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[Closed] Nisshou’s Massive Mate Hunt

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Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:41 pm

As the title suggests this is a joint mate and plot hunting thread. Each pony I post may be looking for one, the other, or both of these things. I’ve been a bit hesitant to make one of these for the past few years but with a bit of encouragement I’m going to go ahead and give this a shot!

Special Note: This is a mate hunt. Please treat this like the LR. Do not offer if your soquili is not at least one month old as an adult. They're looking for mates. Sometimes with RP sometimes not. If all you want is general RP don't use the forms or even mention this thread. Just ask.

Basic Information:
- You may post or PM your forms to me. All posts will still get a PM from me once I get around to them.

-Please don’t be offended if I decline an offer. I swear it’s nothing personal. I just might not like that particular plot or how a pair looks together. It has nothing to do with you I promise.

-Please don’t assume I’m going to use credits to buy a breeding. That is my paycheck and telling me how to use it is not particularly attractive or pleasant. If I chose to do so it will be at my discretion.

-Please don’t offer something I’m not looking for. If I say a soquili only wants a blind albino mare please don’t offer a black, six-eyed stud.

-Please don’t be afraid to post! This isn’t just for friends! I’m trying to get some new people involved with my ponies, which is a lot harder than it sounds. @_@

-I have a tendency to max out my soquili which means I do a lot of random RPs on the side to ensure stats. Don’t feel offended or think I’ve completely lost interest if you see that. I am capable of running these stat grabbing RPs on the side of important stuff.

-I may also try a few candidates out at once because it’s hard to tell who will click and who won’t in RP.

-I like to do one breeding at a time and then see where to go after that’s completed so please don’t ask for access to my soquili’s fourth breeding when they’re looking for their first.

-I will do monogamous couples but I don’t like the lifemating agreements for them. I prefer to just renew the selective permission agreements when we’re ready for them to try another time.

-Unless I specifically say otherwise assume I’m open to all edit levels and breeds.

-Do not offer skelesoq or anything too creepy in general. It will get turned down. They freak me out.

The Form:
[b]Soquili’s image:[/b][img]Image url goes here[/img]
[b]Soquili’s name:[/b]
[b]Soquili’s personality:[/b]
[b]Which of my soquili are you offering them for?:[/b]
[b]Monogamous or one time?:[/b]
[b]Are you looking for RP or just background plotting?:[/b]
[b]Any interesting plot ideas?:[/b]
[b]Anything else I should know about you or your soquili?:[/b]
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:45 pm

Meet the soquili! In alphabetical order, mares first and then stallions.

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Soquili Name: Alyse
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Either
RP or Plot preferred? RP is preferred
Soquili’s Personality: Alyse is a dark and twisted soul. I’ve not had her for very long so I’ve not figured out much about her beyond the fact that she’s a bit warped. (This is why I’d like RP.)
Seeking: I’ve no real idea exactly what she’d be after. Through plot ideas and ponies at me and we’ll see what sticks.
Limitations: No standard template cerynei bucks. I absolutely hate the standard antlers like you wouldn’t believe.

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Soquili Name: Bhikkuni
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Monogamous
RP or Plot preferred? Either is fine
Soquili’s Personality: Bhikkuni does her best to be a gently and forgiving soul. She is a bit naïve about the world but she tries very hard to understand. She is a member of the Padmapani herd and isn’t looking to leave.
Seeking: A legitimately nice stallion that will love her unconditionally. He doesn’t have to stay with the herd, Bhikkuni is comfortable enough with herself to not be entirely dependent. She has her family to help raise the children. He needs to understand her forgiving nature and devotion to her family. She won’t tolerate evil.
Limitations: No skinwalkers (see monogamous relationship and caring). No one looking to use or hurt her. She’s no one’s play thing.

