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[PRP] Honey, There Is Just No Excuse For Me (Sharra + Saya)

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Azure Desiderium

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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 3:02 pm
The first breath of Amityville air hit his lungs like a knife in his insides.

Returning here had not been so much a choice, but a habit. As though the youth were but a zombie, having lost those last shreds of humanity that made it a person and knew only the basest of instincts. Not a completely dishonest comparison either, as all that Sharra was felt numb, even the emotions the sight of the grounds brought back to him seeming but a distant agony. Naught of his thoughts played across gaunt features, the boil missing some weight from his lean frame that he likely did not have to spare from the get-go. It made his features seem sharper, harder, something almost manic having crept into the blond's acidic green eyes.

The spines at his shoulders flickered with a soft whirring of clicks, a sound reminiscent of the fluttering of cricket's wings, a subtle tempo to which the tip of his tail twitched to and fro, the only clues to buried turmoil.

That he should find himself back here after wordlessly cutting all ties, after so catastrophically destroying the last vestiges of his life. Heh. Perhaps he should take on a new name to suit the creature that had returned, for he was entirely unlike the Sharra Eldwaithe that had gone running mindlessly from the school's gates. At least he would be, for all former, childish versions of himself would not survive the gauntlet to which he was about to subject his psyche.

He had returned in the darkness, a long double-breasted black coat pulled 'round his shoulders, draped over the snappy attire beneath. That, at least, had remained unchanged.

School would be miserable, but his aunts...

...they would not have wanted him to give up entirely.

A cold, curt, mirthless laugh breached his lips. To give up and waste away would have been infinitely easier, but pride was ever the Nergal's vice, and even in tatters as it was, he still possessed it. More a bane than a boon, he mused, and more laughable still as he was skulking along the edges of the dorms like an intruder. Very apt, as this place now felt alien, hostile.

Sharra Eldwaithe had finally found his way back, and yet he had never been so utterly lost.
PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 4:25 pm
Sayael had combed through the entire school looking for her brother, and found herself outside, a bit agitated that nothing had come up. Perhaps she was looking in the wrong places, or perhaps even the wrong way. It seemed as if the boil just didn't want to be found, which made no sense.

Nonetheless, she decided she needed a break before she went mad, and went outside to enjoy the cool air. Reaching back to fling her wily hair behind her shoulders, the sugar faerie squinted and saw a student in the distance.

Well that was strange, everyone else was inside, why was this particular one outside? She heard the clicks clearly, tilting her head curiously at them as she decided to meet this particular one in the middle. One foot in front of the other, step one, step two, to and fro, in we go...

Even stranger was his laugh, which was curious in itself. Was he mad? Possibly, but everyone was mad to a degree or so here... but it gathered her interest nonetheless, and upon approaching him she gave him her toothy grin, crossing her arms over her waist.

"H'lo there. Yer an interestin' one." Her cool accent floated out into the air, head tilting in a rather cute manner. "Are ye mad?"


Fallen Galaxy

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Azure Desiderium

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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 4:51 pm
She did not precisely conceal her approach, but by the time he had laid eyes on Sayael, it was altogether too late to avoid her. The faerie had clearly noticed him prior to his observation....ah well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. The ghoul seemed quite a character, and she hadn't even spoken a word yet.

Canting head towards his shoulder, pointed ears caught her query, "I'm the interesting one?" Another thrum of useless laughter. Her accent caused the spikes along his spine to ruffle in a soft chorus, a thrum of emotions putting forth a jarring chord to the orchestra of thoughts that ran 'round his head. That. That was familiar. Though this was no trial in comparison to what was certainly to arise in the future.

Dread curled in his belly like a snake, and he allowed it to pump venom through his veins. "You're quite the mad little bird yourself." A smirk, a flash of fang, a confidence derived from the stony distance the Nergal had erected - a terrible barrier to keep him from a different sort of madness, a loathing, insidious in its very nature, born from a very real sin. "But yes, you might say that I am a touch mad." A shrug. He did not particularly care what this unsettling lass thought. There was something off about her, and Sharra had no need to garner her fascination.

