Thank you for stopping by and looking at this announcement.

So, What questions do you have about questing? Or maybe you don't, in which case skip to the end of this post.

-There aren't really rules here that aren't in the rest of the guild. I will point out that this subforum is specifically set up so people can post their quests.
-If someone is bothering you, try and talk to them about it, or, contact a crew member, captain, or vice captain.

Q1: What is questing?
A: That's a simple question. Questing is where you find something you want. an item, an avatar, Maybe something else completely that you cannot show on your avatar, and you save up gold to buy it.

Q2: How do I quest?
A: That is another easy question. First, it's wise to make a thread, So people can see what you are questing. (see Q3 on quest threads) Then update your quest thread as you get closer to your goal.

Q3: What is a quest thread and how do I make it?
A: At the bottom of the page, there is a "make new thread" button, you can use that to create your quest thread. You can put the items that you are after, a tektek (more on tektek later) of your avatar, or questbar.

Q4: What is Tektek?
A: Tektek, is a website. It is very useful for finding items, or for creating dream avatars to display. Do not trust the prices that it lists however. Those prices are not representative of what you will find on the Gaia marketplace. If you want the exact price, you should look here.

Q5: No one is coming to my thread. What do I do?
A: Have you bumped it? put it closer to the top of the threads? Sometimes threads get lost when there are so many of them.

Q6: I meant why is no one helping me?
A: A quest thread doesn't mean that people will donate to you. It's easier to play the gaia games, and provide services (such as artwork) to help get the gold that you want. You can always ask for people to help you in your thread. But most of the time people who are in this subforum are also looking to get gold for their own quests.

Q7: Will you help me?
A: I might, I am questing things of my own. I will probably just direct you to this thread. I will also suggest you save some items that will appreciate in value. An item will appreciate in value if it is a good item, is not a gold shop item, and there is a limited quantity of it. The more people want one of these items, the more expensive it becomes.

Q8: What sort of things will get me in trouble from questing?
A: Begging. People are not usually very pleasant towards people who beg for gold or items. The road to getting an item can be hard, but it's much more gratifying to earn it than to be given it. Also many of the people you see that are quite wealthy looking, did it themselves. They started just where you were, invested a bit of time, and eventually got to where they are today.

Q9: Any other things?
A: Yes, your quest thread shouldn't be in an other place in this guild, it can be outside of the guild, but you really don't want to put it somewhere, and then find that it's been moved somewhere, or deleted.
-You don't want to offer services that are against the rules of Gaia.
-And lastly, you shouldn't talk about how easy someone else's quest is, It's just as important to them, as your quest is to you.

Lastly, If you feel like posting your quest in this thread, feel free. If you have a quest thread outside of the guild, post a link to it. You might even get some help from some of your fellow questing guild mates.