This is long..I'd really appreciate it if you guys read it though.
Thank you in advance!

Me and my crush are in grade 11. We were classmates first semester, he used to come up to talk to me alot even though i was always a shy nervous wreck. This semester I barely see him now since we don't have anything together. But he kept in contact with me by msging me through fb where i later gave him my number.
We used to text ALOT but then all of a sudden he stopped.
I really wouldn't classify us as good friends, just half acquaintance half friend, so we're not that close.
He's the only guy that TRIES to get to know me and TRIES to talk to me. I'm shy and awkward but i dont have many guy friends since im not very good at carrying the conversation since im not good with boys and come off as aloof and hard to talk to. My crush always tried to talk to me in class and still tries to talk to me when he sees me despite that.
Last semester he used to look at me alot but he would take quick glances.
This semester ever since we texted alot, he has been STARINGG me down when he passes by me in the hallway, if we make eye contact, he holds it but he doesnt say hi or anything, he will continue to keep staring if i look away.
HOWEVER he does goes out of his way to talk to me if we aren't passing by each other in the hallway. If I'm with a friend or alone at the library or in the hall, he will come up to talk to me and try to make conversation. He always carries it more though if im alone.
Just last week he texted me. I thought he didn't want to text anymore but i was wrong.
My friends think he absolutely does like me. Theyre like 'You guys are both SO obvious ..You are so shy and awkward and he's so stiff and awkward. It's so cute."


My friend(SpongeBob) brought me up in a middle of a fb convo with my crush's friend (Squidward). This isn't word for word btw. They had this covnersation TWO weeks ago but my friend decided not to tell me until now. In those 2 weeks, me and my crush already have talked and he's texted me already.

Spongebob was like "So you are friends with Optimus Prime? (My crush)"
Squidward was like "Yeah, we're best buds."
Spongebob was like "A girl I'm friends with likes him. Just wondering if he has a girlfriend."
Squidward was like "Is it Asian [Mynamehere]?" Which is funny. I never talked to Squidward in my whole life so idk how he knows my name. I know though that he guessed me because I'm the only friend thats a girl that Spongebob has. We never hang out in public though so Idk how he knows we're friends. 4laugh
Spongebob said yes. evil I can't believe she did that but Im not holding a grudge against her.
Squidward was like "Optimus Prime thinks shes cool and cute." 4laugh I'm guessing Optimus Prime must talk about me to Squidward because otherwise how would Squidward know who i am?? AND AH he thinks im cute 4laugh
Spongebob was like "Why doesn't he talk to her more then?"
Spongebob was like "polacks stick with other polacks. he also has a girlfriend now." crying
Spongebob later explained to me that it's frowned upon in the polish culture to date girls outside of their race. Optimus Prime did NOT have a girlfriend when we were texting & talking. I'm assuming he completely stopped texting me when he started dating this polish chick or started flirting with her. He's stared at me, tried to talk to me, and texted me BEFORE he dated this girl. But why wouldnt he stop AFTER he started dating the girl? confused
Later though.. Squidward got mad at Spongebob for betraying my trust or whatever. I guess he's one of those people who have a huge emphasis on trust. He was like "I won't tell Optimus Prime as long as you dont' tell [myname] that I know she likes him."
She wasn't supposed to tell me but she told me anyway.

Spongebob told me if Optimus Prime found out I like him, she thinks he would stare at me more and talk to me less.
My other friend thinks he would keep staring but just stop talking to me less than usual because he wouldnt want to lead me on.

Spongebob also thinks he must not like his girlfriend as much as he likes me if he's still talking to me, staring and even texting me. My other friend thinks he might even be forced into dating her bc of his parents or something.

I don't know. I think he really does like me since my friends think it's so obvious he does but just can't go for me because of his culture so he settled on that polish chick. crying

I'm planning to try to be better friends with him like talk to him more and stuff. Do you guys think it'd be okay to text him now but keep it platonic? sad I'm definitely not flirting with him or that'd chase him in the wrong direction.

What do you guys think about this whole thing? question neutral

A bit of background on my crush.. He's one of those really nice gentlemen geeky types. He's definitely not shy since he's always making conversation and even staring at me, obviously you cant be shy if you are like that.. but he's definitely awkward around me. 3nodding