Alas, it might already be a bit late for that.
PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 5:03 pm
The faerie grinned all the wider, adjusting her feet so that it was more comfortable to stand. The branches that jutted out of her shoulders swayed a little bit, the enticing scent wafting his way as she shifted.

"Aye. We're all a little mad here." The grin never wavered, and she leaned close and breathed in his scent. There were no personal boundaries around her. "Ye smell... familiar. Why is that?"


Fallen Galaxy

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Azure Desiderium

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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 5:36 pm
She certainly smelled delicious for a crazy person.

Sharra shook his head in dismay, pupils dilating subtly as she careened nearer - in order to sniff at him, it would seem. Ah well, he had been sitting here inhaling the scent of the fruit that appeared to be a part of the ghoul, so in the end the demon supposed the exchange was a fair one. He did dislike that she wanted to be so very near in order to do so. It occurred to him that he hadn't garnered the touch of anyone, be they friend or foe, in some months. Not that he had an immediate desire to break that streak, mind.

Her question earned her another shrug from the slender boil. "I dunno, know many Nergal demons?" Nor was it his first time on campus, but that was information that he didn't find it pressing to divulge. This fey creature was no friend of his, and even if she had been, Sharra had plans to untangle himself from those last, grasping tendrils of guilt-ridden responsibility. Emotional ties needed to be severed permanently, for everyone's betterment.
PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 5:47 pm
No... that familiar scent that was so shared between her father and her brother... there was no mistaking it, as faint as it actually was. She was around her father enough to differentiate the smell of when he was around.

"Nay... ye smell like a gancanagh." Another whiff of him, near his collarbone, told her for a fact that she was, indeed, quite right. Leaning back and resting on her heels, Sayael pursed her lips and licked her teeth, tilting her head. Unfortunate that the smell was very faint, but she watched his face carefully to see what his reaction was, her yellow pupils intent.


Fallen Galaxy

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Azure Desiderium

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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 6:12 pm
Her accent had already raised his hackles, putting the Nergal in an uncomfortable crux of emotion. It had not, however, prepared Sharra for her proclamation. His eyes narrowed, something defiant and hostile rising in his expression. Marosa. Another faraway wrench at the weight in the core of his being, old wounds left to rot and fester. The feelings he had harbored towards the winged boil had not been entirely chaste, and of that he was certain even Hadiyya had been aware. They had both been....beloved; they had meant the world to him. And he had fled home, certain of his ability to communicate the emergency to them once he had arrived.

But abandonment had followed. Looking back now, Sharra was glad that at least they had been spared his catastrophe, and the Nergal fully intended to keep it that way.

It had been so long, he was surprised that she could garner anything at all from him. He had a fleeting thought that mayhap she knew something. Another fae? Heh. It was likely she'd talked to the gancanagh, or perhaps shared a connection even closer. Relatives, perhaps.

Just his Jack-damned luck.

She was clearly of the sort that relished her tidbits of chaos, and Sharra wasn't precisely keen on giving her any more fuel. "Well one would have to get really close to rub off, wouldn't they?" He quipped, tone full of unbridled snark, a challenge in the words.
PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 6:19 pm
Genuine surprise showed in her features, and Sayael's arms dropped as she unabashedly stared at him, lips parting as she took a breath.

"You slept with a gancanagh!?" Really, what else could this boil have meant when he stated that he'd gotten really close? Either that or intense kissyfaces, and she knew it didn't stop at just that.

The sugar faerie was unable to suppress her shudder as she thought of the many times her father had led someone into the chambers she'd never dared explore.

He might have not been keen on giving her fuel, but he'd unwittingly given her a ton of it to use for her own whims.

The surprise shifted to amusement, and the faerie was unable to contain her giddy laughter as she reached up to shove his shoulder, her cackle growing louder.

"Ye say ye got close. Ye had to tae have THAT stench on ye!"


Fallen Galaxy

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Azure Desiderium

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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 7:08 pm
He'd startled her, and that amused him enough for a thin, icy smile. "I never minded the smell, myself." It was calm, almost eerily so. Sharra was not at all a fan of the shoving, however, and gloved fingers brushed over his coat and spines, the nergal extras flexing in time to the gesture.

