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Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:59 pm
I have all my quests in one thread [even the form for this one] but I wanted to create another thread for this particular quest.

I don't need gold, I have enough, but I would love anyone who wanted to make arts for my quest Soquili. This is a personal quest. Most of my quests are characters from TT RPGs in the past or present. This one . . . it's something I need to do, for myself. To have something to look at that reminds me that I choose my own path and build myself despite of what has come before.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:22 pm
She was born into a loving family. Her parents worked hard to give her everything they could. But even with the best of intentions, sometimes things go wrong.

When she was very little, she was sick. She needed to see a healer, but there were other things that had to be done first. She was left in the care of one her parents though trustworthy, a teacher. But instead of learning the joy of life, instead of understanding, she suffered abuse and humiliation. Her parents worked hard, once they knew, to correct the harm that had been done, but scars remained. And she was tarnished by a lack of belief in herself. The illness was healed, but it left behind the memory of being different and unworthy.

As she grew she was able to put away the darkness of her past, to flourish and grow. She was kept safe, if perhaps a bit restricted. But her life was good and she still had hope and dreams and a bright innocence.

Then there came an injury. And it rocked her world. For some time she could not walk, and the first injury lead to another. But she found a healer and again was able to move forward in her life, if with some pain. But only a few years later, she was again injured where the healing hadn't been complete. And so she was again confined to immobility, for longer this time to ensure healing. But still a pain remained. And in that time of hurt and immobility, the lessons of the past, of the one who should have been a teacher, were remembered and crept deeper into her soul. And even when she could again move, the pain and the fear of being further injured, left her hobbled.

But she was strong, she resolved not to dwell but to move forward. But there were scars upon her heart and upon her body. And she found herself alone. For so long she was alone, though those around her had found love and happiness. And she began to believe that she was truly as she had been told, without worth.

Then came one who was a friend, and friendship became love. But that one was slowly twisted by darkness. And he ate at her soul, chaining her body and ripping away her wings. He would possess her. And because she did not believe in herself, she did not struggle. She accepted his words of scorn, did not rail against the confinement, but offered only her heart which was taken and trampled.

But she stayed, knowing that no other would have her, even if such knowledge was false. And she spoke for her love even against her parents, who loved and wept for her and the darkness she was in. And she hid the scars and herself away in his shadow.

But the evil which had twisted her love was seen by others, by those who would stop evil. They did not know her, were not there to save her, only to stop him. And they did, waking her from her sleep in the cocoon he had made for her, ripping her out and showing her the stark reality of her world. Then they took him, the one she had let shape her into his perfect pet, and she was alone.

She was shattered. Her world finally torn apart beyond her understanding or ability to cope.

Her parents pulled her back to them, working to strengthen and assure her. And she found comfort in the warmth of the cats who accepted and loved her, not seeing the rawness that she had become.

It took a long time and much pain to begin seeing herself again. To begin seeing the world and her potential. The pieces of her life, of herself, were scattered at her feet. The wounds of the past and the present open to the world. And her soul exposed.

But she gained strength and was again shown hope. And she knew it was up to her to decide her future. She could wallow in her pain, she could hate the world, or perhaps just males, she could let herself continue to believe that she had no value and curl up waiting for death. Or she could choose to rebuild, to move forward, to become again something of worth, to herself and the world.

So she picked up the pieces and started rebuilding her life. She put herself back together. And though she could not make herself as she had been before, she could choose not to be daunted, not to let that stop her. She would never fly again, but she would have beautiful wings. She didn't have all the pieces, but she would replace them as she built herself up anew. She had lost her innocence, but she refused to lose her hope.

And so her soul shone through to light the shadows she had been hiding in. She stood, not heeding the pain, and moved forward once again.  


