word count 430
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Chaos stared up at the tree with her eyes closed trying to remember what it was like to have actual silence in her home. The laughter of kits was still ringing in her ears and while she found she could still manage a good morning meditation after the little ones were up she might as well give up on any sense of contemplation worthwhile. Kits were messy and loud and always seemed to want attention. As horrible as all that sounded she found she didn’t mind it as much as she thought she should. Xi Lan had brought a sense of life to her world and his children made her feel strangely settled. Not having had much experience in a home where such noise was aloud Chaos found herself often retreating outside near her cherry tree and reflecting pond. A part of her was tempted to climb up the tree and hide but she figured her garments would snag and then Xi Lan would have to take time from his kits to save her and that was not an interruption she wanted to be. The sun was warm on her feathers and the scents of her home made her smile softly. She wondered what game Xi Lan would want to play with the little ones tonight. He was such a good father and a wonderful mate. Perhaps she should make a few different kinds of rice balls tonight with mystery flavors for the little ones. They would like that.

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Ya Lan was sneaking as softly as she could toward the big blue mother. Her back was to Ya Lan making it really easy this morning. Ya was visiting papa and this mommy while green mommy and blue pink mother were back at their home. Her tail wagged slowly as she crept forward on her belly. Far too excited to move slowly for long Ya Lan decided to pick up the pace and run full tilt toward blue mother. Sadly she lacked the coordination to make a good solid run and tripped over her own paws. Landing on her face for the most part she squeaked into the dirt. Curling up she felt tears welling up in her eyes. It stung so much she stayed where she was until Papa would find her. Papa was always good at finding her, Lein was too. Ya’s brother was too, but he was much quieter than Lein was. Maybe she wasn’t hard to find but that didn’t matter right now she wanted someone to find her and make all the bad pain go away