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Soquili Name: Camilla Draculesti
Number of breedings left: 4/4
Monogamous or one time?: Either or with monogamous being a bit better
RP or Plot preferred? RP
Soquili’s Personality: Camilla is an angeni meaning she is good by nature. She wants to help on an instinctual level. She is very calm and usually at peace with the world. She is still young but she has a strong sense of wrong and right but she would absolutely never want to hurt someone. She’s a bit of a pacifist. She is also a vampire in a religious sort of way. She will drink blood on very rare occasions. She sees it as an intimate thing, a way to forge or strengthen a bond and not something to use just because. She does not do this for any sort of sustenance. Camilla is also primarily nocturnal and loves bats.
Seeking: A kind stallion that wouldn’t freak out over the blood thing or her nocturnal-ness. She wants to be loved and she doesn’t want to fight to get it. She’s looking for an easier, laid-back sort of romance with no pressure to be something she’s not. Ideally she would like an angeni. She is 100% angeni herself.
Limitations: No skinwalkers. (duh.) No evil. Nothing from Twilight or related to Twilight ponies. I know next to nothing about those books except that her grandparents are cosplays from it. I don’t know who is related so to play it safe I’m assuming they all are.

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Soquili Name: Clea
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Either or
RP or Plot preferred? Either or
Soquili’s Personality: Clea’s a bit of a spaz and a tiny bit ditzy. She doesn’t pay attention much and doesn’t necessarily follow thoughts well. She’s clumsy and far from quiet but she’s almost always in a good mood. She also has a habit of taking things that aren’t hers when she’s not paying attention. Currently she resides on Padmapani territory having nowhere else to go.
Seeking: Clea likes having things to do so she would love having some sort of purpose or something to occupy her time. If she could have some sort of excitement in her life that would be best for her.
Limitations: No evil of any form. No one that’s going to use her.

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:47 pm

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Soquili Name: Gwendolen
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Monogamous
RP or Plot preferred? RP
Soquili’s Personality: Gwendolen, like several of my other girls, is a gentle sort of mare. She’s a healer focusing primarily on herbs and physical therapy. She has no healing magic that she knows of. She seems to have grown up too early and always tries to be mature and reasonable making her seem rather serious. She has a more playful side but it’s hard to get at it since she’s so stressed all the time.
Seeking: Someone to help her feel at ease. A stallion is preferred but she might go for a mare under the right circumstances. Another healer, unicorn or a flutter would be great for her.
Limitations: No evil unless you have a spectacular plot for it.

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Soquili Name: Ijn
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Either
RP or Plot preferred? Either is fine
Soquili’s Personality: Ijn’s an old soquili of mine so to be completely honest I don’t really remember what she was like. This is directly from my teepee:
Ijn is a surprisingly gently soul despite how she was raised. She has grown out of her fearful nature and has become somewhat independent. She still appreciates the company of others but no longer worries when she is alone. The night time is when she is most active though she does not quite seem to fit in there and she knows this. While many nocturnal creatures hunt and avoid interaction with others she prefers to play in the moonlight with others if she can find them.
Seeking: I dunno. Toss them at me and we’ll see what sticks.
Limitations: None.

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Soquili Name: Jia Li
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Monogamous preferred but could be one time
RP or Plot preferred? Either or
Soquili’s Personality: Jia Li is a lady knight. She is noble hearted with a strong sense of justice. She is willing to fight but prefers a more diplomatic approach. She enjoys quiet and appreciates just being surrounded by nature. She also loves being clean. Jia Li values her family even if she rarely sees them.
Seeking: Another knight or a prince. She would naturally be drawn to someone with the same noble ideals as her.
Limitations: No evil.

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Soquili Name: Kaitou Malta
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Monogamous
RP or Plot preferred? Either is fine
Soquili’s Personality: Malta’s a bit of an artist. She sees the world differently and takes an unusual and sometimes backwards approach to it. She loves living and tries to enjoy her life as much as she can. She likes flying even if it makes her dizzy and she loves drawing pictures in the snow and sand.
Seeking: Someone to have fun with that isn’t stuffy or restrictive. Someone that won’t try to make her feel bad for having absentee parents.
Limitations: No one evil.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:50 pm

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Soquili Name: Kiij
Number of breedings left: 4/4
Monogamous or one time?: One time only
RP or Plot preferred? Either but just plot based or nothing at all would be best
Soquili’s Personality: Kiij is a skinwalker that is borderline feral. She’s basically forgotten what it’s like to be a soquili at all and spends a good 99% of her time in feline form. She operates based solely on the basic bodily needs she has.
Seeking: A quick encounter with someone who looks good with her.
Limitations: They must be brave or crazy enough to tango with a skinwalker and look good with her. No kelpi. This really is 100% about looks.