Nebula Dragon


Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:23 pm
Edit Category: Extreme
Soquili Species: Light Ulun'suti
Body Build: Draft - alternate bent front leg if possible
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Art Inspired Personal Character

WIP Needed? Yes Please

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Off white/Grey pieces in slightly different shades which look like they have been shattered and reattached, between them are SFX glowing lines as if the soul was shining through. The apparent break should clearly radiate out from the chest where a heart shaped 'piece' is surrounded by the SFX. If possible, I want it to look as though the 'pieces' were originally white but have been tarnished and darkened with time. The glow should be a soft gold, darkening towards red the closer you get to the heart. The inspiration for this is from Destiny Blue's Last Piece but this should not be puzzle pieces, just shattered pieces, as though she was a glass sculpture that had been broken and put back together - not all the pieces are there and not all the pieces fit where they have been put. The SFX line's color should come from her pieces: Open my Heart to You and Sew Closed my Soul.
Face: Like the body, there should be glowing SFX around 'broken pieces'. There definitely should be glowing areas where tears would have run down the cheeks, but her expression should be one of hope and determination. The eyes should be based on her Let me Speak piece.
Mane: Edited light mane, floor length. Should flow and billow and be based on The Sun and Not Alone art.
Tail: Long serpentine tail, colored like the rest of the body.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Fetlocks edited to match mane, billowing light.
Reference Image(s): Linked through out above.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): Ulun'suti scaled horns, should match the body and glow at each join, as if broken and put back together.
Wings: She had Ulun'suti wings, but they were ripped away from her, now she has stumps. But when she decided to rebuild herself, she fashioned wings of stained glass that she wears. These have leather sheaths that fit over the stumps of her original wings and looks something like the MtG card Gift of Orzhova, though she'd have tried to keep at least somewhat to the shape of her original wings. These should be obvious in being replacement wings - she can no longer fly. Size and complexity to fit the edit range.
Fins: N/A
Scales: Back, leg and tail scales - these should again look as though they were part of her shattering, but were fitted together more carefully so no glow shines through.
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Ear frills please. This should be a Pureblooded Ulun'suti, she was born with the wings, they have just been amputated [against her will].

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: None
Custom Items: An open shackle by her back leg with a chain leading away. Three black cats. And the stained glass wings from above.
Reference Image(s) for Items: Black cat 1: Chyanne has yellow eyes. Black cat 2: Hershy has green eyes. Black cat 3: Kish has dark amber eyes. Hershy is the largest cat [and he's huge], Cheyanne is a little smaller than Hershy, and Kish is a small adolescent cat. CC on pose and location. Shackle should look like the one from this photo.

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Ki Kou
Owner: LydaLynn
Breed: Spirited
Temper: Hopeful
Mate: ~
Tag Background: 025 Dusky Night by King Inversitle
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~
Element: Light

Edit Category: Extreme
Soquili Species: Mutant Light Ulun'suti
Body Build: Draft - alternate bent front leg if possible
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Art Inspired Personal Character