Some part of him had a strong desire for enhanced senses such as hers, to experience some part of Marosa, of Yaya.... again without the agony that was sure to coincide. This was a hell entirely of his own contrivance, but that did not mean that some distant, vulnerable part of him did yearn for solace. His resolve was staunch in these moments, however, in the course he had chosen. If he had ever loved them at all, he would stand firm.

"So did you come over to heckle me, or just inquire about my sexual exploits?" But for now he had to find a way to rid himself of the faerie pest he'd acquired.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:00 am
"Nhhh." She tilted her head, pressing a finger to her lips. "Hmmmm." What had she stopped for? "HMMMM." Stepping forward again, the faerie leaned close enough to touch noses with Sharra, her grin plastered on her face.

"... yer funny!" Yes. Indeed, this one was crazy. "So... do ye love him? Or do ye hate him? Or.... is it something else?" She walked around him now, reaching up to tuck a stray hair behind his ear, pick threads off, and otherwise... grooming the nergal in a rather neat and helpful manner. "If ye want, we could have lunch, too. Dependin' on yer answer." Sayael stopped in front of him again, arms crossed, eyes far too familiar with another's, despite them being a different color. Really, she almost had the same look...

Azure Desiderium


Fallen Galaxy

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Azure Desiderium

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:57 pm

Clicking his tongue in disapproval, Sharra had had about enough of this maddening creature. The ghoul clearly enjoyed being an utter pest, and that was absolutely the last sort of torment that the demon required in his life at this point.

He even went so far as to roll his eyes.

Right now his priority lay on doing anything but dwell on her probing queries, flippant and scathing in the most light-hearted, playful manner possible. It was hard to believe that she was of a species akin to Marosa's own. "What does it matter?" His lip curled at that, flashing fang in an almost aggressive mannerism. "I certainly don't have anything to do with him now." And he was going to do his best to keep it that way (though due to backdated RP, we know you're full of s**t, Sharra), strive to protect that severed connection from any future backlash.

Already Saya's welcome was making him rethink his mindless meander back to the school grounds.

Swatting at the 'helpful' grooming as a dismissal, he still refused to back away or otherwise give any ground to the obtrusive faerie.

Oh Jacking no he wasn't going to lunch with her.

A thin, hard, mirthless smirk transformed his angular features, "No. No. And also no. I don't do things with creeple."

Not anymore.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:06 am
How positively boring. That wasn't the answer she had expected - she thought he was going to be a little more loud and less... controlled.

"Suit yourself." Waving a hand, Sayael yawned and shook her head, finding that her entertainment was winding down. He was not pleasing her chaotic need anymore, and seemed adamant in his ways of being a downer.

Well, at least he said he wasn't going to bother Marosa any more. No, there was really nothing more for her here. She'd have to continue her search elsewhere.

"I'm bored with you now. Shoo." And Saya waggled her fingers, making a 'scoot along' motion.

Azure Desiderium
Ohman just wait until they meet again after the time skip and he finds out she's actually Marosa's sister HAH


Fallen Galaxy

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Azure Desiderium

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:43 am
Though his spines were definitely bristled, Saya didn't have the proper cards in her hand to set Sharra off....not after everything that had happened to him of late. Currently he was bitter, jaded, and wallowing in a certain amount of icy self-loathing that he was very vehemently clinging to like a stubborn child.

Yes. He was most adamant about being a downer.

"I will, thank you." Came his snapped reply.

He had been going places before he distinctly undesired interruption. Not to mention her absolute derision about his past-tense relationship choices. Clearly this ghoul had no sense of boundaries.

To indicate precisely how disdainful he was about the encounter, the demon gave her a little half-bow. "Of course, I live to please." Fraught with sarcasm, the blond turned on his heel and began to stalk away, tail snapping back and forth like a frenzied metronome. It was time to see just how much of a mess had been made of his things in his absence.

Sharra is going to be so livid about her oh gosh XD
PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:18 am
Saya couldn't help herself - she cackled at his bow, more than delighted by the way she clapped her hands together.

Yes, she could definitely have fun with this one later... if he was still around when she was.

Oh! She never caught his name. ... ah well, she'd get it later. But for now? She let him go. There would be time for fun later.

Azure Desiderium


Fallen Galaxy

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