In Lan’s hand a candle that flicked yellow gold light. It was fitting in her mind, casting the proper shadows needed to accent the old rotting prision, but it also worked well in how it made her dress sparkle and reflect light while she moved. She would be the radiant death that would arrive swiftly and with no mercy. At least that was what Lan hoped to be. One had to set high goals when one already was near perfection after all.

Joined on the task was the sage, though she wasn’t sure why two of the higher castes needed to be present for this hunt of hunters. Holding out the candle she glared at the old no longer glowing runes on the wall, why hunters had to mark everything- She marked over it with her nail, carving in the symbol of the clans.
“Do humans really think that their automations will one day be of any threat to us? More of an annoyance I mean.” Because they did becoming annoying after a while. Especially when you were trying to cleanly cut off a head to bring home to show off.
enoh love