Since the guild is coming back to life and the RPs are likely going to back in use, I felt the need to throw in some rules.

1. IF THE RP IS CLOSED, RESPECT THAT. If there is an open RP you want to join, always check the rules in that RP on how, but if it's closed, don't be a jerk and just jump in anyways. I will be more than willing to delete any posts you may make as a result.

2. Keep it PG-13. I am NOT opposed to romance rps, or that sort, but if things are about to get hot and heavy, for the love of all the GODS, PLEASE take it to PMs or emails. I really don't want this guild closed down for porn worthy posts from people who can't recall that kids are on this site. If you violate this rule, I WILL lock and end the RP IMMEDIATELY.

3. POST THE LEVEL OF LITERACY REQUIRED FOR THE RPS. I cannot stress this enough. There are typically three levels of literacy with rps-

Beginner: Normally light content. Two or three sentences minimum posting requirement, grammar isn't a huge issue, nor is spelling. This is for those who aren't interested in being the best written rp around.

Intermediate: Typically a paragraph or two minimum posting requirement. Grammar is important, as is sentence structure, and spelling. The content of the posts is more detailed, better written, and likely more interesting.

Advanced: This is for those who are more about the rp being like a collaborative story than anything else. Spelling, grammar, and sentence structure matter here, and usually there is at least a two or three paragraph minimum per post. There may even be a requirement of a picture or a layout for each post. You may even have side characters, and other insane amounts of details to be had in these. This is for serious rpers.

By posting the literacy level of the rp, you then can set the tone for what the others in the guild can expect. Some rpers don't mind mingling with those from lower literacy levels, others avoid it at all costs. This will help cut down on drama.

4. Be respectful to all other Rpers. Ladies, don't be a jerk. We are all here to make friends and have fun. I have yet to ban anyone as Captain, but don't think I won't do it if needed.

5. Notify the RP leader/creator if you plan on leaving the rp. This is so that they can work out how it would be best to get your characters out of the story without ruining the flow. Nothing is worse than being three hundred posts in and then someone just vanishes. It can sink an entire RP unless you know how to work around it. (I have over a decade of Rping under my belt and I have had to figure out how to save rps from this before. It's not easy.)

6. If there is an issue, please notify me. I am here to help.

7. If possible, make a topic in the OOC section to give you and your fellow rpers a place to bounce ideas off each other and talk. It will help the flow of the RP out so much. TRUST ME.

8. Profiles do NOT go here. They go in the RP Support section.

Thanks for your time, ladies! Have fun!