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Soquili Name: Lorenna
Number of breedings left: 6/6
Monogamous or one time?: Monogamous
RP or Plot preferred? RP only
Soquili’s Personality: Lorenna is a very serious and busy character. She runs a network of birds and soquili that work to neutralize threats throughout the land. It is a full time job and she doesn’t have a lot of time to baby sit or coddle people. She has two young cerynei twins the accompany her that she has managed to keep alive since foal hood somehow but she’s never actually been motherly to them. She is focused on her work and doesn’t have much time for laughing or playing. She has a very dry and sarcastic sense of humor. She’s not afraid to get her hooves dirty, lay traps, and fight if the need ever arises and she will never just roll over and take someone’s s**t.
Seeking: Lorenna needs a partner that will stand by her and not expect her to handle every aspect of his life. She needs to travel and he needs to understand that there might not be a lot of time spent together. If there are children he will probably be watching them if he travels with her with the help of Fletcher and Thatcher. If he stays somewhere then the children will be given the choice to stay with the father or travel with the mother where Fletcher and Thatcher can look after them while Lorenna is working.
Limitations: No kalona or skinwalkers. No one evil. No one that’s going to try to change her or take over her work. No one that is looking to use or try to upstage her. They’d have to be clever and far from innocent to get her attention.
((Lorenna is my absolute favorite soquili so I will be rather picky with her. She’s in no rush to have a mate and I’m in no rush to find someone for her.))

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Soquili Name: Lycoris
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Either
RP or Plot preferred? Either or
Soquili’s Personality: Lycoris is quiet and well-mannered. She does not fight because she does not know how to. She enjoys the company of flowers and little creatures. She believes she will bring misfortune to others so she pushes them away but she still gets lonely.
Seeking: Someone who will protect her. Preferably someone white in color, I just think that would be extra pretty. Really anyone that will tone down the pink would be great.
Limitations: I’d prefer no evil but she’d be pretty easy to manipulate…so no evil without a good plot.

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:58 pm

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Soquili Name: Deidren
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Either
RP or Plot preferred? Either
Soquili’s Personality: Deidren's rather standoffish. He has a decent heart somewhere under all that sarcasm and gruffness but it can be difficult to find. He's been betrayed in a big way in the past that makes him not trust strangers but he's still a bit sentimental wearing the necklace his mother gave him even now.
Seeking: Someone that won't run away from him or annoy him to the ends of the earth. He needs a good mixture of perseverance and respect for personal space in any potential mate.
Limitations: No one evil but a little dark could be okay. No one with a wolf familiar for IC reasons.

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Soquili Name: Devmani
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Either (poly-amorous group is also a possibility)
RP or Plot preferred? Either
Soquili’s Personality: Devmani fancies himself to be the king of the jungle even though he hasn't lived there for over a year now. He likes to collect shiny and rare things including (but not limited to) jewelry, gemstones, and rare animals. He's a rather jovial creature that would love nothing more than to live his life in luxury and forget every bad thing that exists.
Seeking: He could use someone to either give him a good reality check that would stay by him after burning up his perception of the world and help him rebuild. He would like, however, a mare or two or three, that would be happy to be lavished with attention and kept by his side.
Limitations: No one evil. He helps Lorenna fight against these types and wouldn't want to betray her by bedding one.

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Soquili Name: Farren
Number of breedings left: 4/5
Monogamous or one time?: One time
RP or Plot preferred? Plot
Soquili’s Personality: Farren's an a** disguised as a stallion. He likes to butter people up to get whatever he desires and then leave them when they might actually need him. He doesn't care about others, only himself, but he's very good at using pretty words and playing nice.
Seeking: Someone pretty.
Limitations: This is a looks based breeding.

