairs against a small, modest table. He pulled it out for her, and gestured for her to sit. When she did he pushed the chair in for her as well, but did not take the one opposite her just yet.

"I'm afraid all I have to offer is water or squid juice." Sal explained apologetically in his way of offering her a beverage, shifting to the colder space where he kept the liquids. "The juice is fairly interesting. One of the Halloween children spoke of it, I simply had to try it." Which explained why it was there in the first place.

"As for my role...I imagine it will be much the same: Hard work, Good friends and Alchemy. It is rare for me to be idle, no matter what my living situation is." He was as active here as he was back then, and imagined it would be the same during the restoration. "Though I imagine I will miss my children." He mused with a soft frown. If he went back to the island for good, he would likely lose the Halloween Children he had grown so fond of.


Enoh Love




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:50 pm
Lan grinned. "Shall I have some people look into it? Have them keep tabs on famine's activities near the wells? Or hire taste tester when you throw gatherings?" She teased more.

Sitting down, hands brushed out the few creases in her silks. Salbei, ever the gentleman. Lan hide the mental grimace at the notion of squid juice. "It is.. for some dishes I know, the squid juice that is. I am not fond of it however. Water will suffice." She could hardly stomach the smell, let alone the taste of squid, emperor help her if she drank juice from the sea creature.

Water in hand she took a sip only to sputter. "Children- Salbei you did not tell you had any foals. I thought you a single stallion all this time!" She laughed. "Oh my goodness, where have they been? At one of the lairs further out?"

Enoh Love
PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:04 pm
"Do what makes you feel safest, my dear lady." Salbei said, his tone unreadable and his lips forever set in a vaguely amused smile. Once the Lady had her water he poured himself his own cup and took a seat across from her, his fingers curling around the coolness of the cup. That little smile returned at her unladylike sputter, and waited patiently for her to finish her question before even thinking of his answer.

"Mm. Not quite. My children are..." Long, bony fingers tapped along the cup as he brought the word to mind. "Adopted, I suppose would be the term." He knew she would be inquiring, and so he complied without her needing to waste her words on the inevitable. "Two boils and two ghouls~ All of them Halloween students who consider me a paternal figure in their young lives. They call me, ah-" He trailed off, a hoarse but fond chuckle escaping dry lips. "'Papa Pony', or 'Papa Sal', it's quite adorable."


Enoh Love




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:07 pm
What would make her feel safest is if you didn't act so darn innocent. The innocence just made her all the most suspicious. As he explained the state of his children she sipped her water, nodding along. Leave it to Sal to adopt some poor little foals from halloween.

"Adopted. Well, you know we can't keep them Salbei. I mean its all cute until they start expecting things you know. Rewards for doing what they ought to have done without being asked. Thinking they are one of us. I mean please don't lead them on." She sipped again from her water.

"You keep them around and you'll want to keep them/ Just like minipets. Only minipets take up less space and are less demanding."

Enoh love
PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:10 pm
"They are young and misguided, as displaced in their world as we are. They have taught me quite a bit about their world, and the two young colts have pledged themselves to us as initiates. The fillies are strong and dedicated, and though one is very loud and brash, it is my belief she will accomplish great things." He finally took a sip of his water, allowing that much of a pause before lowering the cup once more. "My primary objective, my lady is to seek out connections that I feel would benefit my clan and those of our kind. If it means befriending the next generation of our allies and allowing them see me as a figure from which they seek guidance, then so be it." The Sage smiled at Lan over his cup, that same smile that meant he was up to something big, and keeping so many secrets to himself. His usual smile, really.

"Do not underestimate the young ones, my precious Lady. They are more useful than you give them credit for."


Enoh Love




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:43 am
Lan was judgmental. That was a fairly well known fact. Her time in Halloween had softened her a bit, though not by much.

"I feel most of halloween is misguided. They think of humans like they might be equals or of higher purpose in some cases. Ignorance at it's finest for that lot. Even if the two colts are now sworn to us, that only means we have a drop of enlightenment in an ocean of fools. You are wise to use their youth to pilot the future but it does not change the course-" She set her water down, finger tracing the rim.

"We are horsemen. You said it yourself. Their world. Our world was razed by those Halloween would shield and protect. You walk the fine line Salbei. If they see you as a figure of guidance and knowledge then this can aid us in years to come- but what happens when they ask us to give up the last of that which makes us who we are?" She took her hand back, dabbing the wet fingertip on the ground, a few grains of sand sticking to skin.

"If we gather but such a small amount when surrounded by so many... I must underestimate them. I cannot place the cart before the horse. Do as you see fit though, it is neither my place nor my authority to stop you or even my wish to stop you... But if all plans come to fruition, we will have our home back. We will gain a foothold here, be allowed for the first time in generations to expand." She smiled.

"All plans will take some time however. Come time.. I hope we will see an age where we are greater than we were before."

Enoh Love
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