Lan didn’t know what to say, let alone tell Lifen. ‘Good news Lifen! Not only did I make a fool of myself I might have just walked into a scandal and have heaps of sham thrust upon me!’ No, that certainly would not do. Much less be productive to any sort of good healthy conversation about things. Things like horsemen. And romance. And wondering how Lifen expressed her feelings to Mengyao without being a fool where as all Lan could do was be a fool like a fool.

A heavy sigh as she walked through the quarters, towards Lifen AND Mengyao’s dwelling, she hoped that the taller noble wouldn’t be there. She just wanted time to talk to Lifen. Alone. Aboil horsemen oh god maybe she could just sneak back to her own home and no one would notice-
Too late.
A soldier posted not to far had seen her and he was keeping an eye on her. Lan pretended not to notice, making her way, (as slowly as possible) towards the home of her friends. Upon arrival, a simple knock, and request to see Lifen. Overall, Lan just wanted to talk about feelings and the fact that hey-
She’d kissed a horseman and she’d liked it.