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Soquili Name: Fletcher
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Monogamous
RP or Plot preferred? RP only
Soquili’s Personality: Fletcher is somewhat serious and driven but he is still young and not at all opposed to goofing off with his brother. He is very loyal and has a strong sense of what is right. He assists Lorenna along with his twin brother Thatcher and would never leave her cause for anything short of his own death. (She basically raised them.) He is also protective but not in a possessive way. He's perfectly comfortable giving breathing space because he feels he could use it himself sometimes.
Seeking: A mare that will understand his work and not try to stop him from doing it or change him. She needs to accept Lorenna and Thatcher as part of Fletcher's life because if a choice needs to be made he'll pick the two of them over a mare. (She should also probably be able to pass Lorenna's inspection.)
Fletcher doesn't want to raise some other stallion's kids so it would be best for her to not have had any. He would also prefer someone younger than him ICly.
Limitations: Absolutely no evil or shifty characters. No kelpi or cerynei mares with the templated antler stubs.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:59 pm

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Soquili Name: Paolo
Number of breedings left: 4/4
Monogamous or one time?: Either
RP or Plot preferred? Either but RP would be nice
Soquili’s Personality: Paolo's a sweetheart and a charmer. He genuinely likes to make people, especially mares, happy. He's more than willing to lend a sympathetic ear, cuddle, find food, and otherwise look after someone. In fact he's most happy when caring for someone gently.
Seeking: Someone he can look after.
Limitations: No skinwalkers or anyone else that's going to abuse him.

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Soquili Name: Phala
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Either
RP or Plot preferred? RP
Soquili’s Personality: Phala has been called a monster and treated like it by a lot of people since birth. Unfortunately he believes this and has embraced it. His mother was driven insane, he believes, by himself and his siblings. (It was actually their father that did it semi-sorta accidentally.) The only person he really cares about is his sister, Shrivatsa, the alpha of Padmapani so he can usually be found lingering around her to make sure she's safe. He tends to avoid other people or intimidate them. While he doesn't actually want to kill anyone he's not at all against beating them senseless.
Seeking: Someone persistent enough to convince him that he's not a monster. Or someone that can care for him enough that he wants to start taking care of them.
Limitations: No one evil or cruel. No one that's going to try and make him leave Padmapani and/or his sister.

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Soquili Name: Vivace
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Monogamous
RP or Plot preferred? RP
Soquili’s Personality: Vivace is a songbird of the Padmapani. He loves to sing, dance and fly. He's usually quite carefree and well loved. He lost a good portion of his family to an attack led by Samsara when he was a young stallion and it still bothers him some of the time. He gets nightmares about the event. At times when he's feeling the lowest he tries to sing louder to chase away the feelings. He doesn't care for battle but will fight when he needs to.
Seeking: A light in his life. He'd like to stay in the Padmapani so it would be great if she would join him even if it's not on an official level.
Limitations:No one evil. No kalona evil or good (it was a kalona that murdered his sister).

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Soquili Name: Zamyr
Number of breedings left: 5/5
Monogamous or one time?: Either or
RP or Plot preferred? RP
Soquili’s Personality: Zamyr is an intellectual at heart. He loves to learn and see and do. He rather enjoys company and is known to seek out companionship. He is generally a friendly guy but he often comes across as a bit of a pompous know-it-all. He doesn't mean to be condescending but he can't seem to help it. He truly thinks he knows better even when he doesn't. He strongly values life in varying shapes and sizes and while he does eat small animals (mice, etc.) he is not the kind to attack anything that seems sentient. While he is far from the biggest creature be will still stand up for another's right to live and fight if he absolutely must.
Seeking: Someone not wasteful of life. I will look at a wide variety of personalities and backgrounds for him because he's so open minded.
Limitations: No one evil or even cruel. They can't waste life. He'll look at all breeds equally but I would prefer no kelpi, cerynei or winds for him.

