This is a useless rant, but I have just wanted to get music on my phone for months and months now, but my phone just had to be a strange phone and have unavailable drivers to do this, which I find out after all those months, and it drives me nuts. And the only available things are third party sources which I will no accept as they often follow with viruses (or they always have for me), and so I will not risk my computer getting ANOTHER virus.

GAH!!!! For around the past 5 months, I have just wanted to download some dang music onto my phone! My computer is enough of a pain to deal with, constantly not having what I need, being overly virus-prone, etc. And I searched my house for every last dang plug that could fit my phone and plug it into my computer. Finally, my computer accepts the dang thing, only to say that the drivers aren't installed on my computer and therefore, it won't accept my phone! Next, I risk downloading a stupid driver for my phone in hopes that it will work and I could just get some music onto it! But nope! I found out it only installed 2 out of the 3 drivers that I so desperately needed for my computer to recognize my phone was plugged in! Then I go crazy and find all these websites that had the driver I needed, all with poor reviews saying that the driver was a fake and that it didn't exist! Then I finally look at a post someone made about how they called with the same issues as me, and customer support said they didn't have the driver and that the drivers would have to be obtained through software I would have to pay money for! It's an old phone, but really! I just wanted some music on there! And no, I can't record any of the songs that I want because my phone will record 98% static and only 2% music! Ugh! I give up with this dang thing! It's got everything I need but the ability to record music well, to record videos, and to hold more than 40 pictures. I can't wait until I get a new phone. I've had this one for 3 years, and it was updated those 3 years ago! Then again, three years ago is like thirty compared to how fast things have advanced...