WIP Needed? Yes Please

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Off white/grey pieces in slightly different shades that, after having been shattered, have been reattached, but there are spaces where the glow of the soul shines through. The break should clearly radiate out from the chest where a heart sized piece has been replaced. If possible, I want it to look as though the pieces were originally white but have been tarnished and darkened with time. The glow should be a soft gold, darkening towards red the closer you get to the heart. The inspiration for this is from Destiny Blue's Last Piece but this should not be puzzle pieces, just shattered pieces, as though she was a glass sculpture that had been broken and put back together - not all the pieces are there and not all the pieces fit where they have been put. The soul's color should come from between her pieces: Open my Heart to You and Sew Closed my Soul.
Face: Like the body, there should be glowing soul showing through broken pieces. There definitely should be glowing areas where tears would have run down the cheeks, but her expression should be one of hope and determination. The eyes should be based on her Let me Speak piece.
Mane: Edited light mane, floor length. Should flow and billow and be based on The Sun and Not Alone art.
Tail: Long serpentine tail, colored like the rest of the body.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Mutant clawed on all four feet. Fetlocks edited to match mane, billowing light.
Reference Image(s): Linked through out above.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): Ulun'suti scaled horns, should match the body and glow at each join, as if broken and put back together.
Wings: She had Ulun'suti wings, but they were ripped away from her, there are missing pieces on her back that allow her soul to extend itself as wings. These soul wings and look something like they are part of her light Ulun'suti powers, like her mane and tail - though they should start closer to the red color around the heart and fade to a soft yellow the farther out they go. I would like these to be uniquely drawn and larger than normal Ulun'suti wings though they should be obvious in being translucent extensions of her soul - she can no longer fly.
If possible I would love to have a ,winged/wingless version, but instead of no wings, the second option has wings she built for herself (in part because she doesn't realize the beauty of her soul, in part to protect herself from being so open as having her soul wings out would leave her). This is completely optional. When she decided to rebuild herself, she fashioned wings of stained glass that she wears. These have leather sheaths that fit over the stumps of her original wings and looks something like the MtG card Gift of Orzhova, though she'd have tried to keep at least somewhat to the shape of her original wings. These should be obvious in being replacement wings - she can no longer fly.
Fins: N/A
Scales: Back, leg and tail scales - these should again look as though they were part of her shattering, but were fitted together more carefully so no glow shines through.
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Ear frills, added please. This should be a Pureblooded Ulun'suti, she was born with the wings, they have just been amputated [against her will].

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: None
Custom Items: An open shackle by her back leg with a chain leading away. Three black cats.
Reference Image(s) for Items: Black cat 1: Chyanne has yellow eyes. Black cat 2: Hershy has green eyes. Black cat 3: Kish has dark amber eyes. Hershy is the largest cat [and he's huge], Cheyanne is a little smaller than Hershy, and Kish is a small adolescent cat. CC on pose and location. Shackle should look like the one from this photo.
Wings: Leather sheaths that fit over the stumps of her original wings and look something like the MtG card Gift of Orzhova, though she'd have tried to keep at least somewhat to the shape of her original wings. These should be obvious in being replacement wings - she can no longer fly.

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Ki Kou
Owner: LydaLynn
Breed: Spirited
Temper: Hopeful
Mate: ~
Tag Background: 025 Dusky Night by King Inversitle
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~
Element: Light
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:30 pm
This is a very personal quest and a very personal story. I'm not posting hoping for sympathy. And I'm not interested in answering personal questions about what happened. But I am hoping that something in this can help someone else who is going through their own personal darkness.

There is a light on the other side.

We choose what we will make of ourselves. There is so much that is outside of our control. And so much that brings pain into our lives. But we don't have to live in those shadowed places forever. We don't have to accept that our world is shattered forever because we can pick up the pieces and rebuild ourselves.

I am not a phoenix. I have no bright feathers and healing tears. I can not sing to make a heart weep or fly across the sky. But I can rise from the ashes. And I can make myself, my heart and soul, as beautiful on the inside as the phoenix is on the outside.

This is my affirmation to myself. This is my place of remembrance but not to dwell, rather to see how far I have come and know that I can continue to go so very much further.

This is a place of Hope! Be welcomed in that spirit.  


Nebula Dragon


Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 5:02 pm
I am so thrilled Phail Ninja chose this character to spend her credits on.

I'm waiting patiently. Though recently the things that inspired Ki Kou . . . the damages that caused the shattering in my personal life that I had to grow past and remake myself from . . . have re-arisen.

I'm stronger now and I have taken steps to protect myself. But the one who so hurt me, has been released after serving 3 of his 20 years. So I'm wearing the avatar as close to Ki Kou as I can manage to remind myself of the strength I have gained and the healing I have done. And to remember that I choose who I will be.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 3:55 pm
Just wanted to add the art I have of the character here:

User Image
commissioned from Acrid on Furvilla,no other contact known

User Image
commissioned from Sezza#3867 on discord. Discord server link: https://discord.gg/neMTeTU6 and twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sezza and Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/sezza  


Nebula Dragon

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