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:05 pm

This is open!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:17 am

Soquili’s image:User Image
Soquili’s name: Euterpe
Soquili’s personality: Euterpe loves music and sound. LOVES them. The making of music and the proper harmony of sound is her obsession and her life. She makes every journey into a performance. She can be more than a bit obnoxious about this, but Euterpe has a disarming and charming personality that tends to leave Soquili in her wake, ears ringing, wondering what on earth just happened.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for?: Vivace
Monogamous or one time?: Open to either, would prefer Monogamous
Are you looking for RP or just background plotting?: Again, I'm open to either. I haven't RPed her much at all, but I'm trying to go through and round out and RP all my Soquili, so I would love to have an excuse to RP her with someone
Any interesting plot ideas?: Well, she would be genuinely infatuated with someone like Vivace who loved to sing and dance as much as she did.
Anything else I should know about you or your soquili?: She's an open book


Fandom Fox

20,600 Points
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Mewsings of An Angel

Excitable Anubutt

16,725 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:30 pm

Soquili’s image:User Image
Soquili’s name: Moonsong
Soquili’s personality: Moonsong is someone who is dedicated to a cause, and dedicated to her family. She can be rambunctious and bull-headed, but all in all is just one who loves to wander, explore and learn of what there is out there in the wide world. She is the heiress to her mother's herd, so sometime in the distant future, she will step up to lead her family.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for?: Paolo
Monogamous or one time?: Monogamous preferably, as I don't see Moonsong flinging.
Are you looking for RP or just background plotting?: I would, if it is wanted. <3
Any interesting plot ideas?:
Besides of course the whole possible prince and princess theory, there is the possibility of them maybe stumbling across each other and learning from one another of the world they have seen? Or maybe she finds him alone and brings him to Aurora's family herd, where love blossoms? x3
Anything else I should know about you or your soquili?: Not particularly. XD Unless you count my RP slowness.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:24 pm

Soquili’s image:User Image
Soquili’s name: Yuuka
Soquili’s personality: She's definitely no push over and, at times, may appear cold when really, she takes a little time to decide if you are worth dropping a few of her barriers to get to know her a little. She can be very judgmental and has no patience for 'idiots'. But she does crave company now and then, and actually is a sweet girl once you get past her thorny exterior. Part of which is because of an attack that happened when she was younger. Yuuka had to step up and be the stronger of the siblings. Very independent and stubborn with a sharp mind to her. She can be sweet when she feels very comfortable around someone, and knows that they won't see her as being considered 'weak' for showing affection.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for?: Deidren
Monogamous or one time?: Either works, though would not mind monogamous if it worked out!
Are you looking for RP or just background plotting?: Again, either, but I do love to RP (even if I can be slow at times ;u; )
Any interesting plot ideas?: I am open to anything, really, though it might be interesting if they managed to talk about things that had occurred in their lives? Yuuka's family was slaughtered by a Skinwalker, the only survivors being herself and her brother. She's been fairly alone since then, though she does live with a small kirin herd now.
Anything else I should know about you or your soquili?: Nothing I can think of? :3


Hilarious Werewolf


PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:11 pm

For Camilla Draculesti :

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Vincento. (or Vincent as he is fondly referred to by Spoof and myself), the head of the Sinclair (Cleaver) family.

Vincento Sinclair is the patriarch of the Sinclair clan. He is well versed in weapons use and has much experience and skill with both the cleaver and the scythe that he regularly wields. He comes from a long line of pure kalonas and grew up in a herd obsessed with the purity of their bloodlines. Crossbreeds were frowned upon, but when his father arranged for him to mate with a pure kalona mare he detested, he found a regular mare to mate with instead, both to spite his father and to prove he was no tractable sheep to be ordered about. He chose the mare because she was very beautiful and also very malleable, which suited his purposes nicely. Their first breeding produced Evangeline and two other sisters, his second resulted in Jessamine and a brother. He kept the mother of his children, Jacqueline, around long enough to raise their son and daughters, but as he felt no emotional attachment to the her, he left soon after their youngest foals had reached adulthood. She was of no more use to him. He felt she should feel honored to have been his chosen for even a short time and to have been deemed worthy to bear his children. Vincento prizes his blood and his descendents above all others, although he felt no love towards their mother, the safety and well being of the family she helped him produce is the most important thing to him. He has nothing against other Kalonas, despite living apart from them with his herd, but he rebels against their feral nature and seeks to raise a family more sophisticated and deadly than others of his kind, he rules over this family with an iron fist and severely punishes any who seeks to harm or betray them. Vincento has a somewhat predatory and primal view of other soquili. If they have something he sees as beneficial to the clan, he will do whatever it takes to get them in a position where he can take it from them or benefit from it in some way. He teaches his children to embrace their natures and feel pride in their Kalona heritage, nevertheless he cautions them to not spill blood lightly, as it is sacred, and to do so would be to reduce themselves to the level of beasts. Vincento carries about him an air of seductive self possession, he is cultured, suave, statuesque, and has an appetite for manipulating weaker willed soquili that are foolish enough to fall for his charms.

