It was hard to tell if Shaheen had left the training field all day. Dried and fresh blood streaked her body, combined with the dirt and dust that had stuck to her sweat. She looked an absolute mess, with hair tangled and feathers askew, with slashes in clothing that hardly clothed her at all. She had obviously been in and out of battle all day, but she also obviously hadn't decided to be finished yet.

She needed a new challenger.

Her eyes were alight with the fever of battle, her cheeks flushed with it. She perhaps looked just as crazy as the insanity markings that spread across nearly half of her body suggested. Still, when a woman came within calling distance, Shaheen's gaze moved towards her, locking on their target.

"You! Spar with me." There was no need for her to ask, to actually say please. She was an elder chieftain, after all! And she was doing Very Important Work for the priestess, who had promised her more power once that work was through. Still, she reminded herself, it wouldn't do to behave with hostility.

She smiled, and it was perhaps better if she hadn't. Her teeth were still stained red from her last victim, one she had attacked while in lioness form. "Of course, only if you are of the mind to do so." Her voice had sweetened only slightly, but it did not at all match her ragged appearance, nor the darkness of her eyes.

Livid Peas