Well, I won't say much but yes, these are about someone who I will never reveal twisted

1. Why I love you. (the most recent from all of these.)

I love you.
because you're perfect,
because you're not,
because my heart is empty,
and you're all that I've got.
Because of your laugh,
because of your smile,
because you're my eternity,
in just a little while.
Because of your warmth,
and how it radiates to me,
because of you confidence,
to let me run free.
I really don't know,
what it is you do,
but you're doing it right,
because I love you.

2. Young

You swore to me your dreams,

You made mine reality,

You use the word love,

Promised me its immortality.

But where do we go from there?

Waste away after we reach our goals?

Im far too young and immature,

To promise you my heart and soul .

You trusted me with a fragile heart,

Set it at the palm of my shaking hand,

Shattering,slipping through my fingers,

leaving behind small pieces of sand.

In the end, im young,

And in the end , your broken

Finally giving up, you walk away,

And Im left with these grains as a token.

3. First Love. (sorry for the messy writing, its old and I went with feeling, I didn't edit it because I didn't want it to lose that feeling I had.)

I remember that smile,

The day I said yes,

My cheeks burning hot,

and your stuttering words a mess.

I remember your gaze,

and your softening eyes,

That smile that widened,

When I saw through your lies.

We were so young,

Didn't know a thing about love,

Yet we felt it,

and it rose us above...

I remember your eyes,

That lingered with sadness,

As our palms pressed together,

and we said our goodbyes.

You were my first love,

Held my heart in your hands,

and there it will stay,

Always yours to command.

Feeling shattered and weak,

After you move on with another,

My heart cowers in fear,

at the touch of a lover.

My love for you,

Has shrunken to dust,

kept in a heart shaped locket,

Reminding me never to trust.