He is not really a pure hearted soquili, he is also a pure blooded Kalona which may or may not be a deal breaker, but I figured I'd give it a try since it presents interesting plot opportunities XD. To be clear, Vincento is not an evil stallion, he is more of a chaotic neutral. He is out for himself and his family, and his violence stems more from his nature and his need to be strong enough to protect them if necessary and to have a reputation that will hopefully help prevent that eventuality. He is strong willed and clever, he know that he can not provide them the safety he desires on his own and so seeks alliances with other strong herds. I think he would be very interested in the Draculesti herd, they have a lot of similarities, including viewing blood as something spiritual and sacred which could make him feel somewhat of a kinship with them.

He is also charming, suave, handsome, kind when he wishes to be and I think that pursuing a beautiful female from the herd would be in character for him. He would have some ulterior motives of course, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be sweet to her, or come to care about her in his own way. I don't think he would intend to produce children but if they did he would welcome them with open....arms XD.

If you're interested, it would have to be a fling, we're not sure he would ever really settle down with someone. He would still provide for her and be involved with any foals he sired though.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 11:36 pm

Soquili’s image:User Image
Soquili’s name: Loddigesia
Soquili’s personality: He is full of himself, believing that he is the best of the best. He is patient though, caring for his younger sister.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for?: Bhikkuni
Monogamous or one time?: monogamous
Are you looking for RP or just background plotting?: roleplaying. I'd like to make sure that the two are able to cope with one other.
Any interesting plot ideas?:
Anything else I should know about you or your soquili?: Lodd is just trying to start an "army"/collection of winged soquili since he believes that fliers are the best.

Soquili’s image:User Image
Soquili’s name: Mirabilis
Soquili’s personality: She's really timid, quiet, and really unknown. She only presents herself to those that she trusts.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for?: Paolo
Monogamous or one time?: monogamous
Are you looking for RP or just background plotting?: roleplaying. I'd like to make sure that the two are able to cope with one other.
Any interesting plot ideas?: getting over Mira's shyness? xD
Anything else I should know about you or your soquili?: she currently lives with Lodd, and Paolo can watch over the mare since she doesn't know much of the outside world besides plants and friendly creatures. xD



.Tortured. .Pumpkin.

Backwoods Garbage

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:05 am

Soquili’s image:User Image
Soquili’s name: Gogol
Soquili’s personality:
Gogol was born to a gypsy-daughter and an adventurer in the Twisted Tunnel. As a foal she was horrified of her tail and of her mother's nightmares. She heard voices and had unexplained fears throughout her childhood, which carried on to her adult life. At one point she recognized the voice as belonging to the little horror connected to her spine and that only made her fear it more. Although as an adult she's leaned toward her grandmother's Roma lifestyle, she still heavily relies on her father's family values.
She's strong, stubborn, and has never been one to let anybody into her head. She acts pretty carefree but always has the voices in her head, telling her things she'd rather not hear.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for?: Paolo
Monogamous or one time?: Either~ Honestly, I feel like having someone doting over her could be adorable. XD She has 1 fling set up, but if you'd be interested in more than once we could work something out! It could even be a non-breeding plot if you'd like. I just want Gogol to see what it's like to have someone care for her.
Are you looking for RP or just background plotting?: I'm slowish at RP unless I'm crazy into it. But I'd definitely be willing to try some RP!
Any interesting plot ideas?: I'd just like for Gogol to feel wanted. Any stallion she's met ICly has just been manipulative, and with her fling, it's an agreement that she has with the stallion. She's afraid to carry on her lines because of the voices - something she sees as a curse. The stallion in question wants to broaden his line and sees her demeanor as an asset for future children.
Anything else I should know about you or your soquili?: Uuuh~ Like I said, she does have one fling lined up. She's a ridiculous daddy's girl, but you wouldn't be able to tell without him around, and he doesn't visit much.
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